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Module 8

Modern America

Hippies 1960s subculture that rejected modern values, employment, and freely used drugs. Most protested the Vietnam War and defended Civil Rights. Nixon wins in 1968 due to campaigning against hippies
Woodstock Called the highpoint of the Counterculture Movement, billed as 3 days of Peace, Love, and Music
Counterculture Movement of people who rejected modern values and embraced Civil Rights, Vietnam protests, freedom of speech and protest. Influenced by the Beat Generation.
Silent Majority Conservatives who voted for Nixon due to their displeasure of the Counterculture - disliked hippies, protests, draft dodgers, and drug use
Richard Nixon President from 1968-1974. Campaigned against "lawlessness" in America. Promised to end the war in Vietnam, imprison draft dodgers, and slow civil rights initiatives
Détente Policy of Nixon to "relax" the Cold War with the USSR.
Nixon visits China Nixon becomes the first modern president to visit China, officially recognizing the communist country. Considered a major foreign policy victory for Nixon
End of the Vietnam War Nixon slowly ends the war in Vietnam with his Vietnamization strategy. Officially ends in January of 1972. The capital of Saigon falls in 1975, turning Vietnam into a communist country
Watergate Scandal Nixon has spies steal documents from the Democratic National Convention. After they are caught, he spends multiple years claiming to know nothing about the event until finally handing over his White House tapes. Becomes the first president to resign
"Deepthroat" Nickname of an FBI informant who gave information regarding Watergate to the press
Gerald R. Ford Former Speaker of the House who becomes president after Nixon resigns. Immediately pardons Nixon, angering much of America
Effects of Watergate Leads the U.S. to trust its government even less. Also emphasized the importance of investigative journalism
United States vs. Nixon Supreme Court case that forced Nixon to give up his White House tapes. Proved that in certain cases, the president does not have executive privilege and is not above the law
Environmentalism Movement to protect the air and water from pollution. Beginning of the movement started with the publishing of Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring" that argued that DDT was harmful
Three Mile Island Nuclear plant in Pennsylvania that begins leaking nuclear radiation. Causes an outrage and leads to the construction of fewer nuclear plants
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Created by Nixon to create standards for clean water and air
Love Canal Neighborhood that sat on a toxic waste dump, causing many illnesses. Government does very little to help at first, causing a national outcry
Nixon and Environmentalism Nixon passes many environmental laws even though he is a conservative Republican - his party normally doesn't support big government and regulation
Jimmy Carter President from 1977-1981. Gain America's trust by appearing as an honest politician. Presides over a stagnant economy and people feel that he is blaming them for the energy crisis
Panama Canal Treaty Carter believes in moral foreign diplomacy - begins by giving the Panama Canal back to Panama
Camp David Accords Crowning achievement of the Carter Administration - Egypt and Israel, having fought 3 wars in the 30 years prior, agree to peace terms
1970s Energy crisis Oil crisis in the Middle East leads to oil and gas shortages in the U.S.
Iran Hostage Crisis After the overthrow of a U.S.-backed Iranian leader, anti-American sentiments rise and lead to the U.S. embassy workers being captured. Carter's Operation Eagle Claw fails to bring them back and causes his population to plummit
1970s Economy Economy goes through stagflation - high inflation and relatively low employment. Carter's policies do little to help
SALT Treaty Strategic Arms Limitation Talks - Treaty signed by the USSR and U.S. where both agree to limit production of nuclear weapons
Ronald Reagan President from 1981-1989. Election leads to a renewed sense of American pride. Pushes a conservative agenda backed by Christians that opposes abortions and supports low taxes and government regulation
Reaganomics Also known as supply-side economics or trick down economics. Supports lowering taxes and decreasing regulations on businesses with the hope that people will have more take-home pay
Iran-Contra Affair Event where the government officials were accused of selling weapons to Iranian in order to then send money to right wing terrorists (Contras) in Nicaragua. Reagan denies knowing anything at first and suffers very little from controversy
War on Drugs Started by Nixon and continued under Reagan to better contain drug use in the U.S., specifically, marijuana and cocaine. Disproportionately targets Black Americans and greatly increases America's prison population
Strategic Defense Initiative Nicknamed "Star Wars" - plan was to shoot satellites into space, hoping that they would shoot Soviet missiles out of the air. Leads the USSR develop fewer nuclear missiles
Reagan Doctrine Plan by Reagan to fund any group willing to fight communism. U.S. funds the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan and the Contras in Nicaragua
Reagan and the AIDS Epidemic AIDS begins spreading quickly among the gay community and the Reagan Administration does little to address the issue
George H. W. Bush President from 1989-1993. Keeps Reagan's conservative policies and gets involved in a war in Iraq. Loses in 1992 to Bill Clinton in large part for promising no more new taxes, and then increasing taxes
U.S. invasion of Panama H. W. Bush invades Panama to depose dictator Manuel Noriega for large scale drug trafficking
Persian Gulf War Iraq under Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait (large U.S. oil provider). U.S. responds with Operation Desert Storm - bombing Iraq out of Kuwait
Delta Force Military group sent into Panama to successfully depose Manuel Noriega
Bill Clinton President from 1993-2001. Moderate Democrat who balances the budget and leads a successful 1990s economy.
