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HIST134 Midterm

Puritans Puritans are a sect of Christianity that began after Martin Luther's 95 theses. They hated the Catholic and Anglican church and were religious outcasts. They moved to America via Plymouth Company in 1607 to escape persecution and build a new zion.
Calvinism & Predestination Founded by John Calvin, a sect of protestants that believed in predestination. This was the idea that before you are born it has been decided whether you will be going to heaven or not. Those who go to heaven are called the elect.
Conversion & Visible Saints Conversion is when you get the feeling that you are predestined for heaven. You are a visible saint when everyone else can see that too.
Indulgences Payments to Church and in return your sins would be forgiven and you could influence the afterlife. Puritans hated this idea.
Massachusetts Bay Colony 1629-30 a second wave of puritan settlers move in. They are not separatists, so not as extreme, and believed Anglican church could be reformed if they were a good example - city on a hill. Led by John Winthrope a rich lawyer
John Winthrop Governer of Mass. writes model of christian charity, . Hated democracy, thought it was against 5th ammendment.
“A Model of Christian Charity” A fanous sermon given by Winthrop in 1630, outlines the goals and ideals of the new settlement in the Boston area, city on a hill, creating a new Israel, God's errand in the wilderness. Laws and behaviors based on bible.
Great and General Court Mass Col.'s only court for the 7000 settlers, combines religion and law. Only holy people served on the court, Winthrop, and all were visible saints. All branches of gov rolled in one, authorized to pass any laws as long as they upheld British law.
Doctrine of “Just Price” Puritans believed they couldn't overcharge for merchandise. Made it very hard to make money for merchants like William Hutchinson
Anne Hutchinson Born in England in 1591, raised with a rigourous education and a hate of the Anglican church. Follower of John Cotton, attended conventicals in England and starts her own in MA. Believes she is recieving direct revelation from God, visible saint.
William Hutchinson Anne's husband, merchant on the rise, marries Anne in 1612, follower of John Cotton
Society of Deference Believed in a well ordered society everyone has their place and should show respect to your betters. Everyone has obligation to those under them too
Coverture Status of married woman under English Common Law. Her identity and income merges with husband. He gets punished for her deeds. She can't have contracts
Conventicles Private gatherings where non-Anglicans came to discuss bible and pray in England. Anne starts holding them in Boston. Generally not mainstream because preaching the things that go against public. Makes judges very suspicious
Absolute Truth God revealed once and for all time his word in the bible. No subsequent revelations. Study of bible is only way to know God’s will
John Wilson Leading minister in Massachusetts Bay, stressed need for preparation for grace, people should act well, men of anne's faction don't serve in Pequot war because he supports it, cracks in COH
Doctrine of Preparationism Idea that there were steps one could take to get in the right state of mind to receive conversion if it was going to come.
“covenant of works” What Anne and followers called Doctorine of Preperationism. Saying that predestination was fake and you could work your way into heaven with good deeds.
The Antinomian Controversy Another name for the Anne Hutchinson trials 1636-38. Idea that if you were chosen you were above the law.
5th Commandment Respecting the deferential society. Anne charged with breaking the 5th commandment.
Roger Williams Puritan dissenter, founds the city of providence in 1636. Takes Anne and others kicked out of puritan colony in as refugees. Believes in separation of church and state, religious freedom.
Salem Town vs. Salem Village Salem Village were mostly poor farmers who were old puritans who came from Plymouth Company ships, Salem town moved for economic and commercial reasons. Not built in same way as SV, losing Puritan values.
King William’s War 1690-97, After the Glorious revolution King Louis 14 of France goes to war with England to put a Catholic back on the throne. In America French and Native Americans team up to fight English settlers. Very bloody attacks on Puritan settlements.
The Putnam Family Salem Village residents, saw commercial Salem Town as a threat, wanted status and piety to come from landholding, want an official Salem Village church
Deodat Lawson Minister installed in Salem, ordained in 1686, causes rifts in Salem, leaves in 1688.
World of Signs and Wonder Puritans believe life is not randomly cruel, all things are from God.
Visible Saints Community wide acknowledgment that all can see someone is destined for heaven.
Samuel Parris Samuel Parris was the Puritan minister in Salem Village, during the Salem witch trials, as well as the father of Betty and uncle of Abigail. Failed merchant. Born in 1653. Owned Tituba. Contract disputes with SV.
Tituba Enslaved and owned by Parris family, from Barbados, first to admit she is a witch.
Witch Cake & Witches’ Familiars key in the first accusations of witchcraft. WC are intended to reveal witchcraft. Fs are the animal companion witches send into the world to do the devil's work. Definition of a witch under Massachusetts law: consulted with a familiar , used familiar
The Witch of Endor Consulted by Saul to summon spirit of Samuel to help in the battle with the Plishtim. Interpreted as her being evil. Showed world view towards witches.
