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U.S. History

U.S. History S1 Final Exam Study Guide

How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire change the workplace? This event brought attention to the dangerous working conditions in manufacturing
What is a Muckraker? What did they do? These are journalists
What did Upton Sinclair's The Jungle do? This work exposed the working conditions in the meatpacking industry
What did the Pure Food and Drug Act do? This prohibited the sale of poor quality food and drugs
How did W.E.B. Du Bois think African Americans would advance in American society? African American civil rights leader who promoted African American education and criticized the government's acceptance of racial segregation.
How did Booker T. Washington think African Americans would advance in Ameican society? African American civil rights leader who told Black people to move slowly towards progress through hard work and time
What time period saw these Constitutional Amendments: federal income tax directed election of senators
What was the goal of the NAACP? This group tries to ensure the political
What was the Great Migration - who was moving and why? In the late 1800s~1920s African Americans were leaving the south to avoid strict segregation laws and get better housing
How did the U.S. acquire the Alaskan territory? The United States acquired this territory by purchasing it from Russia
What were the main reasons the U.S. wanted to be imperialistic? There was a desire for new markets for its industrial products and a belief in the racial and cultural superiority of Americans
How did rapid industrial growth encourage the U.S. to created an empire? Many young people
What is Social Darwinism? The belief that those who are successful got their because they were the "fittest
What is yellow journalism and how did it help cause the Spanish-American War? ___ is journalism based upon sensationalism and crude exaggeration
Why did some people want the U.S. to encourage remain isolated of becoming imperialistic? After WWI Americans believed that the United States' participation in that the nineteen months of the bloody conflict had been a mistake
What territories did the U.S. gain after the Spanish-American War? Puerto Rico and Guam
What did the U.S. get to do after helping Panama gain its independence? Panama signed a treaty allowing the U.S. to build
What is "big stick" diplomacy? Which president is it associated with? Theodore's ideology with international relationships
What is "moral" or "missionary" diplomacy? Which president is it associated with? President Woodrow Wilson's policy that the US had a moral responsibility to deny diplomatic recognition to any Latin American government that was not democratic
What is "dollar" diplomacy? Which president is it associated with? William Howard Taft's policy to extend a country's financial power to boost its international influence
What were the root causes of World War I? Militarism
What is a mutual defense alliance? A type of alliance where they promise to support and defend each other
What was the immediate cause of WWI The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
What is "neutrality"? Who was president during WWI? abstention of a country's (in this case) participation in a war
How did the sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note help pull the U.S. into WWI? This helped pressure President Wilson to ask Congress for a declaration of war and added a sense of urgency
Why did the U.S. refuse the sign the Treaty of Versailles? Senators thought this could lead American troops into further wars to settle European disputes
What was a flapper? What did they symbolize? These were women who wore short skirts
What was prohibition? How did it lead to the rise of organized crime? Prohibition was the banning of production
Who were Sacco and Vanzetti? What happened to them? Italian immigrant anarchists who were controversially accused of murdering Alessandro Berardelli and Frederick Parmenter
Why was the Scopes "Monkey" Trial signifigant? This was viewed as an opportunity to publicly advocate for the legitimacy of Darwin's theory of evolution
What caused the farming crisis in the 1920's? Prices for crops fell after WW1 while farmers continued to over produce without the demand from the war
What were the causes of the Great Depression? The collapse of world trade due to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff; government policies; bank failures and panics; and the collapse of the money supply
Why were shantytowns called "Hoovervilles"? President Herbert Hoover's ineffective relief policies
What was the unemployment rate during the Great Depression? 24.9%
Who made up the "Bonus" army and what were they doing? 10
What was the purpose of FDR's New Deal? This aimed to restore prosperity to Americans
What did the Social Security Act do during the New Deal? This created a social insurance program designed to pay retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement
How did the New Deal increase the power of the federal Government? Why did some people dislike it? This increased the authority of the federal government in industrial relations and gave further organizing power to labor unions
What was the non-aggression pact? Germany and the Soviet Union agreeing that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them
How did totalitarian dictators rise to power in the 1930s Europe? They gained power through promises to fix the economy
What is the policy of appeasement? _____ is pacifying an aggrieved country through negotiation in order to prevent war
What did Winston Churchill mean when he said "Britain and France had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor. They will have war." What was he referring to?
What style of government did Stalin use? Soviet Communist Party
What style of government did Hitler use? Totalitarian
What style of government did Tojo use? Authoritarian government
What style of government did Mussolini use? Fascism
How did "Rosie the Riveter" symbolize the new role of women in the workforce? Propaganda of a female factory worker flexing her muscle
Why were Japanese-Americans put in internment camps in WWII? Many Americans worried that citizens of Japanese ancestry would act as spies or saboteurs for the Japanese government
Why are there often many technological advances in times of war? To solve specific military needs
What was the effect of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor? This crippled or destroyed nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes
Which U.S. president made the decision to drop the atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima? President Harry S. Truman
What happened at the Nuremberg Trials? This uncovered the German leadership that supported the Nazi dictatorship
What was the purpose of the Nazi's "Final Solution"? Systematic mass murder of Jews (last stage of the Holocaust
Created by: 355334
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