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NM History 1st Sem.

What do historians study to learn about the past? A) Primary and secondary sources from multiple perspectives
Why is it important to study history from multiple perspectives? Because you can learn more about historic events
What is geography? The study of the earth's land, water, people, plants and animals
The five themes of geography are: Location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region
The United States is divided into regions because: The regions share at least one common feature.
Some of the tools geographers use are Maps, globes, satellite imagery, and aerial photographs
New Mexico is part of the Southwest region with which other states? Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and Wyoming.
The four provinces of New Mexico are: the Rocky Mountain province, the Colorado Plateau province, the Basin and Range province, and the Great Plains province.
How are life zone's determined? By elevation
What is New Mexico’s most precious resource? water
New Mexico is in what two hemispheres? Northern hemisphere. Western hemisphere.
Which item is a secondary source? textbooks, dictionaries and encyclopaedias., biographies.
What is the role of an archaeologist? To study prehistoric people
The Paleo people ____. The Paleo people hunted very large animals. The Paleo people made Clovis points. The Paleo people were nomadic.
Archaic people innovation? One major innovation was the process of grinding stones into desirable shape, such as tools and ornaments. These items included weights for fishing nets, axes, pipes, and even large stone cooking bowls.
The Mogollon people were first to do what in New Mexico? were the earliest full-time farmers.
What did the Ancestral Puebloans do to meet the growing need for housing? They began to build multi-level pueblos.
Which of the following statements about Chaco Canyon is true? one of the most important pre-Columbian cultural and historical areas in the United States. Center of culture for the Ancestral Puebloans. Evidence of archaeoastronomy
The Diné people developed into which two groups of people? The Navajo and Apache
Which tribe is the largest group of Native Americans in New Mexico and the second-largest group of Native Americans in the United States? Navajo
What were the Apache best known for? The Apache Tribe is famous for fighting for its land and its fierce warriors. They held off the Spanish, Mexican, and expanding Americans. First to ride horses.
Kivas were used for all of the following except: "kiva" means a large room that is circular and underground, and used for spiritual ceremonies.
What is an acequia? an irrigation ditch. for agricultural land.
What two animals were important to Comanche life? Horses and Buffalo
What caused Native American populations to decline after Europeans arrived? the spread of smallpox, typhus, measles, and other infectious diseases.
What is Manifest Destiny? Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. Steal land
Why were the mountain men in the Rocky Mountains? pioneers of the Rocky Mountains, who came first as fur trappers, lured to the West by beavers and later by the buffalo.
Who was Kit Carson? Kit Carson was responsible for waging a destructive war against the Navajo Carson was perhaps the most famous trapper and guide in the West.
What did the United States get from their war against Mexico? Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which settled the Mexican-American War, Mexico ceded nearly all the territory now included in the U.S. states of New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas, and western Colorado
Who was Geronimo? An Apache medicine man who led resistance against the U.S. and Mexico
How did the United States attempt to assimilate Native Americans into their culture. By stealing their children and forcing them to forget their culture.
What is an horno? An oven
Why were the Comanche such feared warriors? They were unmatched in their horsemanship
What were Lewis and Clark looking for? A water passage to the Pacific Ocean
Why was New Mexico appealing to outlaws? There were plenty of places to hide .There were very few lawmenThere were a lot of targets for bandits
What is the name of the group of politicians and businessmen who ruthlessly controlled New Mexico in the 1870s? The Santa Fe Ring
What was Billy the Kid's real name? Henry McCarty
Why wasn't Billy the Kid offered amnesty after the Lincoln County War like all other gunfighters? He was wanted for killing a sheriff
Who shot Billy the Kid? Pat Garrett
How did the United States defeat the Plains Indian cultures? They slaughtered the bison.
Who is Sacagawea? A native girl who helped the United States explore and map the Pacific Northwest.
Who is the "Pathfinder"? John Fremont was an explorer, surveyor, military officer, and politician who led five western expeditions.
Where was Smokey Bear found? Lincoln National Forest
Who became rich during the 1849 gold rush? Merchants
The first United States Governor of New Mexico was Charles Bent. He died during which event? The Taos Revolt
Harriet Tubman suffered from which debilitating disorder? Narcolepsy
Harriet Tubman was best known for what? Helping slaves reach freedom
Where did the Navajo run to in order to avoid the United States Army? Canyon de Chelly
What is the forced march of the Navajo from Fort Defiance to Bosque Redondo called? The Long Walk
Which tribe did Geronimo belong to? The Apache
Which law has helped Native families to stay together and avoid adoption assimilation practices? Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)
How did the Lincoln County War begin? The killing of businessman John Tunstall
What excuse did the United States use to go to war against Spain? The explosion of the U.S.S. Maine
Teddy Roosevelt gathered together tough cowboys from the south to fight in the Spanish American War. What were they called? The Rough Riders
What was the coined term for sensationalized and exaggerated news headlines that began in the 1890s? Yellow Journalism
Christopher Columbus explorer for Spain King Ferdinand and Queen Isabel in 1491 at Santa Fe de la Vega. Queen Isabel began the largest evangelization of Christianity with the 1492 expedition to America.
Hernan Cortes Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés (c. 1485-1547) is best known for conquering the Aztecs and claiming Mexico on behalf of Spain.
Moctezuma Tenochtitlán, within modern Mexico City), ninth Aztec emperor of Mexico, famous for his dramatic confrontation with the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés.
Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca Cabeza de Vaca later served as a colonial official in South America, where he argued that Spanish colonists should deal fairly with native populations
Estevanico - Coronado expedition Esteban was an enslaved African, and praised for his ability to communicate with indigenous peoples.
Vasquez de Coronado Spanish explorer of the North American Southwest whose expeditions resulted in the discovery of many physical landmarks, including the Grand Canyon, but who failed to find the treasure-laden cities he sought.