Abigail Williams 11 year old niece of Parris, one of the primary accusers, accuses 44 people
Cotton Mather Grandson of John Cotton, Leading minister in New England. Sort of an enlightened thinker, very interested in science and writes 437 books including on eon witchcraft and symptoms of witchcraft. Feels the devil will show malice where he is most hated.
Jonathan Corwin & John Hathorne County Magistrates who hold preliminary examinations in Salem. Have the accused held for months in jail while New England awaits a new Governer from the UK
Court of Oyer and Terminer Literally a court to hear and determine. No lawyers but there was a grand jury, a petit jury, and defendants could speak and offer evidence and witnesses. For extraordinary situations When regular court system is overwhelmed and can’t handle a case
Goody Osborn Accused by Tituba. Easy target, legal disputes with Putnam's, who get afflicted, and hadn’t gone to church in 3 years.
Rebecca Nurse Accused by Abigail. Pious, considered a member of the elect/visible saint.
Giles Corey 81, wife is killed, accused, thought the whole thing was bogus, refused to participate, to extract a plea they did a pressing ceremony and he died under the weight.
John Hale Minister who supports but then own wife is accused
Spectral evidence Evidence that only the accuser could see. Cotton mathers instructs court to trust this.
Compurgation Defendant swears on a holy object that they didn’t do the crime. Come from medieval. If you slipped up on oath it was a sign of guilt.
George Burroughs He was the minister of Salem before Lawson. Borrowed money from Putnams which he could not pay back. Old servant accuses him, he is brought from maine, convicted and hung. Before he is hung says lord's prayer perfectly and brings audience to tears.
Ergot Poisoning A fungas that grows in damp conditions on rye. It can be localized to some fields but not others. 1692 was not a wet year but still a possible explination.
Mass Sociogenic Illness Rapid spread of symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originated from a disturbance in the nervous system
The Crucible Reaction to the Salem Witch Trials, paints whole thing as fake and a result of hysteria.
Navigation Acts Series of acts 1650-1690. All trade in British Empire must be on English ships with English crews. Benefit colonists
Salutary Neglect British colonies amongst the most lightly governed people. Colonists doing well. Have a hard time moving from this to more enforcement.
Seven Years War 1754- 1763, known as French Indian War in colonies, England wins and claims all of the land east of Mississippi. Saddled with huge war debts. With enemies removed colonists don't feel as much need for protection from British troops
Sugar Act of 1764 Increased enforcement on molasses tax to pay off war debt. Also delt with coffee and wine. Upset trade. America imported a lot of molasses and were affected by added customs officials. Actually lowered tax.
Jury Nullification When a jury doesn't buy into the idea of the law so doesn't uphold it. Not found guilty or non-guilty, case is thrown away. Essentially a not guilty.
Stamp Act of 1765 Tax on all papers and legal documents. Only affected america not England. Protests in every colony.
Nonimportation Agreements Merchants in colonial cities agree to stop importing British manufactured goods
Sons & Daughters of Liberty Group of men and women that refuses to buy british goods due to import taxes. Women make textiles in America call it "homespun".
Boston Massacre March 5, 1770. Altercation between colonists and british soldiers in which 5 colonial men die. Word spreads throughout colonies and the British troops seem more like occupiers that protectors.
Crispus Attucks One of 5 men killed. clubs Hugh Montgomery to the ground, Montgomery discharges weapon, very large for time - soldiers may have felt more scared. Shot twice in chest and killed. Seen as martyr
Captain Thomas Preston’s Trial October 24-30 1770, Rex v. Preston, tried separately from soldiers, held 7 months before trial to cool public opinion. Found not guilty. Sign of fair trial in America?
Jury Selection (Voir Dire long process but Adams is able to stack jury with loyalists
Trial of the 8 Soldiers November 1770, Rex v. Weems et. al, transcript exists, argue self defense, mob attacked, Kilroy and Montgomery found guilty of manslaughter
John Adams Born in Mass Bay Colony in 1735. Harvard educated lawyer. Defense attorney for Captain and soldiers. Believed in upholding the law and defending the innocent. Eventual vice president and president.
Dying Declaration/Hearsay Rule Statement offered in court to prove the truth of the matter asserted . Dying declerations are an exception if person dying names killer. Dying decleration used to find soldiers not guilty
Hugh Montgomery Admkits to Adams that he shouted fire, uses benefit of clergy to get off with just a branded M, clubbed by Crispus
Samuel Adams Founder of Committee of Safety 1774, stockpile weapons for what they believe is a war, sees british as oppressors
John Brown Born 1800 in connecticut, raised by strict calvinist morals, believes he is getting direct revelation from God. Believes his role is to rid the world of slavery.
