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Philosophy I, chp. 1

Philosophy I, chapter 1 Q & A

5. What is the early premise of chiropractic espoused by D.D. Palmer? BOOP - bone out of place
6. According to D.D. Palmer, what determines health or disease? Nerve "tension" due to pressure on nerve
10. What is a realistic concern regarding the investigation of chiropractic theories? Theories may be proven wrong
11. What guides a profession's questions (hypotheses)? our philosophy , quest for knowledge
12. What guides a profession's research agenda? theories & hypotheses (theory=general; hypothesis=well defined)
14. What medical proposition was D.D. Palmer the first to deny? Germ theory
15. According to D.D. Palmer, what causes inflammation? Nervous system
16. Who further developed D.D. Palmer's supposition regarding inflammation? B.J. Palmer
17. What is the chiropractic lesion? subluxation
18. What instrument ws developed to indentify the chiropractic lesion? neuro calometer
19. What appears to be the result of published refutation of the Palmerian hypothesis in the chiropractic community? BOOP is the Palmerian hypothesis. Affect: minimal at best affect, essentially, the information has been ignored
20. With increasing investigation & interaction among different provideres, what may alternative therapies lose? We could lose our particular concepts of disease
21. What axiom is central to all chiropractic theories? Nervous system controls our health
22. According to the ACC redefinition of the subluxation, what is compromised by the articular changes? The neural integrity is compromised
23. According to the ACC redefinition of the subluxation, what "may" be influenced? organ system function and general health
24. Homewood endorsed the idea that spinal fixation could trigger ____ somato-autonomic reflexes
25. What is the Palmerian concept of the subluxation? BOOP
26. Does contemporary chiropractic view the subluxation as static or dynamic? dynamic
27. Which reflexes are shown by new evidence to be introduced by the subluxation? Somato-autonomic reflexes
28. What concept of the spinal lesion was first introduced by Langsworthy, Smith, & Paxson? Rejected BOOP concept & promoted the Dynamic Model of Fixation
29. What is the first published textbook of chiropractic? Modernized Chiropractic (1907)
30. Does the literature support the existence of one single (Palmerian) subluxation theory or multiple theories? multiple
31. What are associated with the vertebral subluxation complex theory? somato & autonomic affects
32. What three signs are associated with segmental dysfunction? pain, fixation, spasm
33. What is impaired by aberrant somatoautonomic reflexes? Visceral function
34. Through what mechanism are aberrant somatoautonomic reflexes induced? Facilitated by segmental dysfunction If stimulate inhibitory n. - organ is greatly inhibited. If stimulate excitory n. - organ is greatly excited.
Created by: JYarger
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