Juan de Oñate. Despot or Hero a Spanish conquistador from New Spain, explorer, and colonial governor of the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México. Acoma Massacre
Popé, Tewa Pueblo who led an all-Indian revolt in 1680 against the Spanish invaders in what is now the southwestern United States, driving them out of Santa Fe and temporarily restoring the old Pueblo way of life.
The Pueblo Revolt of 1680, also known as Popé's Rebellion or Popay's Rebellion, was an uprising of most of the indigenous Pueblo people against the Spanish
The Chinchorro ? were a hunting and fishing people who lived from 10,000 to 3,400 BC on the Pacific coast of South America, at the edge of the Atacama desert. They were among the first people in the world to mummify their dead.
, the Olmecs the first civilization in Mesoamerica, the Olmecs are credited, or speculatively credited, with many "firsts", including the bloodletting and perhaps human sacrifice, writing and epigraphy, and the invention of popcorn, zero and the ...
Teotihuacan is known today as the site of many of the most architecturally significant Mesoamerican pyramids built in the pre-Columbian Americas, namely Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon
The Mogollon known for the distinctive black-on-white pottery of the Mimbres Mogollon. Close ties with the Ancestral Puebloans to the north, the Hohokam and Patayan cultures to the west, and the cultures of Mexico
The Hohokam . were farmers who grew corn, beans, squash and agave. They also grew cotton for textiles.
The Ancestral Puebloans lived in a range of structures that included small family pit houses, larger structures to house clans, grand pueblos, and cliff-sited dwellings for defense.
In Pueblo religion all things had a spirit called a kachina. They carved kachina dolls that represented different spirits. They did not have a written language.
Navajo society was organized through matrilineal kinship; small, independent bands of related kin generally made decisions on a consensus basis.
Navajo trades Their arts, including weaving, basket making, pottery making, and jewelry making continue to be passed on to daughters and granddaughters.
Apache was a nomadic group, and their lives revolved around the buffalo The .first Indian tribes to learn to ride horses, and they quickly began using horses in order to hunt the buffalo.
The Ute tribe were originally hunters, traders and seed gathers from the Great Basin cultural group of Native Indians.
The Aztecs Discovered chocolate and were one of the most inspiring—and horrific—civilizations ever. Centered on the city of Tenochtitlan in the middle of Lake Texcoco, they built a civilization based on agriculture, sacrifice and, of all things, cleanliness.
The 5 elements of a map title, key/legend , scale grid and compass rose.,
Basin and Range The Mogollon lived primarily in the southwestern area of New Mexico, in a land characterized by small mountains separated by desert grasslands. This region of New Mexico is called the...
Obsidian Teotihuacan was a city that controlled trade and commerce over a vast region through warfare and what particular local resource?
Rio Grande Which major river in New Mexico starts at the northern border and travels south to the southern border, cutting the state in two and eventually emptying into the Gulf of Mexico?
The Scale Which element of a map tells a person the actual distance between two points?
Polytheism A belief in more than one god.
What is the name for the longest night of the year, when the sun is at its far southern point (in the northern hemisphere)? Winter Solstice
Which early southwestern culture was the first to use the bow and arrow for hunting and war? Puebloan Ancestors
These three crops were integral to Native American agriculture and came to be known as the three sisters. Beans, Corn and Squash
Which map element allows a person to know the exact coordinates of a location? The Grid
The Navajo people lived in homes called... Hogans
Shamanic healers of the Navajo are called... Hatáálii
This is the largest life zone in New Mexico and has extensive grasslands. Upper Sonoran
This cultural group remained hunter-gathers through the 19th century with only minimal farming practices. Apache
Pueblo tribes in New Mexico traditionally build their homes facing which direction? South
Which life zone is above 8,500 feet and is the primary source of water for most of New Mexico? Large game like elk and bighorn sheep can be found here. Canadian
What is the "rain shadow"? The far side of a mountain which gets very little rain
This food source originally came from the New World (the Americas) Corn
Huitzilopochtli, the primary god of the Aztecs, was the god of war and... The Sun
The Aztecs called themselves... Mexica
Hernan Cortes defeated the Aztecs in the name of which European country? Spain
An irrigation ditch used for bringing water to crops in New Mexico. Acequia
A person fleeing hardship such as war, persecution or natural disaster. Refugee
A Spanish explorer who was responsible for conquering foreign lands for the crown. Conquistador
A system by which Spanish settlers were given land and Native Americans to work it. Encomienda
Tracing blood descent through the mother's line is called... Matrilineal
Spanish word for a crop that Native Americans considered a staple food throughout North America. Maize we call corn
A person who stays on the move, following seasonal animal migrations and weather patterns. Nomad
A type of home that the Apache used mostly in winter months, made of a skeleton frame of sticks covered in brush and grasses. Wickiup
What is animism? The belief that all things have a soul.
The Ute made their home here, in the most elevated region of New Mexico. Rocky Mountains
The Chinchorro culture in South America is known for the world's oldest... Mummies
Moctezuma was the leader of which group? The Aztec
One of the survivors of the Narvaez Expedition was a black Moor slave who later died at the hands of the Zuni. What was his name? Estevanico
Christopher Columbus did what to the Taino people? Killed and enslaved them
It is believed the calendar system in Mesoamerica originated with what group? Olmec
What Native American group built Chaco Canyon? Puebloan Ancestors
This Native American group made extensive irrigation canals to water their crops in an otherwise harsh landscape. Hohokam
What Aztec god believed humans should not be sacrificed? Quetzalcoatl
The thunderbird was known to most Native American tribes as... A friend to mankind
What did Juan de Oñate do to the Acoma Pueblo? Committed genocide against them
Created by: Horgan's class
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