Toussaint Louverture JB's idol, black leader of hatian revolution 1791-1803. White hatians decide they want freedom from France and slaves use this opportunity to revolt. Very gruesome, then French army massacres. Scares American slave owners, espec. in areas with large ratio
American Colonization Society 1816 Henry Clay and many other big names FSK, Madison, Monroe. Raise money and send freed black ppl to Liberia. White people don't like many freed black people around, afraid it will lead to uprising.
Walker’s Appeal 1829, very harsh words that constitution says all men are equal yet hypocritical owners. Slaves found with appeal, owners very scared of revolts starting. Black sailors banned from leaving ships etc.
William Lloyd Garrison The liberator, 1831, shocked by slave sales, writes newspaper from Mass. urgining the end of slavery on the basis of the bible. Moral suasion, Advocates that North should succeed from south.
Nat Turner’s Rebellion August 1831 Southampton County, VA, Turner and 70 followers kill 60 white people. Also believes he has direct revelations from God. Belief it is Garrison's fault
Wilmot Proviso 1846, David Wilmot a senator tries to use having no slaves in new states as leverage for funding Mexican American War. Always fails when South has an equal vote.
Compromise of 1850 Save the nation from succession. Banned slave trade in DC, California free state. Utah and New Mex created as slave states. Aggressive fugitive slave law
Fugitive Slave Law of 1850 No warrant necessary. Burden of proof is on accused. Even bystanders could be fined. No statute of limitations, indefinite imprisonmemt, no jury trail, no appeals
Christiana Riot September 1851, lancaster county PA, US marshal and squad raid a farm owned by freed William Parker, met by armed abolitionsists black and white, marshal returns with marines, 41 abolitionsists arrested and charged with treason. Jury nullification.
League of the Giledites Formed by John Brown in response to Fugitive Slave Act 1850. Created group to encourage slaves to resist their owners by force and to resist fugitive slave act.
Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 1854, Senator Douglas, slavery could extend even where it had been banned, creates Kansas and Nebraska, allowed for popular sovereignty-vote on whether they wanted slaves or not.
Jayhawkers a native or resident of Kansas who were violent and antislavery
Bleeding Kansas Bleeding Kansas describes the period of repeated outbreaks of violent guerrilla warfare between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces following the creation of the new territory of Kansas in 1854.
Border Ruffians Border ruffians were proslavery raiders, crossing from the slave state of Missouri into the Kansas Territory, to help ensure Kansas entered the Union as a slave state. Stuffed the ballot boxes.
“The Sacking of Lawrence” The sacking of Lawrence occurred on May 21, 1856, when pro-slavery settlers attacked and ransacked Lawrence, Kansas, a town which had been founded by anti-slavery settlers
The Caning of Sumner Antislavery senator from Mass., gave speech "Crime against Kansas" saying it shoukd ahve entered as a free state. Representative Preston Brooks South Carolina beat him after the speech with a cane. Brown furious. May 22, 1856
John Brown’s “Liberty Guards” Brown joined Free State guerrilla movement and commanded a company of twenty men known as the Liberty Guards. Enraged by the sack of Lawrence, a Free State stronghold, Brown led a raid on May 24, 1856, against a settlement at Pottawatomie Creek
Birth of Republican Party Whig party collapses. 1854 The Party began as a coalition of anti-slavery advocates and free-soilers of kansas
Pottawatomie Creek May 24, 1856, hack 5 proslavery settlers to death with swords
Dred Scott v. Sandford 1857 - black people are not citizens of the US and can't bring legal charges, Congress cannot ban slavery from the territories Violated the 5th amendment to protect rights of life, lib, property.
The Secret Six John Brown gets rich abolitionists to secretly fund him
Brown’s “Provisional Constitution” Brown carrying elaborate map of 7 southern states with crosses drawn on counties where number of enslaved people greatly outnumbers the owners. Has preamble and amendments, It called for a new state
Frederick Douglass August 1859, Brown has secret meeting with FD to be black voice of movement but Douglass thinks it is a suicide mission
Colonel Lewis Washington Lives near Harpers ferry, Brown and army break down his door, free his slaves, and take him hostage. Is star witness in trial but paints Brown favorably to some extent.
Dangerfield Newby Freed slave whose wife is in slavery and will probably be transfered. Joins Brown's army
Governor Henry Wise Governor of Virginia during Harpers Ferry incident. Wants to see Brown executed. Ensures a speedy trial in the state court system.
Virginia’s Treason Statute
Judge Richard Parker Judge of the John Brown trial. appoints brown two pro-slavery lawyers. Makes trail unfair.
John Brown’s Body A United States marching song about the abolitionist John Brown. The song was popular in the Union during the American Civil War
Battle Hymn of the Republic To the tune of John Brown's body, a popular American patriotic song written by the abolitionist writer Julia Ward Howe
Created by: SFrenkel
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