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Unit 4 US Expands

During John Adams' presidency, what was the United States policy on foreign affairs? Whose side did John Adams want to take- Britian or France? He wanted to remain neutral. In return of this, France thought we were allied with Great Britian because we stayed neutral.
What did the Virginia and Kentucky resolution say? States have the option of not following some Federal Laws if they don't agree with them and think they are unconstitutional.
Thomas Jefferson was known as a strong president who made many changes. Dicuss some of the changes he made, and how they impacted the United States. He ended the Alien and Sedition act. People imprisoned under these acts were set free. The time to become a citizen was once again lowered to five years. He lowered US debt. It helped US grow as a country, and he made things fairer, too.
Which country sold the United States the Lousinana Purchase? France.
The Louisana Purchase was a historical purchase for the United States- it doubled the size of our country. However, not everyone was pleased with the purchase. Describe some of the fears people had with this purchase. Feared that the land would become many more states. Feared that slavery would become big on the land. They thought the land was useless, and even thought the president was a hypocrite because he did not follow the rule of the constitution.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were sent out into the Lousiana Purchase to explore the land. What was the importance of this expedition? What did they discover and do on this trip? The importance was to explore the land to see what it had to offer. They discovered tribes, seas, Native American trading, land of the fields. They also constructed a map to guide them.
What happended to the demand of slaves in the United States as the cotton industry grew? It greatly grew demand for slaves, and cotton had to be grown faster.
What was the Missouri Compromise? The issue whether or not Missouri could enter the union as a slave state was a debate for months. New states north of a certain line in the Lousiana Territory could not have slavery.
President Andrew Jackson had a unique style that was different than any other president before him. Discuss the characteristics of hi presidency that made him unique, including important about his spoils system, and kitchen cabinet. Government workers who did not support him got fired. He believed working in the government did not require experience. He asked his "kitchen cabinet" for advice. (His Personal family and friends.)
What was the Trail of Tears? American Indians were forced to give up their homeland and take a difficult trip west to the land that was set aside for them.
Define each invention below and desribe it's importance (Steam Engine) Thomas Newcomen made the Steam Engine, and it helped with transportation and made jobs easier. Etc.
Define each invention below and desribe it's importance (Spinning Jenny) It helped create Texiles or Garments. It made jobs possible. People could wear proper shirts, and it sped up production. James Hargreaves made this invention.
Define each invention below and desribe it's importance (Cotton Gin) Eli Whitney, 1793, separated cotton fiber from their seeds. It made it easier to get cotton seeds. It grew demand for slaves, and cotton had to be grown faster.
Define each invention below and desribe it's importance (Interchangable Parts) Eli Whitney, 1798. It was mainly used for firearms. It was easier to fix complicated machinery. It taught workers how to build weapons.
Created by: Cats0001
Popular U.S. History sets




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