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Chapter 8

Progressive Era

progressivism movement that responded to the pressures of industrialization and urbanization by promoting reforms
muckraker reported on the hazardous conditions in factories and cities during the progressive era
social gospel blended ideas from german socialism and american progressivism into a plan for building a better society
settlement house community center organized at the turn of the twentieth century to provide social services to the urban poo
direct primary an election in which citizens vote to select nominees for upcoming elections
initiative process in which citizens put a proposed new law directly on the ballot
referendum allowed citizens to approve or reject laws passed by a legislature
recall gave voters the power to move public servants out of office before their term is over
jacob riis photographed tenement buildings in which the urban poor lived (how the other half lived)
jane addams leading figure in the settlement house movement (hull house)
the jungle upton sinclair the living and working conditions in chicago's stockyards
triangle shirtwaist factory killed 146 people and resulted in workers' compensation laws
national consumers league (ncl) identified products made under healthful working conditions and encouraged women to buy them
temperance movement the campaign to promote the practice of never drinking alcohol
suffrage right to vote
national american women suffrage association (nawsa) worked on both the state and national levels to earn women the right to vote
nineteenth amendment stated that the right to vote "shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex" gave women suffrage
florence kelly formed the women's trade union league to push for laws that would benefit women working in factories
alice paul founded the national women's party (nwp), which used public protest marches to demand the right to vote
ida b wells founded the national association of colored women (nacw) to help african american families and those who were less fortunate. created day cares
muller v oregon limited work hours for women
lincoln steffens wrote the shame of cities exposing political corruption in philadelphia
young men's christian associations (ymca) provided services to the urban poor and offered classes, dances, and sports
keating-owens act banned child labor
john dewey criticized american schools for teaching children to memorize facts but not to think creatively.
lochner v new york laws limiting to a 10-hour workday were unconsitiutional
hurrican in texas adapted the commission form of government and curved political machines
robert la follette governor of wisconsin that lowered railroad fees and forced them to pay higher taxes. helped his state improve education, make factories safer, and adopt the direct primary
margret sanger opened the first birth control clinic in the country but got jailed many times
carrie chapman catt president of the national american woman suffrage association (nawsa) that earned women suffrage
americanization american's making immigrants more like the white middle class
national association for the advancement of colored people (naacp) springfield riot let to this being formed. help african americans be physically free from peonage, mentally free from ignorance, politically free from disenfranchisement, and socially free from insult
niagara movement du bois and other leaders against booker 's idea of gradual process and condemned only teaching trade skills
urban league network of churches and clubs that set up employment agencies and relief efforts to help african americans get settled and find work in the cities
mutualistas organized groups of mexican americans that make loans and provide legal assistants to other members of their community
anti-defamation league defended jews against physical and verbal attacks and false statements
booker t washington wanted gradual african american progress and rights
web du bois wanted immediate african american progress and rights
dawes act divided reservations into plots for individuals to farm
carlos montezuma established the society of american indians for indians to protest the federal indian policy. urged african americans to preserve their culture and avoid being dependent on the government
1913 californian law forced japanese americans to sell their land
square deal President Theodore Roosevelt's program of reforms to keep wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor
hepburn act President Theodore Roosevelt's program of reforms to keep wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor
meat inspection act allowed the federal government to inspect meat sold across state lines and required federal inspection of meat processing plants
pure food and drug act allowed federal inspection of food and medicine and banned the interstate shipment and sale of impure food and the mislabeling of food and drugs
national reclamation act gave the federal government the power to decide where and how water would be distributed through the building and management of dams and irrigation projects
new nationalism Roosevelt's plan to restore the governments trust-building power
progressive party political party that emerged from the Taft-Roosevelt battle that split the Republican party in 1912
john muir led congress to establish yosemite national park
rational use forests be preserved for public use
department of commerce and labor because of a coal strike, roosevelt urged congresses to establish this force to monitor businesses engaged in interstate commerce and keep capitalists from abusing their power
interstate commerce commission (icc) supreme court stripped away most of their power to oversee railroads
elkins act imposed fines to railroads that gave special rates to favored shippers
gifford pinchot recommended that forests be preserved
new freedom Woodrow Wilson's program to place government controls on corporations in order to benefit small businesses
sixteenth amendment gave Congress the authority to levy an income tax
federal reserve act placed national banks under the control of a Federal Reserve Board, which runs regional banks that hold the reserve funds from commercial banks, sets interest rates, and supervises commercial banks
federal trade commission identify monopolistic business practices, false advertising, dishonest labeling
clayton antitrust act strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act spelled out activies in which businesses could not engage
workingmans compensation act gave wages to the temporarily disabled civil service workers
adamson act prevented a railroad strike and it gave railroad workers an 8 hour workday
ludlow massacre 26 men were killed in a coal mining strike and woodrow sent federal troops to break it up
Created by: medinanic
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