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U.S. History Ch. 13

U.S. History Chapter 13 Vocab and Written Questions

popular sovereignty the residents of an area could decide the status of slavery in their territory
free soilers favored keeping slavery in territories where it was already established but not extending it to other territories
forty-niners first wave of gold hunters to come to California - 1849
fire-eaters Southern Democrat extremists who advocated the South leaving the Union
Stephen A. Douglass major Democratic party leader of the 1850's
know-nothings American Party; replaced the Whigs for a time
Republican party successor of the Whigs
John C. Fremont explorer-soldier hero of the Mexican War
James Buchanan Pennsylvanian sympathetic to the South, last Democrat, pro-compromise president
John Brown Connecticut abolitionist who went to Kansas
Roger Taney Chief Justice who wanted to settle the slavery discussion - denied that blacks had citizenship rights
Abraham Lincoln Illinois lawyer and first Republican president
secret six slave revolt
John C. Breckinridge Buchanan's vice president from Kentucky
John Bell presidential nominee from Tennessee
secede leave the Union
Jefferson Davis President of the Confederate States of America
Preston Brooks Southern representative who caned a Northern senator in the Senate chamber
Southern senators blocked the ______ each time it passes the house. Wilmot Proviso
What did the Wilmot Proviso amendment say about slavery? That the U.S. prohibit slavery in territories gained in the Mexican War
What did Calhoun's resolution in 1847 say about slavery in the territory? Slaves owners could own slaves in the territories
Who was the Southern spokesman for slavery in the territories? John C. Calhoun
What is the meaning of the compromise position of popular sovereignty? Residents of a territory decide the status of slavery there
Who was Zachary Taylor? Hero of the Mexican War
What was the policy of the Free-Soilers on slavery in the south and the territories? They favored keeping slavery where it existed, but not extending it to other territories.
What was the slogan of the Free-Soilers party? "Free Soil, Free Speech, Free Labor, and Free Men"
Who were the forty-niners? The first wave of gold miners to California in 1849
What was the greatest spur to the American settlement in California? Seeking gold.
Why did the Southerners oppose the admission of California as a state? California could determine the status of slavery once a state.
What were the provisions of the Compromise of 1850? California was a free state, slaves trade was abolished in D.C., a federal slave fugitive act was established, slavery was protected in D.C., and Utah & Nevada were admitted as states.
Why did Daniel Webster think the debate of slavery in the new territories needless? Preservation of the Union
Franklin Pierce Democrat nominee for president that was behind the Compromise of 1850
Which of the provision of the Compromise of 1850 worsened tensions between the North and the South? The admission of new territories
What percent of all Americans owned slaves in the 1850's? 5%
How did thousands of slaves escape the South? The Underground Railroad
What was the name for the most radical southerners that advocated the south leaving the Union? Fire-eaters
What was probably the most effective propaganda tool for abolition? Uncle Tom's Cabin
Stephen Douglass Illinois Senator who was one of the major proponents of Popular Sovereignty
Why did Douglass introduce the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854? To win Southern support for his railroad.
Who were the Know-Nothings American Party? Party arising from immigrants from the potato famine - replaced the Whigs for a while
Which party became the real successor to the Whig Party? Republican party
Republican party anti-slavery, pro-business
John C. Fremont War hero and the first Republican candidate for president
The Abolitionists were _______ for the violence in "Bleeding Kansas". not primarily responsible
Pro-slavery forces were responsible for the _____. sack of Lawrence
John Brown fanatical anti-slavery terrorist
What was the Dred Scott v. Stanford case about? Ruled that if a slave owner moved to a free state, the slaves were free.
Chief Justice Roger Taney claimed that that constitution did not recognize ____ as citizens. free blacks
Who was the former slave who the Supreme Court denied was a citizen with rights? Dred Scott
What was the basic position of the Freeport Doctrine? Territory could prohibit slavery by refusing to adopt laws that endorsed or protected it
Abraham Lincoln believed ____ should not abolish slavery in the South. Congress
According to Lincoln, what was at the heart of his debate with Douglas? The Union
Which federal arsenal was attacked in 1859 in hopes of sparking a slave revolt? Harpers Ferry
Which party was created in 1860 by Conservative Northerners and Southerners who wanted to preserve the Union? Constitutional Union Party
John C. Breckinridge Southern Democrat candidate in the crucial election of 1860
John Bell constitutional Union candidate in the crucial election of 1860
Whose compromise measure failed in a last-ditch effort to save the Union? John J. Crittenden
What event caused the lower South to secede? Fort Sumter
Where did the first shot of war between the states take place? Fort Sumter
What event caused the upper South to secede? The victory of Abraham Lincoln in the presidential election
Created by: maa88
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