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US History S1

Study Guide for Semester 1 Final

What is a system where a country tries to earn money through trade with other countries? mercantilism
Which goods would likely be exported from the colonies and shipped to Britain? tobacco, rice, lumber, deer skins
Which colonies had a warm climate, long growing season, and fertile soils? southern colonies
Who sought to recreate society in a way they thought God had intended? the New England Colonies
How did the US colonies take advantage of Britain's "Salutary Neglect" policy? by setting up local governments and secretly trading with other countries
The Mayflower Compact was an agreement to live by a _________ (two words) social contract
What was the first representative assembly government in the American Colonies? The House of Burgesses
What happened as a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763? France lost all of its possessions in North America
Why did the proclamation of 1763 anger many colonists? It made it illegal for colonists to settle on land west of the Appalachian mountains
How did the French and Indian War indirectly lead to the American Revolution? the high cost of the war caused parliament to raise taxes on the colonies
Who would support the phrase "Give me liberty, or give me death"? The Sons of Liberty
What did the Committees of Correspondence do? They coordinated boycotts and monitored British actions
What punishments came after the Boston Tea Party? the Intolerable Acts
What British law required colonists to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper they used? the Stamp Act
What was the MAIN reason why colonists opposed British taxes? They were being taxed without representation in British government
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? The committee of Five, and Thomas Jefferson was the primary author
How did Benjamin Franklin help the Continental Army? He convinced the French to join with the patriots
At which battle did patriots cross the Delaware river on Christmas? the Battle of Trenton
Which two foreign noblemen helped train and lead the Continental Army? Marquis de Lafayette and Baron von Steuben
Who provided money, troops, weapons, military leadership, and naval support to the Continental Army? France
What did the Continental Army use most effectively at the battles of Trenton, Saratoga, and Yorktown? Geography
What did the 1783 Treaty of Paris do? Ended the Revolutionary War and recognized the independence of the USA
How did the US defeat the British? by outlasting them, and with aid from allies
What was a strength of the Articles of Confederation? Land Policies
What banned slavery north of the Ohio river and created a system for setting up local governments? Land Ordinances
What were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? No federal court, no president, no power to tax
in 1786, what caused George Washington to send the military to Massachusetts? Shay's Rebellion
What caused Shay's Rebellion? Weak federal government, farm foreclosures
Who is known as the "Father of the Constitution?" James Madison
What was NOT included as a part of the Constitution? Unicameral legislature
Who would have wanted a weak federal or central government? Anti-federalists
What essays played an important role in getting the Constitution ratified? The Federalist Papers
What was the three-fifths compromise? Enslaved people counted as 3/5 of a vote even though they still could not vote themselves
How were voting rights affected in the "Age of Jackson"? Increasing numbers of people participated in the voting process
Who viewed Andrew Jackson as their champion? Common people
How did the cotton gin affect southern workers? it led to a growth in slavery
What did the 2nd Great Awakening lead to? more protestant churches, temperance and women's rights movements, and the anti-slavery movement
What did workers in the temperance movement want? to stop people from drinking alcohol
What event of the 1830s led to a massive forced migration of native Americans from Georgia to Oklahoma? the Trail of Tears
What was Henry Clay's main goal? to unite regional economies so that the country would be self-sufficient
Why did South Carolina pass the Nullification Act? to protest tariffs
John C. Calhoun and President Andrew Jackson had a disagreement over ____________ that led to the Nullification Crisis whether or not a state can ignore federal laws
What is something that Northern manufacturers and Southern planters would have disagreed on? tariffs on finished goods
Created by: StudySkillz
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