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Critics of New Deal

American Liberty League (1934) 1) made of top corp figures, Al Smith (former 1928 Democratic candidate), and other disgruntled Democrats. 2) believed the New Deal restricted individual freedom & pointed the way to socialism.
Charles E. Coughlin background 1) Canadian born priest and radio spellbinder. 2) Claimed he had an audience of 40 mil for his volatile brew of economics, politics, and piety. 3) first supported New Deal. 4) by 1935, condemned FDR as a “great betrayer and liar.”
What did Charles E Coughlin want? 1) Called for nationalization of the banks. 2) radio followers organized as the National Union of Social Justice (mostly urban lower middle class and small businessmen) to threaten FDR’s 1936 electoral hopes – FDR still wins in a landslide.
Francis E. Townsend 1) Rallied millions of older Americans. 2) wanted gov to pay $200 each month to all retired citizens over 60 years of age 3) Money must be spent within 30 days.
Would Townsend's ideas have worked? 1) he thought it would help elderly, stimulate the economy, & open up jobs by encouraging early retirement. 2) in reality, it would lead to bankruptcy
Huey Long background 1) flamboyant political hell raiser from Louisiana. 2) played the buffoon, but was highly intelligent. 3) Became governor in 1928 & ruled the state as his own kingdom while building highways, schools, & public housing. Became a senator in 1932.
Did Huey Long Support the new deal at first ? yes, he endorsed the New Deal, but then had presidential aspirations so he became a critic.
What was Huey Long's idea? 1) “Share Our Wealth” Program 2) 100% tax on all annual incomes over $1 mil & appropriation of all fortunes in excess of $5 million. 3) Use money to give every family a nice income, a house, a car, old-age benefits, & free educational opportunities.
Supporters of Huey Long 1) His attacks on the rich and powerful appealed to those resentful of the uneven distribution of wealth. 2) Boasted 7.5 million supporters by 1935. 3) Killed by an assassin’s bullet in September 1935.
Did the Supreme Court support the new deal? no
What do historians critics now say abt the new deal? 1) FDR was a dictator/ fascist 2) programs were socialist 3) prolonged depression
Created by: kayla57575
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