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Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights The first 10 amendments of the constitution
14th Amendment Grants citizenship to all people born is the US including former slaves and grants all citizens equal protection of the laws
Civil Liberties Basic political freedoms that protect citizens from governmental abuses of power
Due Process Clause Forbids states from denying life, liberty, or propery to a person without due process of law.
Establishment Clause Congress can't sponsor or favor any religion
Free Exercise Clause Congress cannot prohibit or interfere with the practice of religion
What Amendment is the Due Process Clause a part of 14th amendment
What Amendment is the Establishment Clause a part of 1st amendment
What Amendment is the Free Exercise Clasue a part of 1st amendment
Prior Restraint A limit on freedom that allows the government to prohibit the media from publishing certain materials
Exclusionary Rule Illegally or unconstitutionally acquired evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial
Dual Citizenship Citizenship in more that one nation
Selective Incorporation The civil liberties granted in the Bill of RIghts were applied to the states on a case-by-case basis
What amendment is Selective Incorporation a part of 14th amendment
Eminent Domain Power of a government to take private property for public use
What amendment includes Eminent Domain 5th amendment
Double Jepardy Being tried twice for the same crime
Which amendment prevents Double Jepardy 5th amendment
Clear and Present Danger This test allowed the governement to restrict certain sypes of speech deemed dangerous
Which court case established Clear and Present Danger Schenck v. US
Symbolic Free Speech Nonverbal expression that benefits form many of the same constitutional protections as verbal speech becuase of its expressive value
Commercial Speech Public expression with the aim of making a profit
Which amendment protects Commercial speech 1st amendment
Libel and Slander Written false statements that damage a person's reputation
Shield Laws Protect reporters right to refuse to testify against their sources while gathering information in their role as reporters
Strict Scrutiny Highest level of scrutiny the courts can use when determining whether a law is constitutional
Intermediate Scrutiny The middle level of scrutiny the courts can use when determining whether a law is constitutional
Hate Speech Expression that is offensive or abusive particularly in terms of gender, religion, race, or sexual orientation
Which amendment protects people from Hate Speech 1st amendment
Freedom to Assemble The right to hold public meetings and form associations without interference by the government
Which amendment protects the freedom to assemble 1st amendment
Created by: callies_sophie
Popular American Government sets




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