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Module 1

Reconstruction through Westward Expansion

Transcontinental Railroad Railroad that linked east coast railroads to the Pacific Ocean. Led to cheaper travel and increased trade. Built by Black Americans and Chinese immigrants
Homestead Act Any citizen could claim 160 acres of land out West if they stayed on it for 5 years. Increased the population out West.
Dawes Act Americans Indians given 160 acres (of their own tribal land) and citizenship if they could farm it for 25 years. Effect: guts tribal land.
Carlisle Indian School Attempt to "Americanize" Indians and force them to drop their old culture
Sand Creek Massacre U.S. military massacres over 200 Arapahoe Indians. Leads to worsening relations between Indians and the U.S. Government
Reconstruction Post-Civil War rebuild of the South where Union soldiers kept order from 1865-1877.
Compromise of 1877 President Rutherford B. Hayes agrees to take soldiers out of the South and end Reconstruction in exchange for the presidency.
Jim Crow Laws Southern laws that enforced segregation of Black Americans
Exodusters Group of Black Americans led by "Pap" Singleton who believed they would never be free in the South. Built a community in Kansas
Boss Tweed/Tammany Hall Political boss who controlled parts of NYC through bribes and extortion. Enemies with Thomas Nast
Thomas Nast Cartoonist who exposed Boss Tweed with political cartoons
Credit Mobilier Fake company set up by government officials that stole money from the government in the 1870s
Spoils System Practice of giving political positions to one's supporters. Very common with presidents during the Gilded Age
Assassination of James A. Garfield Killed by a man who expected a political position for his support (spoils system)
Pendleton Act Government must pick positions based on merit - no more spoils system
Populism Party of Western farmers who wanted William Jennings Bryan as a presidential candidate
Granger Movement Movement of farmers who wanted more political power - hated railroads and wanted the coinage of silver
Interstate Commerce Act Allows the U.S. government to set railroad rates for shipping goods
Alexander Graham Bell Scottish immigrant and inventor of the telephone
Henry Bessemer Inventor of the bessemer process that created very cheap steel. Led to increased industrialization (more factories, railroads)
Andrew Carnegie Scottish immigrant who created U.S. Steel. Known for his philanthropy (gave aways hundreds of millions of dollars)
Thomas Edison Inventor who created the lightbulb, movie camera, projector, etc.
J.P. Morgan Banker who bought up several large businesses, including U.S. Steel
John D. Rockefeller Oil baron and richest American ever
Cornelius Vanderbilt Railroad robber baron who created a railroad and shipping monopoly
Robber Barons Rich industrialists who acquired their wealth through immoral means (Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, Morgan)
Old Immigrants Immigrants who arrived before 1890 from Western Europe (England, Scotland, Ireland)
New Immigrants Immigrants who arrived after 1890 from Eastern and Southern Europe (Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia). Faced discrimination because they spoke no English and were Catholic and Jewish
Angel Island San Francisco gateway for immigrants from China. Sent back many immigrants
Ellis Island New York City gateway for immigrants from Europe. Let in most immigrants
Push & Pull Factors Reasons why immigrants come to America (opportunity for a new life) or simply leave their home country (religious persecution)
Ethnic Clusters/Enclaves Areas dominated by one ethnicity of immigrants (Little Italy, Chinatown)
Jane Adams/Hull House Started a settlement house for newly arrived immigrants. Expanded to over 500 locations
Nativism American hatred for immigrants (differences in religion; racism; stealing jobs)
Chinese Exclusion Act Prohibited all Chinese immigrants in 1882 for 10 years
Gentleman's Agreement Informal agreement between the U.S. and Japan that prohibited immigration to the U.S.
Vertical Integration All aspects of a company's product or service kept in-house (Ex: U.S. Steel owns its mines, railroads, smelters)
Horizontal Integration Companies begin buying up similar companies to decrease competition
Plessy v. Ferguson Court ruling that established the precedent of "separate but equal"
Created by: ahibbett
Popular U.S. History sets




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