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Historia 10

Jewish history

The Middle Ages A period of time from around 750-1650
Exilarch A political Jewish leader
Gaon Rabbinical leader of the Jews
Gaonim were based in schools of learning from _______ Babylonia (Bavel)
Where and when R' Saadya Gaon was born Egypt in 892
922 Significant dispute regarding the calendar
960 The four hostages
700-1000 Jews come to Spain
1066 Yosef HaNagid and the massacre of Cordova
Tannaim 0-200
Amoraim 220-620
Gaonim 620-1020
Rishonim 1000-1450
Acharonim 1450-now
Karaites People who only wanted to follow Torah Shebichsav; R' Saadya fought against them
The 2 great cities of Torah with well-known yeshivos Pumbedisa and Sura
Controversy with Exilarch vs. Gaon David ben Zakkai vs. the Gaon of Pumbedisa, Mar Kohen Tzedek
R' Saadya was known specifically for proving 4 things: 1) B'nei Yisrael is the chosen nation 2) The existence of Hashem 3) The Torah is divine 4) The world was created from nothing
The downfall of Torah Jewry in Babylonia Caused by feuds between Exilarchs and Gaonim /Economy /Arab holy wars
The four hostages 4 tzadikim captured by pirates: R' Shmariah R' Chushiel Rabbeinu Moshe ben Henoch (and his son) The 4th tzadik's name is unknown
R' Sherira wrote Iggeres Rabbeinu Sherira Gaon
R' Chai and R' Sherira were turned in to the ____ Caliph
R' Chai Gaon wrote HaMekach V'HaMimkar
______ was known as the "Father of Israel" R' Chai Gaon
Jews went high up politically in the _____ govt. Muslim
He was the official physician to the caliph in Cordova Chisdai ben Yitzchak Ibn Shaprut
Chisdai was viewed by the Jews in high esteem bc _______ He was visibly Jewish and high up in govt.
When did the "Golden Age" of Spanish Jewry begin? In the time of Chisdai ben Yitzchak Ibn Shaprut
Shmuel HaNagid was a talmid of _______ R' Chanoch
Shmuel HaNagid was well-versed in __________ Both Torah and secular knowledge
Berbers Arabic barbarians
Intense war in Cordova caused _______ Many Jews to leave
Shmuel HaNagid left Cordova and ended up in _______ Grenada
When King Habbus died and Badis took over, ______ was his right-hand man Shmuel HaNagid
He succeeded Shmuel HaNagid's position Yosef HaNagid
Yosef HaNagid's big mistake Appointing only Jews to office, causing jealousy among the non-Jews
He wrote Chovos HaLevovos R' Bachya ben Yosef
Created by: Creamy
Popular History sets




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