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Period 3 APUSH

Republican Ideals representative/democracy represents the common good, protection of induvial rights, influenced by the enlightenment.
Thomas Paine and Common Sense Common Sense was a book that called for complete break from England and Independence for the USA. Rallied the public, put purpose to the war
Democrat-Republicans Party follows a strict interpretation of the constitution and favors a small government. They want the US to be a nation of small, independent farmers. Madison+Jefferson. Strict.
Federalist Party that favored a strong national government, arguing arguing that the checks and balances in the new Constitution would safeguard the people's liberties. Loose.
Loose Constitution Supported by Hamilton. If it wasn't in the constitution that you couldn't, you could. Washington agreed with this more.
Strict Constitution Supported by Madison. If it wasn't in the constitution you could, you couldn't.
French and Indian War (1754-1763) Nine-year war between the British and the French in North America. It resulted in the expulsion of the French from the North American mainland and helped spark the Seven Years' War in Europe.
Pontiacs Rebellion (Proc. 1763) (1763) Bloody campaign waged by Ottawa chief Pontiac to drive the British out of Ohio Country. It was brutally crushed by British troops, who resorted to distributing blankets infected with smallpox as means to put down the rebellion.
American Revolution (1765-1783)Political and military struggle when 13 of Britain's North American colonies rejected its imperial rule. The protest began in opposition to taxes levied without colonial representation by the British monarchy and Parliament.
Shays Rebellion (1786) Armed uprising of western Massachusetts debtors seeking lower taxes and an end to property foreclosures. Though quickly put down, the insurrection inspired fears of "mob rule" among leading Revolutionaries
Whiskey Rebellion (1791-1794) The Whiskey Rebellion was the first test of federal authority in the United States. This rebellion enforced the idea that the new government had the right to levy a particular tax that would impact citizens in all states.
Quasi-War with France (1798-1800) The Quasi-War with France was a small, undeclared, naval war between the United States and France between. Fighting mostly consisted of American privateers fighting and defending their merchant ships from the French navy.
XYZ Affair (1797) American delegation to France rejected demands for an apology, a loan, and a bride as a condition for negotiations with the foreign minister. Caused Quasi-War.
Jay's Treaty (1794) Negotiated by John Jay in to avoid war with Britain, included a British promise to leave outposts on U.S. soil and pay damages for seized American vessels, in exchange for which Jay bound the United States to repay pre-Revolutionary War debts
Pickneys' Treaty (1795) Signed with Spain which, fearing an Anglo-American alliance, granted Americans free navigation of the Mississippi and the disputed territory of Florida.
Treaty of Greenville (1795) Followed the Battle of Fallen Timbers, several tribes ceded the Ohio River Valley to the United States. US provided roughly 20K worth of goods.
Created by: alyakav
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