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Unit 3 U.S History

Indian Issue White settlers didn't get along with the Indians so they saw them as a problem
Assimilation The process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas
Dawes General Allotment Act Government wants natives to become Americanized. This act gave Indians 160 acres of land that they couldn't sell, traditional feasts, dances and other celebrations were outlawed.
Americanization The influence of American culture on other cultures. --To become more "American"
Reservations Specific areas set aside by the government for native American use
Sand Creek 1864, some Native Americans in Colorado Territory resisted selling their land and living on reservations. The Cheyenne and Arapaho signed a treaty giving up their lands in Colorado.
Little Big Horn People found out that there was gold in the black hills, but it was natives territory. Eventually the Indians won and it gave them hope.
Wounded Knee The government got scared about the natives doing rituals to ban them and went to arrest the leader. In this process many people died including women and children (The Americans saw it as a huge mess up)
White settlers wanted Money
Open Range Farming Property was not fenced in, so cattle grazed all across the west.
Cowboys Hired by ranchers to round up cattle and take them to railroads
Vigilante Enforced the law prior to formal government
Transcontinental railroad A train route that connected the eastern and western regions of the United States.
Political corruption Politicians awarded government jobs to loyal party workers, with little regard for their qualification. Cabinet members cut deals with certain industries so that they made extra money.
Political Machine Political party’s organizations that wins voter loyalty and guarantees power to a small group of leaders, who often abuse it for their own gain. ex.=tweed
Boss Tweed NYC politician that was extremely powerful but people only remember him as the guy that stole money and faked votes.
Tammany hall Boss Tweed's headquarters where he orchestrated elections, controlled the city's mayor, and rewarded political supporters
Civil Service Commission Commission made to organize and watch government positions
Civil Service Government jobs given based off of ability and expertise. These don't change.
Pendleton Civil Service Act Required a test to be given to individuals who wanted to work in civil service jobs
Homestead act Government gave 160 acres of land to anyone who would live on the land for 5 years, dig a well, and build a road
Issues Farmers were facing Crop prices dropped, Costs of goods rose, Cost to ship the goods to markets was expensive
The Grange They wanted more regulation of railroad and grain elevator rate and they wanted to change some of the laws in the Midwest
Farmers Alliance Wanted government to regulate interest rates on loans for farmers, also wanted government to regulate railroad rates so farmers could get crops out of the south for cheaper prices.
Bimetallism Link currency to gold and silver. This increases amount of money available and inflation
Gold Standard The dollar is backed by gold. Republicans favored this because it kept inflation down
Fiat Money Currency that is not backed by gold and silver
William Jennings Bryan Delivered the “Cross of Gold” speech at the 1896 democratic convention. Nominee for both the populist party and democratic party in 1896.
Populist party concerns -Dangers of political corruption -Inadequate money supply -Unresponsive government
Populist Party Political party that will get involved in local, state and federal election
Railroads vs. Farmers Farmers wanted the railroads to set a price to ship goods out east
Banks vs. Farmers Banks were charging farmers a large interest rate that hurt the farmer because they couldn't pay the money back
Created by: sesily
Popular U.S. History sets




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