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Roaring 20s

Did people follow prohibition laws? no
Speakeasy A place where alcoholic drinks were sold and consumed illegally during prohibition
What did gangs battle over? 1) illegal liquor sales 2) led to spike in crime
What type of boundaries were broken in the 20s? technological, social, geographic
Where was the modern age born? NYC
Importance of skyscrapers 1) showed nobility 2) more ppl worked there than lived in small towns
Did more ppl live in urban centers or country towns? urban centers, ppl moved to NYC
What did Wall Street represent? expanding economic opportunities
Were people richer or poorer? 1) richer, 400% more millionaires than past decade 2) everyone had maids & boats
Where did Jazz get popular? 1) Harlem, led by African Americans 2) ppl came from all over to visit Harlem
Who lived in NY lower east side European immigrants
importance of cities where change occurred
Electricity impact 1) first came to the cities 2) extended the day 3) new possibilities for fun and work 4) most homes had electricity by end of decade
Car impact 1) gave American's freedom 2) big focus on national infrastructure 3) highways, bridges, tunnels built
Billboards 1) lined highways 2) advertising increased
What happened with credit? concept of buy now, pay later became popular
Radios 1) 1st live radio transmission for big audience was pres election results 2)became popular 3) everyone had one
Women during 20s 1) got the right to vote 2) lived for themselves 3) partied & wore revealing clothing 4) had short hair & wore makeup
What was women that partied a lot called? flappers
Rural America life 1) didn't like change 2) super religious 3) found cities threatening
Scopes Trial 1) took place in Dayton Tennessee 2) John T Scopes taught evolution which was illegal in the state 3) trial received national attention 4) Scopes found guilty
What did William Jennings Bryan do in the Scopes Trial? 1) helped prosecute Scopes, thought teaching evolution should be illegal 2) Clarence Darrow was on the defense
What happened outside of the Scopes Trial 1) Carnival in Dayton 2) ppl brought monkeys 3) rise of preaching
Effect of Scopes Trial 1) clash of Science vs Religion 2) legal win for prosecution 3) also a win for defense bc it showed hypocrisy of christain fundementalism
Why were some people against change Ppl enjoyed all the technological advancements, but wanted things to stay how they used to be
Rise of the KKK 1) membership soared to 4 million 2) expanded who they hated - jews, catholics, new women, asians 3) nationwide - spread to Northern cities
How many states did the KKK seize political control in? 1) 7 states 2) helped pass anti-immigration laws 2) 50,000 members marched down DC
Sports during the 20s 1) Sports fans grew 2) everyone knew Babe Ruth 3) Ruth was considered a hero
Flying during the 20s interest in planes grew
What did Charles Lindbergh do 1) 1st person to successfully fly nonstop from from US to Paris 2) considered a hero 3) Americans celebrated him like crazy 4) Parade down Broadway was biggest national celebration since end of WW1
What did Admiral Byrd do? 1) successfully flew over south pole
What happened with the Stock Market? 1) investors cashed in overpriced stock 2) ppl panic and started to sell their stocks 3) $30 billion vanished 4) ppl lost all their money and went broke 5) suicide 6) led to Great Depression
What happened to the birth rate? 1) declined because more women using birth control 2) sex is now being seen for pleasure instead of procreation
examples of new inventions electric vacuum cleaner, fridge, freezer, washing machine
Did country ppl experience the roarings 20s? no, farm prices hit rock bottom after war
What led to Great Depression 1) stock market crash 2) workers reach limit 3) ppl could only buy so much- consumer demand decreases
Created by: kayla57575
Popular U.S. History sets




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