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Module 2


Social Darwinism Uses Charles Darwin's "survival of the fittest" idea and applies it to people. Some people are richer simply because they are better
Social Gospel Belief that the teachings of Jesus should be followed for the poor. Social inequalities and poverty should be eliminated.
Gilded Age Time period between 1870-1900 where U.S. industrialism grew dramatically. Rich became richer and working class suffered
Booker T. Washington Former slave who believed that Black Americans should forgo political power and fight instead for education and jobs
W.E.B. DuBois First black PhD who believed that Black Americans should fight for full political equality. Disagreed with Booker T. Washington
Labor union Organization of workers in a similar field that fights for worker's rights
Strike Workers refuse to work in order to force a company to change
Eugene V. Debs American socialist who fought for unions and worker's rights. Arrested during WWI for being a socialist
Samuel Gompers Founder of the American Federation of Labor
Coal Creek War Fight between coal miners and mining company attempting to replace them with convict labor in Tennessee. Led the state to repeal convict lease laws
Trust Similar businesses working together to decrease competition and increase prices
Monopoly One company buying all other similar businesses to completely control a product or service (Standard Oil)
Sherman/Clayton Antitrust Act Allowed the government to break trusts and monopolies (used by Teddy Roosevelt and Taft)
Robert M. La Follette Governor of Wisconsin who instituted the Direct Primary
Direct Primary Election reform where people choose who they want to be political candidates
Theodore Roosevelt President famous for busting trusts, conserving U.S. land, and fighting for American workers
Upton Sinclair Wrote The Jungle; describes the horrid conditions of the Chicago meat packing industry. Leads to the Meat Inspection Act
Lincoln Steffens Writes The Shame of the Cities; exposes corruption within local government
Ida Tarbell Writes The History of the Standard Oil Company; exposes Standard Oil as a monopoly and leads to its break-up
Jacob Riis Photographer who took pictures of squalid conditions for working class; advocated for housing reform
Initiative Election reform that allows regular citizens to propose laws and amendments to local government
Referendum Election reform that allows citizens to vote directly on laws and amendments
Recall Election reform that allows citizens to vote a political leader out of office
16th Amendment Allows Congress to collect an income tax
17th Amendment Allows voters to directly elect Senators rather than let states choose them
18th Amendment Prohibition of alcohol; leads to an increase in organized crime
Square Deal Teddy Roosevelt's domestic policy; Three C's of Conservation of natural resources, Control corporations, and Consumer protection
"Trust-Busting" Roosevelt's and Taft's policies of breaking up illegal monopolies and trusts
Pure Food and Drug Act Influenced by The Jungle; leads to the creation of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Meat Inspection Act Influenced by The Jungle; creates guidelines for the processing of meat
Conservation Belief of Roosevelt that natural resources should be protected from industrial use. Leads to the creation of the National Park System and National Forest Service
New Freedom Domestic policy of Woodrow Wilson; leads to reform in banking and fights illegal business practices
Federal Reserve Act Central banking system that stabilizes prices and controls inflation and interest rates
Woodrow Wilson Progressive president who fought for worker's rights; passed child labor laws and 8-hour workday legislation
William Howard Taft Progressive president who busted even more trusts than Roosevelt (and angered Roosevelt after he broke up U.S. Steel)
Suffrage Movement where women protested for the right to vote
Carrie Chapman Catt Suffragette who led the American Women's Suffrage Association
Alice Paul Suffragette and feminist who suffered police brutality and was arrested for chaining herself outside the White House
Anne Dallas Dudley Suffragette who fought for passage of the 19th Amendment in Tennessee.
Harry Burn/ "Perfect 36" Legislator who cast the deciding vote to pass the 19th Amendment in Tennessee, the 36th and final state needed for ratification
19th Amendment Gave women the right to vote. Passed in large part due to women's support of World War I while men were away
Muckraker Reform-minded journalists who exposed corruption in government and business. Include: Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair, and Jacob Riis
Gender Roles Men argue that women who want to vote are acting like they want to become men, take their jobs, force men to act as housewives.
Created by: ahibbett
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