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Module 5

World War II

Fascism Far-right, authoritarian government that emphasizes extreme nationalism and militarism and is led by a dictator. Ex: Italy and Germany
Communism Government in which the government holds all property and supplies all basic human needs. There are no social classes and everyone is, theoretically, equal in all ways. Ex: Soviet Union (Russia)
Totalitarianism Form of government where one party controls the entire country and one's private and public live's are all heavily regulated. Ex: Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union
Quarantine Speech Speech by FDR before WWII where he advocated for the U.S. to contain dangerous countries (Japan; Germany) before a war breaks out
Four Freedom's Speech Speech by FDR before Pearl Harbor where he advocated for the U.S. to move away from neutrality to preserve freedom
Atlantic Charter Statement by the U.S. and UK before the U.S. joined the war. Strengthens the U.S. commitment to the Allies
Lend-Lease Act U.S. program that sent weapons and aid to Allied nations (UK, France, China), angering the Japanese
U.S. response to the Holocaust The U.S., when given the chance, did not aid large numbers of Jewish people during the Holocaust even though we knew of many of the atrocities
MS St. Louis Ship carrying hundreds of Jews that was denied access to the U.S. Demonstrates U.S. attitudes towards helping Jewish people
Israel State created by the United Nations as the home for the Jewish people. Many U.S. and European Jews move there after the war
Winston Churchill Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and primary leader of the Allies in Europe
Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme Allied Commander in Europe and leader of the North Africa Campaign as well as D-Day
Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany and primary aggressor in the lead up to WWII
Douglas MacArthur Commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific and later became leader of Occupied Japan after the end of the war
George C. Marshall FDR's Army Chief of Staff and director of America's military build-up before the start of the war
Benito Mussolini Leader of Fascist leader and originator of the fascist ideology of government
Franklin D. Roosevelt President of the U.S. during most of WWII. Was given almost total control of the economy to support the war effort
Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union and tenuous ally of the U.S. during the war
Hideki Tojo Prime Minister of Japan and primary architect of the attack on Pearl Harbor
Harry S. Truman President of the U.S. after the death of FDR. Significant for his decision to drop the nuclear bombs on Japan instead of opting for an invasion
Battle of Midway U.S. victory and considered the turning point of the war in the war of the Pacific. U.S. sinks multiple Japanese aircraft carriers, removing their ability to take more Pacific islands
Battle of Okinawa U.S. victory that came with a high cost. Convinced U.S. military leaders that an invasion of Japan would cost over one million casualties
Battle of Iwo Jima U.S. victory that put the U.S. within bombing range of major Japanese cities
D-Day June 6th, 1944 - Allied victory starting the liberation of Nazi Europe. Led by Dwight Eisenhower
Tuskegee Airmen All-black Air Force regiment that never lost a plane during the war
442nd Regimental Combat team Japanese American division that became the most decorated military unit in American history
101st Airborne U.S. parachutists that famously landed behind enemy lines during D-Day
Navajo Code Talkers American Indian group that created an indecipherable code mainly used in the Pacific Front
Women in WWII Women began taking jobs and leadership roles on the home front while men were fighting overseas
Fair Employment Practices Committee Committee established by FDR that insured that Black Americans were not being discriminated against in government and defense related jobs
Double V Campaign Campaign that fought for an end to racism in Europe (defeating Hitler) and a defeat of racism at home (pushing Civil Rights in America)
Japanese Internment Japanese American living on the West Coast were forced into concentration camps after Pearl Harbor because of a general lack of trust American leaders had for them
Korematsu v. United States Court case that upheld Japanese internment
Rationing U.S. propaganda pushes for rationing metals, food, gas, growing victory gardens, etc.
Bond drives Bond drives were used to continue to fend the war
Sun Belt Region of the Southeastern and Southwestern U.S. where many new defense factories and military bases were built, encouraging more people to move to the South
War Production Board Committee created by FDR that supervised war production and told businesses what to manufacture to support the war effort
Manhattan Project Multiyear-long project headquartered in Oak Ridge that built the world's first nuclear weapon
Nuclear Bomb rationale Truman's rationale for dropping using nuclear weapons was that it would keep the U.S. from having to invade Japan as well as keep the Soviet Union out of Japan as well
Yalta Conference Conference where the Big Three (Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt) met to discuss what would happen to Nazi Germany and the rest of occupied Europe after the war
Potsdam Conference Conference where the new Big Three (Clement Atlee, Truman, Stalin) met and decided to split Germany into 4 zones. Russia also reaffirmed their promise to invade Japan
Cordell Hull Tennessean and U.S. Secretary of State who helped create the United Nations
United Nations Peace-keeping organization that helps solve international disputes and promotes the safety of human rights (Note: the UN DOES NOT fight Communism)
Pearl Habor December 7th, 1941 - Attack by the Japanese to slow the United States from stopping their conquest of the Pacific Ocean, Leads the U.S. to declare war on Japan and Germany
Created by: ahibbett
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