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APUSH Chapter 7

The Road to Revolution

define the wto political strains that were embedded in colonistś minds on the eve of the revolution republicanism-people should give up their private interests to the common good Radical whigs- group that claimed the British empire was corrupt and people should always be looking for corruption
Mercantilism (goals and purpose) Closely linked a nation´s military and political power with its gold and silver reserves. To amass gold and silver, a country has to export more than import. colonies helped britain because they were able to send raw materials to britain
Why was there a currency shortage in the colonies? what was the colonial reaction? what was Parliament´s response? The colonies brought more from Britain than they sold there. Colonists began printing paper money. Parliament forbid that and passing indiligent bankruptcy laws
Sugar act of 1764 Taxed sugar, coffee, indigo, molasses. First law passed by Parliament to raise tax revenue in the colonies for England. Taxation without representation
Quartering Act Required colonists to provide food/quarters for British troops
Stamp act of 1765 Taxed all legal papers, newspapers, stamps, cards, etc. First direct tax
Virtual representation. Why didn't the colonists accept this? The idea that every member of Parliament represented all British subjects including americans. Colonists didn't elect members of Parliament
3 colonial responses to Stamp Act and the significance brought leaders form different/rival colonies together, non-importation agreements (americans boycotted British goods and spread resistance), protest groups formed(Sons of Liberty, Daughters of liberty, forced tax collectors to resign)
How did parliament respond to the Stamp Act protests? They repealed the Stamp Act
Townshend duties Taxed glass, lead, paper, paint. It was an indirect taxation
Boston Massacre-what happened and what was the British response Protesters threw snowballs at redcoats resulting in them opening fire and killing 11 people. British only found 2 guilty and were released after a branding on the hand.
Committees of correspondence formed by Samuel Adams to spread the spirit of resistance by exchanging letters
intercolonial committees of correspondence a committee through which each colony could exchange ideas and info with others. helped grow unity
associations called for complete boycott of British goods nonimportation, non exportation, non consumption
Boston tea party- what caused it, what was Parliament's reaction? colonists thought the british were trying to trick them out of their principles by lowering price of tea. Parliament closed the Boston Harbour until damages were paid.
intolerable acts Laws passed by Parliament to punish boston
Quebec act- why was it considered onerous allowed french to keep their traditions and religions. Colonists did't like it bc it denied french a trial by jury and spread catholicism
First continental congress-Who, What, Significance Meeting of 12 of 13 colonies. considered ways of redressing grievances. Samuel Adams, George Washington, John Adams, Patrick Henry. Issued the Association
What happened and what was the result at Lexington and Concord British troops were sent to seize gunpowder and bag Samuel Adams and John Hancock. British were met by American militia and forced to retreat to Boston
Advantages and disadvantages for the American side at the outset of the war Advantages-British troops had to be deployed to Ireland. France wanted payback form Britain. Some english people didn't want to fight Americans Disadvantages-British had more soldiers and money. Also had help from Native Americans
Marquis de Lafayette French general for america at 19. helped secure aid from France
Baron Von Steuben German who helped train american fighters
Created by: auweb921
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