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Chapter 7 Lesson 3

Remaining Neutral

what war broke out against the French king in 1789 French revolution
when did the French revolution war break out 1789
who what two countries were in the French revolution war France and Great Britain
who supported the French during war some Americans including thomas Jefferson
who remained neutral during the war George Washington and others
why did George and others want to remain neutral it was the safest plan for the US
what was issued saying that the United States wouldn't take sides Neutrality proclamation of 1793
when was the neutrality proclamation issued 1793
during Jay's treaty what was ceased British ceased American ships in the French West Indies
who wanted to prevent another war George Washington and the Britain
when was Jay's treaty signed 1794
what does Jay's treaty settle disputes that arised between two countries in the 1790's
how was Jay's treaty viewed in the US unpopular
what borders were disputed by the Spanish in Pinckney's treaty US and Florida
what did Spain close in 1784 to affect the US economy New Orleans port
how did the closing of the port affect on America hurt the trade and the economy
when was pickney's treaty signed 1795
where was the US southern border set in the treaty 31^o north latitude
what was reopened port of NOLA
where did Americans settle despite the Native Americans protest northwest territory
who went to war Native Americans
Native American victories were under whose directions Chief little turtle
who won the battle of fallen timbers in 1794 General Anthony Waynes troops
what ended the war in 1795 giving Americans lands in the Northwest territory Treaty of Greenville
when was the treaty of greenville signed 1795
French Revolution A rebellion of French people against their king in 1789
Neutrality Proclamation Stated that the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war
Privateers Private ships hired by a country to attack its enemies
Jay’s Treaties Settled the disputes that had arisen between the United States
Pinckney’s treaty Settled the border and trade disputes with Spain
Which of the following correctly describes the conflict that took place in the Northwest Territory? Native Americans protested that the Americans continued to settle the land.
Pinckney’s Treaty allowed the American right-of-deposit in New Orleans. True
Why did James Madison criticize President Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation? He thought the president went beyond his authority in issuing it without approval of Congress.
In the 1790s, the United States signed a number of treaties that would outline its boundaries and expand its territories. Which of the following is such a treaty? The Treaty of Greenville
President Washington personally led the militia against the westerners in the Whiskey Rebellion because... he felt people needed to understand the Constitutional right of Congress to institute tax laws.
Pinckney’s Treaty addressed American settlers’ disputes over the Florida border with which country? Pinckney’s Treaty addressed American settlers’ disputes over the Florida border with which country?
Supreme Court Justice John Adams was sent to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain. False
The greatest threat to American expansion into the Northwest Territories was... Native American tribes supplied with guns and ammunition by the British.
Which statement best expresses George Washington’s attitude toward Jay’s Treaty? He did not like it but believed it put off a war with Great Britain.
He did not like it but believed it put off a war with Great Britain. False
Defeated U.S. forces under General Josiah Harmer Chief Little Turtle
Washington personally leads army in military action Whiskey Rebellion
Native Americans gave up most of the land in Northwest Territory Treaty of Greenville
General Anthony Wayne defeated the Native Americans Battle of Fallen Timbers
Gave the U.S. the "right-of-deposit" in New Orleans Pinckney's Treaty
Very unpopular and sparked violent protests; wasn't worth the paper it was written on Jay's Treaty
Edmund Genet used American sailors and privateers to fight the British without U.S. authorization The French question
James Madison believed that the president had gone beyond his authority Neutrality Proclamation
The storming of the Bastille French Revolution
why were the people angry in 1791 in reaction to congress angry at tax on American made whiskey
what was a cash crop to western Penn. farms whiskey
why were farmers angry court cases were heard far away
what fight broke out in 1794 whiskey rebellion
who led the army against the rebels that ended without a battle George Washington
what did George want to do in 1796 leave public life
how did George address the people wrote a farewell address
what did Washington warn about inn the farewell address dangers of foreign ties the nation needed to work out its political differences too much public debt
Supreme Court Justice John Adams was sent to negotiate a treaty with Great Britain. False
In the 1790s, the United States signed a number of treaties that would outline its boundaries and expand its territories. Which of the following is such a treaty? Treaty of Greenville
How did the Whiskey Rebellion end? Most of the rebels fled before Washington’s army arrived.
The Treaty of Greenville stated that the U.S. would not takes sides with any European country at war. False
The greatest threat to American expansion into the Northwest Territories was... Native American tribes supplied with guns and ammunition by the British.
Which of the following correctly describes the conflict that took place in the Northwest Territory? Native Americans protested that the Americans continued to settle the land.
General Anthony Wayne’s troops were defeated by the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. False
Pinckney’s Treaty addressed American settlers’ disputes over the Florida border with which country? Spain
In his Farewell Address in 1796, President Washington advised Americans of... the dangers of ties with foreign powers.
Which statement best expresses George Washington’s attitude toward Jay’s Treaty? He did not like it but believed it put off a war with Great Britain.
Why did James Madison criticize President Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation? He thought the president went beyond his authority in issuing it without approval of Congress.
Why did Thomas Jefferson criticize U.S. Policy toward France? He believed the U.S. owed France support because France had backed the U.S. during the Revolutionary War.
Pinckney’s Treaty allowed the American right-of-deposit in New Orleans. True
Created by: RandomUser
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