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Civil War+Section...

US History

Popular Sovereignty
Election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln won, 7 states immediately seceded because they though Lincoln would ban slavery
Fort Sumter, South Carolina the Confederacy took over Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, Lincoln ordered troops to put down the rebellion, and 4 more states secede from the Union
Habeas Corpus the right to appear before a judge and know why you are being held and what crimes you committed
The Anaconda Plan “strangle” the South, prevent Southern commerce and trade, and re-conquer the South – “preserve the Union”
Battle of Antietam, Maryland Bloodiest battle in history, Union won which boosted morale, after this Lincoln presented the emancipation proclamation
Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania only battle in the Civil War fought on Northern soil, huge Union victory and turning point
Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in border states, U.S. was no longer fighting a war to preserve the Union, now they were fighting a war to free the slaves
New York City Draft Riots male citizens were subject to military duty, caused 3 days of looting on the East Side with 50,000 people involved in
Manifest Destiny to expand from sea to sea
Louisiana Purchase purchased for $15 million from France in a treaty made by President Jefferson and Napoleon
Florida acquired by the Adams-Onis Treaty from Spain, negotiated by JQA under the Monroe presidency
Texas Owned by Mexico, Americans settled the lands and declared their independence from Mexico, they created the Republic of Texas and joined as a state in 1845
Gadsden Purchase Purchased by the U.S. from Mexico for $10 million for railroad routes.
Oregon Territory U.S. and Britain disputed over control, president James K. Polk ran under the slogan "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!”
Missouri Compromise Maine can enter as a free state; Missouri must enter as a slave state, later deemed unconstitutional
Compromise of 1850 California enters as a free state; Mexican Cession decided by popular sovereignty
Kansas-Nebraska Act Slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories were to be decided by popular sovereignty
Bleeding Kansas Pro-slavery supporters rushed to Kansas to cast a ballot, John Brown and his anti-slavery supporters (free soilers) also rushed to Kansas to cast a ballot, violence ensued
U.S. Senate Floor Southern Congressman Preston Brooks attacked abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner on the Senate floor, supporters of Brooks passed out replica canes to demonstrate their support for slavery
Harper’s Ferry, VA John Brown breaks into a federal weapons arsenal, Goal: Arm slaves to incite rebellion, U.S. Marines storm the arsenal, capture Brown, he is put on trial, found guilty, and sentences to deal
Scott v. Sanford Dred Scott is a slave, John Sanford is his owner, they live in Missouri, Sanford moves with Scott to Minnesota, Scott believes he is free of slavery and sues, Decision: Scott can’t sue – he’s property, not a citizen
Fugitive Slave Act Allowed slave owners to recapture runaway slaves even in free states, upset the North and propelled the Civil War
Created by: MadisonFoleyReis
Popular U.S. History sets




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