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Louisiana’s Early American Era

Napoleon wanted Louisiana as a base for his military operations in North America
Spain and France signed The Treaty of San Ildefonso in 1800, to whom did the treaty benefit to France
What did Toussaint L'Ouverture do in Haiti he led the revolution against the French colonial government
What happened on November 30th a French representative got the Louisiana colony from a Spanish official
Who did Barbe-Marbois meet with, and why Robert Livingston, to talk about buying New Orleans, Louisiana
The U.S bought 600 million acres of Louisiana for... $15 million
What was General Wilkison District of Louisiana governor
What was Claiborne Territory of Orleans governor
Who sent Lewis and Clark to explore the new purchase of ... President Jefferson, Louisiana
What was the purpose of the Sabine strip it was a neutral zone, and no-man's-land area (for robbers)
What was the only place in ... that was included in the Louisiana purchase east, Louisiana
Anglos- Spanish West Florida... the new Spanish government opposed
Before Louisiana was apart of the U.S how many "states" or "colonies" made up the U.S 13, it was the north east states
When Spain had control over Louisiana, how was the economy good
What was Napoleon's idea for Louisiana he wanted Louisiana from Spain, so he could use the island (Haiti, St. Domingue) to get materials to bring to Louisiana so he could trade off of the Mississippi river. But his plan went down hill
What were 2 cash crops that Napoleon used to trade from the island (Haiti, St. Domingue) sugar cane, cotton
What happened after the French revolution (short, tempered man) Napoleon (from France) took power and wanted to conquer the new world
What did Napoleon give to Spain after their deal or treaty a small kingdom called Tuscany
How long did it take for the formal transfer of Louisiana between Napoleon and Spain 2 years +
How did Napoleon's plans with Louisiana change rebellion of slaves from the island (Haiti, St. Domingue)
What did Napoleon do after the island slave rebellion he sold Louisiana
What happened January 18th 1803 Spain transferred Louisiana to France
How did the citizens feel about the changes in Spanish and French rule some were happy others were mad
April 1803, all of Louisiana was offered by... Napoleon
congress made ... territories 2
True or False: unclaimed boundaries from the Louisiana purchase caused problems between the U.S and Spain True
In 1806, 2 governments est. a piece of land that is neutral and for robbers Sabine strip
What "state" was not included in the Louisiana purchase West Florida
The east side of the Mississippi river was called Florida Parishes
True or False: All states have parishes in present day False, only Louisiana
The revolution in... (were Spain has control) it was a success West Florida
December 1810, the U.S... added more land to their area
What happened in 1812 Louisiana became an official state
What was the first act after Louisiana became a state West Florida was included/ apart of Louisiana
recap section 1 Napoleon gets Louisiana back, has a plan but there was a rebellion, so Napoleon gave up and sold Louisiana to the U.S, there were some border prombels but they got solved by the Sabine strip, Jefferson was the president, there were 2 territories
Created by: keflabrown
Popular U.S. History sets




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