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American History (1)

The Reconstruction Of America - Enjoy :) - 1/8/2022

Who was Abraham Lincoln? The 16th President of The United States Of America
Who was Andrew Johnson? The 17th President of The United States Of America
Who was Ulysses S. Grant? The 18th President of The United States Of America
What did Abraham Lincoln do? He was the president during the Civil War and kept the Union together, which resulted in freeing the slaves
What did Andrew Johnson do? He was the president during most of the Reconstruction while signing and approving different Bills & Acts
What did Ulysses S. Grant do? He was the lead general for the Union during most of the Civil War
What did the 13th Amendment do? Banned Slavery
What did the 14th Amendment do? Birthright citizenship, States the age to vote (21), Created the Debt Limit
What did the 15th Amendment do? Says any man of any race can vote (this does not include women)
What is the Wade-Davis Bill? It said that 50% of the white men of any confederate states, had to agree that they would never leave the union again
What is the Freedmen's Bureau ? It taught formally enslaved people about their rights and gave them food, cloths and healthcare
What is Black Codes? These were when some rights of formally enslaved people, were taken away and an organization that did this a lot were the Ku Klux Klan (K.K.K.)
What is the Reconstruction Act of 1866 ? It said if you were born in the U.S. you were a citizen (this was the first sight of the 14th amendment [that came 2 years later])
What is Lincoln's Assassination? It was when the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, was shot at Ford's Theater by John Wilkes Booth
What were the Reconstruction Acts? They were acts that had the Confederate states being readmitted into the Union
Who was John Wilkes Booth? He was the assassin of the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln
What was the Reconstruction? It was when the United States was rebuilding the country after the destruction of the Civil War
When did the Civil War begin? April 12, 1861
When did the Civil War end? May 26, 1865
How long was the Civil War? 4 Years (specifically 4 years, 44 days)
When did the Reconstruction begin? (not exact date just year) 1865
When did the Reconstruction end? (not exact date just year) 1877
How many terms did Abraham Lincoln have? 2 Terms
How many terms did Andrew Johnson have? 1 Term
How many terms did Ulysses S. Grant have? 2 Terms
Who were the Ku Klux Klan (K.K.K.) A secret organization of racists who opposed the freedom of formally enslaved people. The K.K.K. brutally hurt them along with white supporters of their freedom
What is the Poll Tax? It caused formally enslaved people to pay to vote in the 15th Amendment
What Amendment later repealed the Poll Tax? The 24th Amendment
Who created the Ten Percent Plan? Abraham Lincoln
What did the Ten Percent Plan do? It said that once 10% of a Confederate states voters state that they'll "never leave the Union again" then the state will be readmitted into the Union
What followed what the Ten Percent Plan was doing, but made it even better? The Wade-Davis Bill
What was Johnson's Plan It was to help the White Confederates to make the transition between owning slaves to them being free, much simpler
What was Lincoln's Plan also known as? The Ten Percent Plan
Who created the Johnson Plan? Andrew Johnson
What were the two, Presidential Plans? The Ten Percent Plan (Lincoln's Plan) & Johnson's Plan
Which president nearly got impeached? Andrew Johnson
Why did the president nearly get impeached? Primarily for removing the Secretary of War, "Edwin Stanton", this angered Congress so they impeached him but it did not remove him from office, because they were one vote off
Who were the Radical Republicans? A group of people who created all of the bills and acts to get formally enslaved people, to become citizens
Who were the Republicans? A political party created during Bleeding Kansas before the civil war
Created by: CC Es Asombroso
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