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certamen history

Name the seven hills of Rome. Capitoline, Aventine, Viminal, Esquiline, Caelian,Quirinal,Palantine
Who was Romulus and Remus' grandfather? Numitor
Who was Numitor's evil brother? Amulius
To decide who was going to be king, which hill did Romulus stand on? Palentine
To decide who was going to be king, which hill did Remus stand on? Aventine
Who was the sheperd who found and raised Romulus and Remus? Faustulus
Who was Faustulus' wife? Larentia
From what Latin word and its English meaning do we get the word senate? senex, old man
What great plain on the back of the tiber river did Roman soldiers train? Campus Martius or field of mars
Who was Numa Pompilius' wife? Egeria
Who am I? I build the Curia Hostilia and conquered Alba Longa? Tullus Hostilius
Which Roman king built the first aquaduct? Ancus Marcus
What is the name of the port which Ancus Marcus built? Ostia (meaning mouths)
What is the name of the bridge which Ancus Marcus built? the Sublican Bridge
Who was Tarquin the Elder's wife? Tanaquil
Who built the Temple to Jupiter? Tarquinius Priscus
On which hill was the captiol to Jupiter built? Saturnian
When digging up the base of the temple to jupiter what did the worker's find? a well preserved human head
Roman lictors held what sort of weapon? fasces: an ax enclosed in a bundle of rods
Who conducted the first Roman census? Servius Tullius
Who committed the dreadful act of running over her own father? Tullia
What was the name of the books that had predictions for rome? Sibylline books
What famous Thracian lead the slave revolt in 73 BC Spartacus
What happened in the end to the slaves who were captured when Spartacus was finally defeated by Crassus? they were crucified along the Appian Way
Who defeated Spartacus? Crassus
Who made up the first triumvirate? Pompey, Caesar and Crassus
Who made up the second triumvirate? Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus
Responde Latine: In what room of the Roman house might you find a lectus (bed)? cubiculum (bedroom) or triclinium (dining room)
When was the eruption of Mount Vesuvius? Aug 24, 79 AD
What were the three towns destroyed by Mount Vesuvius? Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabiae
What kind of toga was worn by a man? toga virilis
Who were the Julio-Claudians? Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, Nero
Who was the Roman general who finally defeated Hannibal? Scipio Africanus
What Roman emperor founded a new capitol for the empire in the East in 330 AD now known as Istanbul? Constantine, Constantinople
What the name of the city on which Constantinople was built? Byzantium
What was the kingdom that Alexander the Great came from Macedonia
Who was the father of Hector? Priam
Name the Flavian emperors. Vespasian, Titus, Domition.
Name the five good emperors. Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius. Weird Way 2 Remember: Never Try Hitting All Monkeys
On what hill was the temple Iuppiter Otimus Maximus located? Capitoline
On what hill would you be likely to find the homes of the wealthy? Palatine
What type of gladiator had a net and a trident? Retiarius
What type of gladiator had a small shield and a dagger? Sanite
What was the name of the trainer of galdiators? Linesta
What type of gladiator had a broad sword? Thracian or Throx
What type of gladiator wore a blindfold? Andabata
What type of gladiator wore a fish helmet? Mermillous
Who were responsible for fixing roads and hosting games? Aedile
What Greek mathematician developed a special theorem regarding triangles? Pythagoras
What Greek mathematician is known as the father of geometry? Euclid
Which Greek scientist was an expert in medical science? Hippocrates.
What is the Latin and English meaning for the abbreviation N.B.? Nota Bene meaning note well
What is the Latin and English meaning for the abbreviation E.G.? Exempli Gratia meaning for example
What is the Latin and English meaning for the abbreviation B.I.D.? Bis in Diem meaning twice a day
How long did the Roman Kingdom last? 753-510 BC
How long did the Roman Republic last? 509-27 BC
When and where did Castor and Pollux help defeat the Latins. 496BC, Lake Regilius
When the plebes seceded for the first time, where did they go? Mons Sacer.
Who where the 'four emperors' in 'the year of the four emperors'? (GOVV) Galba, Otho, Viteliius and Vespasian
Who was the last emperor of the western roman empire? Romulus Augustulus
What kind of toga was worn by a free man? toga libera
What was the normal kind of toga called? toga pura
What kind of toga was worn by someone running for office? toga candida
What kind of toga was worn by a victorious general? toga picta
What kind of toga was worn by men in mourning? toga pulla
What was the name of the unheated bath? apodyterium
What was the name of the warm bath? tepidarium
What was the name of the hot bath? Caldarium
What was the name of the cold bath? Frigidarium
Translate the state motto of Alabama: Audemus iura nostra defendere We dare to defend our rights
Translate the state motto of Arizona: Ditat deus God enriches
Translate the state motto of Arkansas: Regnat populus the people rule
Translate the state motto of: Colorado: Nil sine numine Nothing without divine will
Translate the state motto of Connecticut: Qui transtulit sustinet He who transplanted sustains
Translate the state motto of Idaho: Esto perpetua May she live forever
Translate the state motto of Kansas: Ad astra per aspera To the stars thought difficulties
Translate the state motto of Maine: Dirigo I direct
Translate the state motto of Maryland: Crescite et multiplicamini Increase and multiply (a lot of Catholics in this state)
Translate the state motto of Massachusetts: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem By the sword she seeks peaceful quiet under liberty
Translate the state motto of Michigan: Si quaeris peninsulam amoenam circumspice If you seek a lovely peninsula, look about you
Translate the state motto of Mississippi: Virtute et armis By valor and arms
Translate the state motto of Wyoming: Cedant arma togae Let arms yield to the toga
What does the abbreviation R.I.P. mean in English and in Latin Requlescat in pace -- Rest in peace
What does the abbreviation A.U.C. mean in English and in Latin ab urbe condita -- since the founding of the city
The words "Nosce Te Ipsum" where inscribed (somewhere) at the Oricle of Delphi. What does it mean? Know thyself
What does the abbreviation Q.E.D. mean in English and in Latin Quod era demonstrandum -- which was to be demonstrated.
Translate the state motto of Missouri: Salus populi sumprema lex esto Let the welfare of the people be the supreme rule
Translate the state motto of New Mexico: Crescit eundo It grows as it goes
Translate the state motto of New York: Excelsior. Ever upward
Translate the state motto of North Carolina: Esse quam videri To be rather than to seem
Translate the state motto of Oklahoma: Labor omnia vincit. Work conquers all
Translate the state motto of Oregon: Alis volat propriis he flies by his own wings
Translate the state motto of South Carolina: Animis opibusque parati -- or -- Dum spiro spero Prepared in mind and resources -- While I breath, I hope
Translate the state motto of Virginia: Do I really need to say it? Sic semper tyrannis -- Thus always to tyrants. If you didn't get that, I'll rip out your through.
Translate the state motto of West Virginia: Montani semper liberi Mountaineers are always free
Created by: kimberlymerline
Popular History sets




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