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Age of Exploration

study guide for 8th grade american history

Prince Henry the Navigator school of navigation (PORTUGAL) sponsored expeditions in search of an all water route to Asia (AROUND AFRICA)
Bartolomeu Dias PORTUGUESE explorer who reached Cape of Good Hope (tip of Africa)
Vasco de Gama PORTUGUESE explorer who was first to sail around Africa to India
Ferdinand Magellan PORTUGUESE explorer who was first to sail around the WORLD
Circumnavigate sail around the world
Causes of Exploration THREE Gs - Gold, Glory, and God
Conquistador Spanish conqueror of the Americas
Hernando Cortes conquistador who DEFEATED AZTECS and CONQUERED MEXICO
Francisco Pizarro conquistador who CONQUERED the INCAS of Peru
Columbian Exchange exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the NEW and OLD WORLDS
Mercantilism economic system goal was to balance trade and enrich European nations
Caravel small, highly maneuverable, three-mast ship used by PORTUGUESE and SPANISH during exploration of the Atlantic
Missionary person sent on a RELIGIOUS mission
Renaissance Influence on Exploration - new spirit of curiosity and discovery - Kings and Queens had more power and money - new technologies allowed sailors to go further and return home - printing press allowed info to be spread more easily
Conquistadors Easily Conquered Native Tribes Because of... superior weapons and diseases
Treaty of Tordesillas (2nd line of demarcation) - 1494 line drawn by the Pope which states that divides the newly-discovered lands between Spain and Portugal *800 MILES WEST OF OG LINE* the line was through the Atlantic ocean, and the west side was for Spain while the east belonged to Portugal
Amerigo Vespucci mapmaker and explorer who discovered that America was a new continent, which was then named after him
POSITIVE Effect of the Columbian Exchange introduction of new foods to Europe, which led to a population increase
First European Nation to Trade Slaves (Africans) Portugal
Significance of the Technological Advancements (1500s) created the possibility for Europe to sail ANYWHERE
Effects of Columbus and Others Arriving in the New World natives were enslaved, intentionally killed, or accidentally killed for European gain
Major NEGATIVE Effect of Columbian Exchange spread of diseases which killed millions of natives
FIVE European Nations Competing Spain, England, Portugal, France, and The Netherlands
Northwest Passage waterway through OR around America to GET TO ASIA
1st Line of Demarcation - 1493 line drawn by the Pope which states that divides the newly-discovered lands between Spain and Portugal the line was through the Atlantic ocean, and the west side was for Spain while the east belonged to Portugal
The Competition Expands With... French, English, and Dutch, who don't want to be left out of exploration and riches - join in IGNORING the treaty of tordesillas
France - Samuel de Champlain founded New France (Quebec, Canada and along Mississippi), traded furs with natives, friendlier with natives than others
England - John Cabot claims Newfoundland
First English Settlement Sir Walter Raleigh - Roanoke, Virginia
First SUCCESSFUL English Colony Jamestown
England - Henry Hudson claimed Hudson Bay area in Canada
The Netherlands - William Usselinx founded colony of New Netherland (later to become New York)
The Netherlands - Henry Hudson founded colony of New Amsterdam (later to become Manhattan)
Created by: 20kcaw08
Popular U.S. History sets




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