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Capitalism An economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
Laissez Faire Economic policy of letting things take their course without gov intervention (gov interfered in free market as little as possible)
Social Darwinism Free competition; survival of the fittest
Market Economy Decisions regarding investment, production, distribution are based on supply and demand; prices of goods/services are determined in free price system
Mixed Economy Features characteristics of capitalism and socialism; allows a level of private economic freedom in use of capital; allows for gov to interfere in economic activities
Socialism Factors of production are owned by public and operate for welfare of all; grew out of optimistic view of human nature and concern for social justice
Communism Economic and political system based on one-party gov and state ownership of property/means of production; no private property
Anarchy Political theory which is skeptical of justification of authority and power (especially political power)
Usually grounded in moral claims about the importance of individual liberty Anarchy
Laissez Faire & Social Darwinists support which economic ideology (capitalism, socialism, communism, anarchy) Capitalism
Monopoly Market condition where a single supplier dominates the market for a given product
Two ways to obtain a monopoly Vertical integration; horizontal integration
Vertical Integration Purchase of companies at all levels of production (think farms)
Horizontal Integration Purchase of competing companies in same industry
Holding Company Company that owns other companies' outstanding stock; generally do not produce goods/services themselves; purpose is to own shares of other companies to gain control/power
Corporation Independent company owned by shareholders; held legally liable for the actions and debts the business incurs
Problems faced by workers Impersonal conditions; long hours; boring/repetitive work; low wages; dangerous working conditions; child labor
Goals of Trade Unions Obtain higher wages and better working conditions; look after members outside of their place of employment; pressure gov
Who founded the Knights of Labor Terrence Powderly
What kind of workers could join the Knights of Labor Skilled and unskilled workers
What did the Knights of Labor support Restrictions on immigration
Did the Knights of Labor prefer the arbitration of disputes or strikes Arbitration of disputes
Who founded the American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers
American Federation of Labor Federation of craft unions; members restricted to skilled workers; did not admit women
What kind of workers could join the American Federation of Labor Skilled workers
Goals of American Federation of Labor Better pay; 8 hour work day; closed shop (employer hired only union members)
Corporate Strategies (against Unions) High priced lawyers (pressure politicians); hire scabs (strikebreakers); state and federal troops brought in; lockout (workers shut out); yellow dog contracts (forced promise not to join union); black list; company towns
Samuel Morse Developed telegraph; invented morse code
Cyrus Field Successfully laid the first transatlantic cable
Alexander Graham Bell Patented the telephone (1875)
Thomas Edison Patented phonograph; invented light bulb; (invented stock-ticker)
Nicola Tesla Developed motor for producing alternative current (AC)
Josephine Cochrane Invented first automatic dishwasher
Elijah McCoy Patented lubricators for steam engines (drip cups automatically added oil to lubricate engines)
Madam C.J. Walker Invented remedial shampoos based on sulfur; developed & sold hair care/cosmetic products for African American women
Lewis Howard Latimer Draftsman who worked for AG Bell and Thomas Edison; patented improved method for producing carbon filaments used in new electric light bulb
Garrett Morgan Developed safety hood (gas mask) and smoke protector for firefighters
Labor Union Organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights/interests
Spoils System Winning political party rewards friends/supporters by appointment to gov posts and giving favors
Andrew Carnegie Adopted Bessemer process; built large steelworks
John D. Rockefeller Formed Standard Oil company
JP Morgan Contributed to electricity, banking, steel industries (helped form & then owned General Electric, formed JP Morgan & Company banking institution, formed US Steel)
Cornelius Vanderbilt Shipping and railroad; owned steamship company
Pools Informal agreement between group of leaders of a company to keep their prices high and competition low; fix prices and divide markets (often used by railroad companies)
Trusts Group of businessmen organized for mutual benefit to produce/distribute a specific commodity
Captains of Industry Business leader whose means of getting a fortune contributed positively to the country in some way
Robber Barons Successful industrialists whose business practices were often considered ruthless/unethical
Bessemer Process Industrial process for making steel; air blown into hot pig iron to remove impurities; reduces cost of making steel by 80%
George Pullman Invented railroad cars in which passengers could sleep
Henry Ford Founder of Ford Motor Company; invented less expensive automobile
Orville and Wilbur Wright Invented first airplane
George Westinghouse Invented air brake
Sarah E Goode Patented the fold away bed
Jan E Matzeliger Invented a machine that attached the upper part of a leader shoe to its sole
Eugene Debs Labor leader that helped form the American Railway Union
What caused the Railroad strikes 1877 (aka The Great Strike) Workers for Baltimore and Ohio Railroad struck to protest wage cuts
Effects of Railroad strikes 1877 (aka The Great Strike) Several state governors asked President Hayes to intervene, saying strikers were impeding interstate commerce; federal troops end the strike
What caused the Haymarket Affair 3k people gathered to protest police brutality (a striker had been killed the day before)
Effects of the Haymarket Affair Bomb thrown into crowd, killing policemen and injuring others; unions became associated with anarchism and violence; dissolved Knights of Labor (also led to formation of American Federation of Labor??)
What caused the Homestead Strike Union's contract with Carnegie ended & Frick announced pay cuts for workers; Frick locked out workers from steel mills; workers surrounded the plant on strike with picket lines
Effects of the Homestead Strike Company hires strikebreakers/scabs (fill ins for striking workers); striking workers force out company security and keep plant closed for months; strikers lost support and gave in
What caused the Pullman Strike Cut wages without cutting cost of employee housing and local goods
Effects of the Pullman Strike Brought railroads in the western US to a standstill; destroyed American Railway Union; Eugene Debs sent to prison and becomes socialist
Created by: Mikayla801
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