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Unit 6 and 7

changes after the civil war

Who was declared free by the Emancipation proclamation? all slaves living in areas still in rebellion
The Emancipation Prolimation was not about... abolishing slavery in the north
The doctrine of "popular sovereignty" said that the status of slaves in a new territory should be decided by... the residents of the territory
Whose plan for reconstruction reflects " with malace toward none, with charity for all to bind up the nation's wounds?" Abraham Lincoln
Which best describes the south after the civil war? Cities and factories were devastated and the republican party gained support
Who was responsible for the Seneca Falls convention? Elizabeth Cady Stanton
"Bleeding Kansas" describes... the struggle between pro-slavery and anti-slavery movements as a result of popular soverinty
The loss of which famous battlewould eventually bring texas to the union? the Alamo
How did America gain parts of the Oregon Territory? as a result of th ewar of 1812
What Supreme Court decision overturned efforts to limit the spread of slavery and outraged abolitionists? Dred scott
How did the Compromise of 1850 settle the question of slavery in the territories the US acquired from the war with Mexico? popular sovereignty
which election was the first have suffrage extended to the "common man" insted of just the aristocracy? Andrew Jackson in 1828
"The power to tax is the power to destroy" comes from... McCulloch vs. Maryland
the formation of political parties can b traced to the different philosophies and viewpoints of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
What amendment guarenteed sufferage to freed male slaves? 15th
what was the result of the compramise of 1877? reconstruction ended as republicans agreed to end military occupation in the south
whose plan for reconstruction was the most lenient on the south? Andrew Johnson's
what political party was established with the goal of stopping the expansion of slavery into the territories? Free soil
The Civil War put the constitutional govt. to its most important test in the debate over.... power of the federal govt versus states' rights
what two main cities lain in ruins after the civil war? Atlanta and Richmond
Lincoln believed that secession of the southern states was... illegal
when the president of the US vetoed the rechartering of the bank of the US in 1832 what was a resulte? a major economic depression happened
the inherent difference between European monarchies and the new nations in the Western hemisphere was... that they were replublicans by nature
what departmentwas in charge of foreign affairs? state
which of the following best characterizes the missouri compramise? slavery was excluded to all territories north of 36*30* while choice of freedom or slavery was given to thoise US territories south of this line
why did thew us go to war with Mexico? Mexico refused tho sell California to the US
Created by: athera
Popular U.S. History sets




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