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cotterman ss midterm

midterm review for mr cotterman 2022 us history

5 territories of the us American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
which court case is responsible for judicial review Marbury v. Madison
difference between judge and justice justice reviews higher cases
1st amendment idea that prohibits govt from permitting a religion establishment clause
which amendment was the result of King George III housing troops in citizens house third amendment
GDP Gross Domestic Product, amount of money made by a country domesticaly
GNP Gross National Product, amount of money made by a country through domestic and foreign affairs
economy The process by which goods and services are produced
monopoly an individual corporation or trust with full control of a certain industry
supply Amount of goods that are available
demand Desire to acquire goods and services
currency standardized money used as a medium of exchange
debt something that is owed/due
managed economy government intervention to manage the production of goods and services
Laissez Faire economic ideology in which the government has no control of the economy
corporation legal identity that is separate from its owners that possesses many of the same rights as its owners but limits the owners liability
economic cycle the rise and fall of a nations economy over the course of a period of time
nativism policies protecting native born inhabitants against immigrants
skyscraper type of building built to increase square footage without taking up too much horizontal space
tenement a room/rooms for separate residence in the same house
political machine political organization within a political party that controls all activity in an entire city and were usually very corrupt
party boss leader of a political party often holding a lot of power over the members of the party
graft illegal use of political power/fraud
individualism ideology of self-sufficency
social darwinism ideology that richer citizens used as an excuse for the wealth. states that poorer people are poor because they are weak and wealthier people earned in through strength and deserve their wealth
philanthropy the desire to promote the welfare of others via donations
settlement house building in a city providing social services
americanization making a character or thing of American nationality
populism political philosophy that tries to sway the votes of ordinary people
greenbacks slang for dollar bill
inflation prices raising due to the increase in the amount of currency
graduated income tax way of taxation in which tax percentages increase as your income increases
deflation decrease in prices due to a loss in the amount of currency
cooperatives democratic voters working together to benefit
poll tax high taxes on voting polls meant to stop colored people from being able to vote
segregation separation and unfair treatment of different races
Jim Crow laws laws limiting the social powers of colored people
lynch murder via mob for alleged offences without legal/proper trial
muckraker reform-minded journalists who claimed to expose corruption
direct primary a primary in which nominations are made directly
initiative ability to initiate things independently
referendum a vote on a decision that has been asked to a single person directly in order to control the outcome
recall mass withdrawal of a product in its industry or person from office
suffrage the right to vote
prohibition the act of prohibiting something by law, in the case of the U.S., alcohol
arbitration a form of settling disputes
insubordination negligence in a working enviornment
income tax taxation on the money citizens make
unfair trade practices Unethical and immoral ways of obtaining a business
what is industrialization the development of industries in a country or region
why did america industrialize America industrialized due to rapid growth in immigration and rapid growth from farms to cities
What were america's natural resources during its rise of industry Iron, Coal, Lumber, and Steel
why did factories move to cities New factories had to be located near power and transportation which is most prevalent in more urban areas
entrepreneur person who manages and organizes a business
Time zone region in which a certain standardized time is used
land grant gift of real estate
economies of scale economical success due to the scale of the operation
industrial union union formed between all workers in a certain industry
lockout exclusion of employees from there place of work in order to get the companies needs met
injunction authoritative warning
closed shop a labor arrangement in which the employer must hire non unionized members
who are robber barons robber barons are business owners who monopolize industries and became rich through ruthless practices
who was Andrew Carnegie robber baron who monopolized the steel industry
who was John D. Rockefeller robber baron who monopolized the oil industry
who are philanthropists A person who donates time, money, or skills to help create a better world
What is the gospel of wealth book written by Carnegie that argued that the ultra rich had a responsibility to be philanthropists
Trust when multiple companies in a certain industry come together in order to monopolize that industry and split the liability on certain issues
what is vertical integration process of acquiring business operation on every level in order to create a monopoly
what is horizontal integration taking control of all business operations on the same level in order to create a monopoly
what is the purpose of a labor union to give workers power so they can negotiate for better workers rights
what tactics did labor unions use striking, picketing, boycotting
arbitration resolving a dispute via the use of a 3rd party
what is progressivism a way of thinking that focuses on social progress. It is a philosophical movement and political movement that is the idea that human beings improve as they progress over time
