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Election of 1912

progressive era

When was TR president and what party was he? (1901-1909) republican
William Taft term and party (1909-1913) republican
Who ran during the election of 1912? TR, Taft, Wilson, Eugene Debs
Coal Strike of 1902 1. TR resolves the labor dispute. 2. Calls for the strikers (United Mine Workers) & the mine owners to meet at the White House 3. Made both sides agree that the miners would get a 10% increase wage increase and fewer working hours.
Does TR defend worker's rights? yes
Did TR prefer not to break up monopolies unless they were clearly abusing their competitors and the consumers? yes
Who led the progressive party? TR
What happened with JP Morgan in 1902 1. TR sues JP Morgan’s holding company, the Northern Securities Company for violating Sherman-Anti Trust law 2. Supreme Court sides with Teddy and makes Morgan’s holding company dissolve.
Square Deal TR's domestic policy based on three basic ideas: protection of the consumer, control of large corporations, and conservation of natural resources.
How many anti-trusts lawsuits did TR file? 40
Did TR focus more on trustbusting or railroad regulation? railroad regulation
Hepburn Act (1906) 1. TR 2. gave the Interstate Commerce Commission power to examine railroad’s financial records. 3. gave the government more control over regulating railroads.
What two consumer protection acts did TR pass? 1. Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) 2. Meat Inspection Act (1906 3. both successful
TR and the environment big conservationist, created many national parks and monuments
TR & progressive party beliefs ( a new nationalism) 1. women's suffrage 2. lower tariffs 3. corp regulation 4. no child labor 5. 8 hr work day 6. direct primary 7. direct election of senators
Mann-Elkins Act (1910) 1. Taft 2. Strengthens ICC power over railroad, Telephone, Telegraph
Who was the biggest trustbuster Taft, broke 2x the trusts of TR
Insurgents vs Old Guard 1. Insurgents - reform minded republicans, want lower tariffs 2. Old Guard - conservatives, high tariff
Was Taft more liberal or conservative? conservative
Taft and TR relations 1. TR supported Taft's run for presidency in 1908 2. However, Tafts actions during presidency lead to loss of Tr's support 3. Divide in republican party
Taft personality 1. didn't really want to be a politician 2. hated being president 3. weak leader
Taft beliefs as president 1. non aggressive approach to conservation 2. leave legislative branch alone
Payne-Aldrich Act 1909 1. Taft passes high tariff 2. insurgents mad
Woodrow Wilson term and party 1913-1921 and democrat
Wilson beliefs (the new freedom) 1. temp expansion of gov 2. low tariffs 2. income tax 3. fed reserve bank 4. Restore competition rather than regulate monopolies. 5. no trusts (clayton antitrust 1914) 6. once goals completed, go back to small gov (jefferson ideals)
Underwood-Simmons Tariff (1916) 1. Wilson 2. lowered tariffs
Federal Trade Commission (1914) 1. Wilson 2.Create a Federal Trade Commission to define unfair trade practices and issue “cease and desist” orders.
Wilson views on workers supports labor unions
Wilson views on farmers Support low-interest loans for farmers and internal improvements at federal expense.
Eugene Debs 1. socialist, overthrow capitalism, most radical 2. Progressivism is simply an apology for the crimes of capitalism. 3. womens suffrage 4. supports environment
Created by: kayla57575
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