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Module 4 (2 of 2)

The Great Depression

Laissez-faire Dictates that the government should not interfere with the economy
Buying-on-margin Buying stocks using loans from the bank. Becomes widespread in the 1920s and causes banks to lose significant amounts of money when the stock market crashes
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Raised a tariff (tax on goods coming into the country) on European goods, causing European countries to refuse to buy American goods. Worsens the Great Depression
Overproduction U.S. consumers bought less and less throughout the 1920s, meaning too much product was made and factories started letting workers go.
Black Tuesday October 29, 1929: Investors sell millions of shares of stock, wiping out billions of dollars and signifying the beginning of the Great Depression
Bank run Americans lose trust in banks after the stock market crash and run to the banks to retrieve their money. Causes over 9,000 banks in total to crumble
Okies Oklahomans who lost everything during the Dust Bowl. Many left for California to find work
Hoovervilles Shanty towns of homeless people. Named after Herbert Hoover whom people blamed for the Depression
Hobo Homeless people (typically men) who traveled around the country looking for work. Millions would their families during the Great Depression
Dust Bowl Environmental disaster caused by poor farming techniques that led to massive dust storms centered in the Great Plains
Rugged Individualism Belief held by Herbert Hoover that people should be self-reliant and do not need government assistance to make it through the Depression
Bonus Army Thousands of WWI veterans who traveled to Washington, D.C. protesting for an early cash payment for military service. Many get tear gassed and chase away by police, damaging public perception of Hoover's presidency
Herbert Hoover President during the beginning of Great Depression; largely blamed for economic fallout due to his belief that government shouldn't interfere with the economy
Franklin D. Roosevelt President during the majority of the Great Depression; inspired hope in Americans by passing New Deal legislation to get people up off their feet
New Deal FDR's plan to pass as much legislation as possibly to fix the economy and give people jobs
Agricultural Adjustment Act Unsuccessful act that paid farmers to not grow crops so that food prices would increase. Largely disliked by farmers
Civilian Conservation Corps Successful relief program that gave young men jobs related to conservation and protecting natural resources
Fair Labor Standards Act Successful labor act that establishes a minimum wage and "time and a half" pay for workers who log over 40 hours in a week
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Successful program that insured banks up to $250,000 if a deposit is lost
National Recovery Administration Unsuccessful program that aimed to create codes of "fair competition" among businesses
Securities and Exchange Commission Successful program that ensures that the stock market is running smoothly
Social Security Landmark act that creates retirement insurance for the elderly as well as those with disabilities and those who are unemployed
Tennessee Valley Authority Successful program that generated electricity and controlled flood in Tennessee and surrounding areas
Works Progress Administration Successful program that hired young men to work on buildings and roads
Court packing Attempt by FDR to ensure that the Supreme Court would rule in his favor by putting progressive judges on the court. Ultimately never comes to fruition
Socialism Critics of FDR complained that he was turning the country too socialist while he responded that he was doing whatever he needed to avoid a communist takeover
Created by: ahibbett
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