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state and local gov

Incorportation involves the ______ of bill of rights to the state
independent state grounds allows states, usually under the constitution to expand rights beyond those provided by the US constitution
The Texas constitution contains its own version of the Equal rights amendment
Under the Obama Admin -pushback in areas of environmental regulation -gay marrige no longer illegal and was supported by Obergefell v. Hodges
Under the Trump Admin -more collaboration -Texas threatened litigation but did not pursue because Trump rescinded on Daca
Why is Texas' relationship with the federal gov complicated? - Texas is committed to the doctrine of States Rights -exacerbated by political parties -more positive few of state governments
Why is there distrust between Texas and the federal government? Texas Political culture -individualistic, classical liberalism, public opinion
Obergefell v. Hodges -legalized same sex marriage -the due process clause of the 14th amendment guarantees the right to marry as a fundamental liberty
Federalism distribution of power between the nation government and the state governments
What are the roles of Reserved Powers? -establishes local governments -conducting elections -creating schools
What are the roles of Enumerated/Delegated Powers -making treaties -coining money -maintaining a postal system
What are the roles of concurrent powers? -levying taxes -borrowing money -codifying crimes and punishments -make and enforce laws -establish courts -eminent domain
What articles support enumerated powers -necessary and proper clause -commerce clause -supremacy clause
What are limits of the enumerated powers? -cannot tax articles exported from one state to another -cannot violate bill of rights -cannot change state boundaries
What articles support the Reserved powers? -10th amendment -ratify/approve amendments to the constitution (incorporation) -11th amendment (state immunity) -police
What are the limits for Reserved powers? -cannot discriminate against a person residing in another state -cannot enter into agreements with other states without congressional consent
What are the limits of concurrent powers? -cannot grant titles of nobility -cannot permit slavery (13th amendment) -cannot deny citizens right to vote based on gender or race
duel federalism the idea that state and national governments should have separate and distinct jurisdictions and responsibilities ( layered cake)
cooperative federalism - state and national government work together instead of having distinct jurisdictions -disadvantages: citizens expect more from the government, less on citizen influence on policy
New/modern federalism -some push for states to receive more power and authority and less money from the federal government
How does the federal government get what it wants from the states? Block grants, matching grants, and unfunded mandates
What are block grants grants given to local authorities
matching grants federal government matches state spending to a program (medicaid, food stamps)
unfunded mandates federal requirements that the state governments pay at the cost of federal policies
Created by: landryw
Popular History sets




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