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Early Middle Ages

Module 10 Lessons 3,4,5 and Module 11 Lesson 1

What were monasteries? (Lesson 3) Religious centers of education for monks and nuns
Who or what preserved Greek and Roman knowledge (Lesson 3) The monasteries
Who united Western Europe for the last time? (Lesson 3) Charlemagne
What did monasteries do/have? (Lesson 3) Copy books, maintain libraries, and have schools
What was another name for the Middle Ages? (Lesson 3) The Medieval Period
What time period did the Middle Ages take place? (Lesson 3) 500 to 1500 AD
Classical heritage of Greece and Rome, practice of Christianity, and customs and values of various Germanic tribes are all _______ (Lesson 3) Roots and foundations of Early Europe
The loss of Roman and Greek knowledge, and the loss of a common language are 2 changes caused by? (Lesson 3) Constant invasions in the Western Roman empire
What is feudalism? (Lesson 4) A system of loyalties and protections based on mutual obligations
What is manorialism? (Lesson 4) a basic economic system that grew out of and supported Fuedalism
Who were at the top of the social class structure? (Lesson 4) Monarch & Pope
Who was at the bottom of the social class structure? (Lesson 4) Serfs
Who comes after the serfs in the social class structure? (Lesson 4) Knights
Who comes after knights in the social class structure? (Lesson 4) Vassal
Who comes after vassals in the social class structure? (Lesson 4) Noble/Lord
What was a manor? (Lesson 4) A big area of land that is owned by a knight or noble
What was usually on a manor? (Lesson 4) The usually had a mill, some had a lake or pond, and they all had a church
Why was a manor self-sufficient? (Lesson 4) People didn't rely on their neighbors, they were afraid to leave the stability and protection given to them, and they had everything they needed in their kingdom.
True or false: Life on the manor was very easy and not harsh (Lesson 4) False: Life on the manor was often difficult and harsh.
What was Chivalry? (Lesson 5) A code of conduct for knights
True or False: Bravery, selfishness, cruelty, and loyalty were all values that knights were supposed to follow (Lesson 5) False: Cruelty and Selfishness were not values that knights were supposed to follow
True or False: Bravery, honesty, loyalty, and compassion are all values that knights were supposed to follow (Lesson 5) True: Knights were expected to be brave, honest, loyal, and compassionate.
What was the order of the steps to knighthood? (Lesson 5) First Page, then Squire, and finally Knight
At what age was a boy sent off to a castle to learn manners and fighting skills? (Lesson 5) 7
The step of knighthood that started at the age of 14 was _____ (Lesson 5) Squire
True or False: The step of being a Knight after years of training starts at the age of 14 (Lesson 5) False: The stage of being a Knight starts at the age of 21
Knights were supposed to defend their _____, _____, and ______. (lesson 5) lord, God, chosen lady
Could anybody, even serfs, become a knight? (Lesson 5) No, a boy had to come from noble blood to become a knight.
Why did a page or squire look up to a knight? (Lesson 5) They could learn from them on how to become a knight.
What was the most dominant institution in the Middle Ages? (Leson 11) The Church
Monasteries were ______. (Lesson 11) Religious communities and centers for learning
What was the main goal of every person in the Middle Ages? (Lesson 11) Do what they were told, not question anything or their position in life, and to be a good Christian.
What was the main role of Women in society? (Lesson 11) To take care of their home and their children.
True or False: The King/Monarch had more power than the Roman Catholic Church/Pope (Lesson 11) False: The Church/Pope had more power than the Monarchy
The Church had the power to do what? (Lesson 11) Excommunicate, or take away someone's ability to reach heaven.
Created by: 27etrauth
Popular History sets




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