what are the goals of progressivism protection of social welfare, promote moral movement, economic reform, fostering efficiency
who are Muckrakers journalists who claimed to expose political and economic corruption
what did the 19th amendment do gave women the right to vote
who wanted to bring about change in the progressive era Christian organizations
what was the Sherman anti-trust act it broke up many business monopolies to prevent price gouging
what is the 18th amendment began prohibition of alcohol
what is the governments involvement in progressivism the gov. expanded its role in the economy, leading to higher taxes and many citizens were given a larger say in government as well
what is the 17th amendment allowed direct elections for senators
what is the 16th amendment graduated income tax. wealthier people now needed to pay more on income tax in order to make everything equal
what was the pure food and drug act upgraded health standards for food production and regulate the food industry
how did the government respond to laissez-faire policies they expanded the role of the federal government in the economy which led to higher taxes
what was the federal trade commision it investigated unfair business practices
what was the Clayton act said that a business owner could be prosecuted for trying to create monopolies and that labor union strikes were legal
what were the progressive policies of Teddy Roosevelt Roosevelt had a plan known as the square deal, this made the practice of sending federal troops to break up strikes illegal and instead sent in experts to break them up peacefully. He also would use the Sherman anti-trust act to break up many monopolies
what was the bull moose party This progressive party was formed by Teddy Roosevelt after he lost the presidential nomination to Taft in 1912, he named it this stating that him and his plan were as sturdy as a bull moose and nothing would stand in his way
what was Woodrow Wilson's plan for progressivism Wilson named his plan for progression as Wilson's new Freedom. This passed in congress at the end of 1913, it included reforms on tariffs, banking, and labor.
what is the significance of the election of 1912 Wilson was the democrat and Taft and Roosevelt were the republicans. Wilson won because rep vote was split
imperialism greatening a country's power thru colonization, military powers or other means
armstice truce between two nations
reparations making amends for the wrong somebody has done through payment of money
convoy a group of vehicles or ships travelling together
protectorate state controlled by a different country or state
nationalism identification with one's own nation and support for its interests,
guerilla small group fighitng irregueraly
yellow journalism exxagerated stories that are biased
propaaganda biased news turn in ones favor
jingoism aggresive nationalism
open door policy policy that allowed any country to trade with china
sphere of inluence country that can affect development in a different country although it has no official authority
dollar diplomacy finance used to influence government (bribery)
pan-americanism idea that us and latin america should work together
militarism nation focuses on military for more power
autonomy right or condition of self government
why did the us build up it's navy in thw 1880 didnt want to be closed out of markets and more power overseas
treaty of kanagawa gave us rights to trade at 2 japanese ports
why did the us annex hawaii in 1898 so they could get trade routes and ports to asia
what did the us do to support sugar cane trade in cuba made plot ammendment, let usa intervene in all of cuba's affairs
what happened to the uss maine it got blown up reason is still unknown
who were the rough riders and who was their leader group who fought the spanish leader was roosevelt
what was the platt amendment protected peoples rights in cuba
foraker act president was allowed to choose puerto ricos president
what was the boxer rebellion rebellion in china because they didnt like foreigners in the country
who was william gorgas and how his eforts lead to the completion of panama cnal he was a doctor who helped cure disease in panama
what was roosevelt coroliary addition to monroe doctrine saying it will help latin american countries when they need it
what was moral diplomacy or white mans burden belief that stronger country's have to help third world countries
who was gavrilo princip someone who assasinated franz ferdinand
who was franz ferdinand emperor of austria
who were the members of the triple alliance germany, austria-hungary, italy
who were the members of the triple entete great britain france and russia
why was germany jealous of england and france as war broke out they had more powerful navy
who was qeen victoria she was the queen of england s
how did tech outpace battlefield tactics at the beginning of ww1 there were machine guns and grenades that changed fighting style
what is a battle of attrition battle where you graduallty wear down opp by small moves
how did the us react to ww1 claimed neutrality
what was wilsons policy of strict neutrality wanted us to stay out of conflict
what was a u boat german submarine
what was the lusitania uk ship that was blown up by the germans
what was the sussex pledge promised a change in germans naval policy, passenger ships wont be targeted, merchant shps would not be sunk
he kept us out of war wilsons campaign slogan
zimmerman telegram offered mexico germans help retaking american southwest lost in the mexican war
what year did congress delcare war in ww1 april 1917
who were doughboys American infantrymen in ww1
what were the effects of the treaty of Versailles it forced Germany's economy to go down and they got a bad reputation and their territories in Africa was freed and they lost territory
Created by: shubk
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