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U.S. History Ch15

U.S. History Chapter 15 Vocabulary and Written Questions

Andrew Johnson Lincoln's vice president
ten percent plan Lincoln appointed a military governor for each captured state
Wade-Davis Bill required military governors for each Southern state until a majority of all adult white males had signed an oath of allegiance
impeachment indictment of a political official by Congress
13th amendment freed the slaves
14th amendment granted freedmen full citizenship in the United states, applied to the states the Constitution's provision that the federal government may not deprive any person of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"
15th amendment "The right of the citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude"
Military Reconstruction Act imposed military occupation on the south
Black Codes attempted to regulate the conduct of former slaves
carpetbaggers Northern radical who moved to the South
scalawags Southern radical
disfranchisment denial of somebody's right to vote
sharecropping method for freed slaves to farm the land without cash
redeemers Southerners who wanted to oust republican rule and restore white majority rule
Ulysses S. Grant general and leading hero of the republican party
Grantism political corruption
William "Boss" Tweed corrupt leader who defrauded New York City
Thomas Nast political cartoonist who advocated reforms
Horace Greeley eccentric New York newspaper editor who ran against Grant in 1872
greenbacks paper money not backed by gold or silver
Rutherford B. Hayes winner in the most disputed, presidential election in American History
Samuel J. Tilden lawyer who helped to reform the corruption in New York City
"the Solid South" near unanimous support of the Democratic Party in the former Confederate states following Reconstruction
Hiram Revels first black person to serve in the United States Congress
liberal republican type of republican who opposed the radicals in 1872
radical republican republican minority that wanted to deal harshly with the South
What term refers to the national government's attempt to rebuild the South according to Radical Republican ideas? Reconstruction
What period is known as the Era of Reconstruction? 1865-1877
What group did not agree with Lincoln concerning the percentage of Southern white males who should take the oath of allegiance before a state was readmitted to the Union? radical republicans
What was the ten percent plan? Lincoln appointed a military governor for each captured state
What was the Wade-David Bill? required military governors for each Southern state until a majority of all adult white males had signed an oath of allegiance
What happened to Robert E. Lee after the war? he collapsed one evening while preparing to say grace in 1870 and died a few days later; he rebuilt a school
What president generally supported Lincoln's plans for reconstruction? Andrew Johnson
Who dismissed a radical secretary of war and was impeached? Andrew Johnson
What act of Congress was designed to protect cabinet from being fired by the president? Tenure of Office Act
Who was the first president to be impeached? Andrew Johnson
What are the three provisions of the military reconstructionist act? imposed military occupation on the South, divided the ten former Confederate states into five military districts
What government agency was designed to help former slaves following the war? Freedman's Bureau
What extremist group opposed radical reconstruction and sought to prevent blacks from voting during reconstruction? carpetbaggers
Early reconstruction Radical Republicans gained control of state governments in the South by denying the ______ to many Confederates. right to vote
The positive contribution of radical government in the South: education
Why did sharecropping become common in the South during reconstruction? it was the only occupation the freed slaves knew
The hardships of reconstruction forced the South to produce ____, such as tobacco or cotton instead of staples such as wheat and rice. cash crops
Who had one of the most scandal-ridden administrations in American History? Ulysses S. Grant
What scandal involved a group's criminal use of funds intended for railroad construction? Crédit Mobilier
In what scandal did Fisk and Gould participate? plan to gain control of the gold market
Why was Tammany Hall allowed to continue its corruption? encouraged by the republican cartoonist Thomas Nast
What was the most severe depression in the first hundred years of American History? Panic of '73
What was the compromise of 1877? Democrats would help Hayes, who would remove the federal troops from the South
What is meant by "waving the bloody shirt"? Blaming Democrats for the war and treating them like traitors
What did the Republicans offer Southern Democrats in return for their support in electing Rutherford B. Hayes as president? He would remove the federal troops from the South
The Republican's heavy-handed effort to control the South created a powerful block of _____ who would oppose them for almost a century. voters
Created by: maa88
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