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Period 4

Election of 1800 Jefferson & Burr and Hamilton chooses to support Jefferson
"Revolution" of 1800 Peaceful transfer of power to Democratic-Republicans
Revolution vs Restraint Revolution: 1. Pardoned those convicted under Alien Acts 2. Naturalization Law of 1802 3. Repealed excise tax Restraint: 1. All federalists and republicans equal 2. Kept Hamilton's econ plan
Jeffersonian ideal Was very ideological in Locke and democracy but during presidency was forced to be more practical
Louisiana Purchase(1803) Jefferson purchased Louisiana from Napoleon which was a controversial decision of whether he had that power to make the decision
Tripolitan War(1801-1805) Without British fleet, American ships were left helpless against Barbary pirates Jefferson forced to raise a small navy to avoid paying massive tribute
The Embargo of 1807 Conflict between French and British disallowed American ships to trade there Embargo was to try and force the two nations to accept the trade but the warring nations did not need the American goods
Embargo Forbade the export of all goods
Non-Intercourse Act(1809) Reopened trade once America had suffered too much from embargo act Did lead to increase in industrialization
James Madison(1809-1817) 4th president Faced opposition from Federalists as well as many eager young men
Macon's Bill(1810) If either France or British started trading again, America would place embargo on the other nation
War Hawks Eager young men from the South and West that wanted to fight the British Wanted to wipe out the Native threat as well
Tecumseh Known as "the prophet" Vibrant movement of Natives to push against the whites British armed the Natives which only further led to tension
War of 1812 Named for 1 year but took 3 year to fight Main cause was due to excessive British impressionment of American sailors
Battle of Tippecanoe(1811) William Harrison defeat Native forces in Battle of Tippecanoe Americans blame British for arming the Natives
Purpose of war of 1812 Remove threat of Native Americans for westward expansion Remove British threat of impressioning and Canada
Failed Invasions of Canada During the war, the Americans fail 3 times invading Canada
Burning of Washington(1814) British invasion of the Capital and they burned a bunch of stuff
Battle of Baltimore(1814) Where the star-spangled banner was made
Treaty of Ghent(1814) Ended war No land lost or conceded Crowned as a victory against the mighty Britain
Battle of Horseshoe Bend(1814) Andrew Jackson becomes well known war hero
War heroes People like Harrison, Jackson, and other war heroes become next generation of political leaders
Battle of New Orleans(1815) Pointless battle fought after treaty Americans still won the battle
Demise of Federalist party(1814) Hamilton died in 1804 Hartford Convention
Hartford Convention(1814) Federalist states(Massachusetts, Rhode Island, CT) sent delegates to demand financial assistance More demands Threatened to leave Union Just seemed very traitorous and wrong after the war ended in victory
Federalist view on war Did not want war of 1812 Merchants made profits from the European war Sympathetic to British Believed war was just means to increase agrarian land
Era of Good Feelings(1817-1825) Period that reflected a sense of national purpose & desire for unity among Americans
James Monroe(1817-1825) 5th president
Chief Justice John Marshall(1801-1835) First chief justice Nominated by Adams Believes US Constitution created a Federal government with strong & flexible powers
Marbury vs Madison(1803) Established Judicial review
Judicial review Ability for courts to review congressional laws, presidential actions, and constitutionality of state laws and actions
McCulloch vs Maryland(1819) Deemed the National Bank constitutional under the "necessary and proper" clause
Treaty of 1818 Acquired the British cession
Adams-Onis Treaty(1819) Acquired the Florida cession
Monroe Doctrine(1823) 1: US would not get involved with European affairs 2: US would not interfere with existing European colonies in the Western Hemisphere 3: No other nation could form a new colony in Western Hemisphere 4: If did so, then US would view as hostile act
Russo-American Treaty(1824) Set border between Russian American & Oregon country
Slavery expansion Expanded into many of the newly added western states 12 free and 12 slave states
