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hush - chapter 1

native americans/christopher columbus

What was different about each Native American culture? their distinct history, traditions, rivalries, and economies
Where did the populated societies rely on corn-growing? Mexico and South America
Who created the crop of maize? hunter-gatherers in highland Mexico
What did the village people in Rio Grade Valley develop? irrigation systems to water corn
nation-states sovereign states whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent
What rose and fell before the Europeans arrived? civilizations
Cahokia the Mississippian settlement
three-sister farming is a companion planting at its best, with three plants growing symbiotically to deter weeds and pests, enrich the soil, and support each other.
What plants were in the three-sister farming? maize, bean, and squash
What tribes used the three-sister farming? Creek, Choctaw, and Cherokee
What did some tribes eat? fish and buffalo (iconic)
What did trade between tribes include? exotic goods, shells, shark/alligator teeth, copper, silver, furs, obsidian, much, and pottery
What did some tribes develop? matrilineal cultures
How close were the tribes? they were very spread out
What did the Christian crusaders try to do? wrestle their Holy Land from the Muslim's control but failed
What goods in Asia were unknown to the crusaders? silk, perfumes, colorful draperies, and spices (sugar)
What made the goods in Asia expensive in Europe? the route
What led people to want to find a different route? Marco Polo's tales of his twenty-year trip in China
What did European sailors refuse to do? sail southward along the coast of West Africa because they would not make it back home due to the strong winds and currents
Who overcame the obstacle on the coast of West Africa? the Portuguese
caravel a ship that could sail more closely to the wind
What did the Portuguese do? they sold gold and people at the trading post and would not let anyone else go/have land there
What did slavery do? disrupted the communities and inhibited expression of regional slaves work the sugar plantations
plantation based on large-scale commercial agriculture and the wholesale exploitation of slave labor
Where did the Native Americans first live? africa
How did they get from Africa to America? there was a land bridge that connected Russia and Alaska
What did Europeans realize? that america held gold and silver
What was the belief back then? that natives were uncivilized, had no religion, had wars, and were not educated, and that europeans were superior
treaty of tordesilla dividing land between Spain and Portugal, the "heathen lands" of the new world
Where did most of the land go in the treaty of tordesilla? to spain
What did Portugal get in the treaty of tordesilla? got land in Asia, Africa, and the title land which would one day be Brazil
What did the islands of the Caribbean sea serve as? bases for staging the Spanish invasion of the mainland Americas, also help men and horses
encomienda institution that allowed the government to "commend," or give, Natives to certain colonists in return for the promise to try to christianize them
What did Hernán Cortés do? set sail from Cuba to Mexico, he wanted the gold that was said to be in the Aztec Capital
What happened between the Aztecs and Cortés? the chief welcomed Cortés, under the believe that Cortés was god Quetzalcoatl,. Cortés asked for a lot of gold
noche triste on June 30, 1520, the Aztecs attacked, driving the Spanish down the causeway from Tenochtitlán in a frantic bloody retreat because the Spanish's lust for gold only grew
What does noche triste mean? sad night
What did Cortés do to the Aztecs after noche triste? they laid siege on the city, leading way to three centuries of Spanish rule
capitalism an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by state
mestizos people of mixed Native American and European heritage
What did the invaders bring to the new world? conquest, death, crops, animals, language, laws, customs, and religion
What did the Spanish cause? a smallpox epidemic
conquistadores conquerors
Battle of Acoma in 1599, the victorious Spanish sentenced young native survivors to twenty years of slavery and severed one foot of males over 25 years old
What did the Spanish do when people started to sniff around in the americas? they converted natives to christianity, fortify/settle North American borderlands, and create a fortress at St. Augustine, Florida
What was the capital of the province of New Mexico? Santa Fe
Pueblo Revolt the Pueblo rebels destroyed every catholic church in the province of New Mexico and killed a score of priests and hundreds of spanish settlers
What did the rebels build on Santa Fe? a kiva, ceremonial religious chamber
What did California live as and for how long? undisturbed for couple centuries
What did Father Junipero Serra do? led missionaries to Christianize the 300,000 native Californians
What were natives in Texas and New Mexico doing? trading/breeding horses
black legend a false concept that the conquerors merely tortured and killed the natives (killing for christ), stole their gold, infected them with smallpox, and left them with little but misery
What did the Spanish got in the columbian exchange? tobacco, quinine, pumpkin, turkey, squash, pineapple, sweet potato, avocado, peppers, cacao bean, cassava, peanut, potato, tomato, corn, beans, and vanilla
What did the natives get in the columbian exchange? Coffee bean, peach, pear, olive, banana, citrus fruits, honeybee, sugar cane, onion, turnip, grape, grains(wheat, rice, barley, oats), livestock(cattle, sheep, pig, horse), diseases(smallpox, influenza, typhus, measles, malaria, diphtheria, whooping cough
Created by: kyla_snyder_
Popular U.S. History sets




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