Welfare-to-Work Clinton legislation that caps the amount of time one could stay on employment, requiring recipients to find work within a few months. Leads to fewer on welfare
Balanced budget Clinton increases taxes and cuts some government spending, leading to a balanced budget throughout the 1990s
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement - Signed by the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Guarantees free trade between the three and leads to economic increases for all three
Impeachment of Bill Clinton Clinton is impeached for lying about an affair he has with intern Monica Lewinsky. Impeachment vote falls on party lines, convincing many that it was more of a political issue than a constitutional issue
Brady Bill Passed by Clinton to require background checks on all weapons. Considered a major policy victory for Clinton
9/11 Terrorist attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon that killed almost 3,000. Leads President Bush to start the War on Terror in Afghanistan and pass the PATRIOT Act to increase surveillance of terrorist activities
George W. Bush President from 2001-2009. Conservative president starts the War on Terror after 9/11 and declares war on Iraq after suspicions of WMDs
War on Terror U.S. declares war on terrorist activities in the Middle East. Notably, the U.S. invades Afghanistan after 9/11 in order to destroy Al-Qaeda, topple the Taliban, and institute a democracy. Also includes the War in Iraq
War in Iraq U.S. invades Iraq on the suspicions that leader Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). Causes an increase in terrorism in Iraq, a refugee crisis, and much of America eventually disapproves of the war
Effects of the War on Terror Leads to long-term occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as an increase in surveillance in the U.S. on terrorist activities under the PATRIOT Act
Hillary Clinton Expands the power and prestige of the First Lady during the Bill Clinton Administration and later became Secretary of State under President Obama
Sandra Day O'Connor Becomes the first female Supreme Court Justice in 1981 - nominated by Ronald Reagan
Nancy Pelosi First female leader of a House of Congress as Speaker of the House
Colin Powell First Black Secretary of State - worked under George W. Bush
Condoleezza Rice First Black female Secretary of State - worked under George W. Bush
Barack Obama First Black President, serving from 2009-2017. Expands healthcare for millions while taking criticism for increasing the size of the again
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Passed by Obama to combat the Great Recession. Cuts taxes on middle class Americans and provides loans for small businesses
Great Recession Caused by banks offering subprime loans to home buyers who couldn't pay back their loans. Causes the housing market to crash and the stock market to plummet
Affordable Care Act Passed by Obama to offer healthcare to 30 million additional Americans. Successfully lowers healthcare costs for many Americans while also raising costs for others. Could also fine those who opted against taking a healthcare plan
Obama and Immigration Passed the DREAM Act which allowed undocumented immigrants brought in as children to stay in the U.S. Also deported over 3 million undocumented immigrants
Effects of the Obama Administration Critics complain that Obama increased the size of the government and increased the political divide between Republicans and Democrats
Fall of the Berlin Wall Berlin Wall falls in 1989, reuniting East and West Berlin. Signifies the coming end of the Cold War
Dissolution of the Soviet Union Reagan's arms race with the USSR causes them to lose too much money and can no longer hold their alliances together. Premier Mikhail Gorbachev officially steps in 1991, signifying the end of the Cold War
Created by: ahibbett
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