"The Great(Missouri) Compromise" Henry Clay's compromise Admits Maine as a free state and Missouri a slave state Creates the Missouri Compromise line
Missouri Compromise line Anything above it is admitted as a free state Anything below it is admitted as a slave state
American nationalism Developing a self-reliant economy Creating art and artists More profound architecture/literature
American sectionalism Division by slavery Technological advancements utilize slavery More transportation in North North vs South stuff
The Market Revolution(Pre-civil war) Transformation of US economy due to mechanization & expansion of industry and the integration of both domestic and foreign economic markets
Factors to Market Revolution 1: Tech advancements in transportation 2: Growing demand & employment in factory jobs 3: Increased urban migration 4: Agricultural shift away from subsistence farming
Transcendentalism Promotion of intuitive thinking and thinking about choices of free will
The American System(1824) Create National Bank Protective tariff Internal improvements
National bank Goal is to regulate currency and provide easy and abundant credit
Tariff of 1816 Goal is to protect American industry
Internal improvements Build national transportation system Link economies of North & South
Age of Andrew Jackson(1828-1848) Rampant growth and sectionalism
New "common man" democracy Government by the people
Causes to Jackson's Age Universal white male suffrage Panic of 1819 Missouri Compromise
Panic of 1819 1st major US financial crisis National Bank becomes scapegoat
Election of 1824 Four candidates:Clay, John Quincy Adams, Jackson, and Crawford Jackson gets most votes but not majority Corrupt Bargain occurs and leads to JQA being elected
Corrupt Bargain Apparent deal where Clay and JQA helped each other Where Clay voted for JQA and Clay becomes Secretary of State
John Quincy Adams(1824-1828) 6th president Was an aloof but stubborn and rigid president Federalist
Mudslinging After election of 1824, more popular to like trash talk the other party Less about the platform and more about appeal to common people
Rise of the second 2-party system Now Federalists vs Democrats
Election of 1828 Another political revolution where the power once again returns to Democrats Jackson is now elected Represents rise of Common Man Democracy End of Era of Good Feelings
Whigs Like Federalists Strong govt opposed expansion of slavery
Democrats State Rights Pro-slavery
Election of 1840 Harrison(Whig) vs Van Buren(Democrat) Campaigned on slogans not issues Harrison wins
Andrew Jackson(1829-1837) 7th president
Martin Van Buren(1837-1841) 8th president Left with economic turmoil from Jackson
William Harrison(1841) 9th president Died quickly after inauguration
Jackson flaws Spoils System National Bank Nullification Indian Removal
Spoils system Made public office positions taken by party supporters
Jackson's view on National Bank Believed bank gave wealthy too much power Jackson vetoes the National Bank
Nullification of the Tariff of 1828 Tariff protected manufacturing enterprises But South could not sell to GB as much so opposed tariffs Calhoun drafted nullification declaring tariffs unconstitutional Jackson dealt with it through force, led to desire to leave Union by South Carolina
Indian Removal Act 1830 To stop disputes between Natives and Americans, forced Natives to move west Was extremely harsh on the Natives to just leave
2nd Great Awakening(1820-1840s) Constant preaching begins to lose its impact Focuses more on the positive view of human nature emphasis on choice
Woman in 19th century Increase in gender differences/roles Men had to work so woman served as model for family Belief that too much learning undermined ability of woman to get married
Cult of domesticity Woman's place in home was to create an uplifting environment for children & husband
Temperance movement Complete abstinence from alcohol
Seneca Falls Convention(1848) The Declaration of Sentiments All woman are equal to men Called for access to education and equal job opportunities
Educational reform Shift towards better quality education
Asylum reform Reform prisons and bring more attention to mentally ill
Nativists & Know-Nothing party Feared newcomers would take their jobs More anti-foreign feeling
Immigration Mostly Irish and German immigrants
Created by: whnd
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