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Topic 10 Vocab Terms

Western Expansion and Growth of Industry

American Federation of Labor Organized in 1881, represented skilled workers in various crafts; led by Samuel Gompers; worked for better working conditions, higher wages & safer conditions
Haymarket Affair May 1886, Chicago; clash between strikers and police left several people dead
subsidy a land grant or other financial help from the government
anarchist person who opposes organized government
capitalism an economic system based on the private ownership of property, a market economy, and the goal of making a profit, or income, from the use of one's property
Corporation A business owned by investors (people who buy stock) and that sells stock in order to raise money
Stock Shares of ownership in a company; people who buy stock own part of a company
collective bargaining a process by which a union representing a group of workers negotiates with management for a contract
Dividend A stockholders share of a corporation's profit
Trust A group of corporations run by a single board of directors; often very powerful, eliminating their competition, and seen as corrupting the government
Monopoly A company that controls all or nearly all the business of an industry
Free Enterprise System Private citizens own businesses; the owners make the decisions and companies compete to win customers by making the best product at the lowest price
Assembly Line Method of production in which workers add parts to a product that moves along on a belt; Henry Ford started this in 1913
Mass Production Making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply
The Dawes Act Encouraged Native Americans to become farmers and gave them small plots of land; it did not succeed
Knights of Labor Formed in 1869; a labor union that was top secret and at first open to skilled workers only. Goals: shorter work day, end child labor and equal pay for men and women
Sweatshop workplace where people labor long hours in poor conditions for low pay
Indian Reorganization Act 1934; this law restored traditional tribal government and provided money for land purchases to enlarge reservations
Inflation a rise in prices and a decrease in the value of money
Pullman Strike May 1894; employees at a Pullman railway plant went on strike to protest a wage cut; strike was led by Eugene V. Debs
Transcontinental Railroad A railroad that stretches across a continent; the first U.S. transcontinental railroad was built in 1869 by the Union Pacific & Central Pacific railroads at Promontory Point, Utah
Homestead Act A law passed in 1862 to encourage people to settle in the West by giving people 160 acres of free land if they promised to farm it for 5 years
Populist A political party formed in 1891 mostly by farmers & members of labor unions who demanded government help with falling farm prices, regulation of railroad rates, and free silver (more money to be put in circulation)
Triangle Fire A fire in 1911 at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City that killed nearly 150 workers
Strikes when workers make a list of demands and tell their employer that they will not work until their demands are made. used by unions to win their demands from employers, such as better working conditions, higher wages, etc.
Created by: oswego98
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