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U.S. History standard 8

Manifest Destiny Westward expansion acquiring all lands from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Reasons for Manifest Destiny 1. Jefferson's Louisiana Purchase 2. Lewis and Clark's exploration of the west 3. Growth of King Cotton 4. Improved transportation (canals, railroads, steamboats, 5. population grew 6. increase in # of states 7. west state population grew
Treaty of Fort Laramie created Indian Territory but was ignored by whites moving west
the Oregon Trail a route that led farmers to fertile lands of Oregon
Santa Fe Trail a route that allowed U.S to sell goods to Mexico
Missouri Compromise of 1820 Missouri became a slave state and Maine was a free state
Sam Houston led Texans in capturing Santa Anna and winning independence from Mexico became 1st president of the Republic of Texas
Santa Anna Mexican president, did not like Anglos had Stephen F Austin arrested
James K Polk won election of 1844 Manifest Destiney president urged congress to make Texas a state wanted to end British claim to Oregon
Texas was admitted to the Union in 1845 became a slave state
Oregon became a free territory in 1846
What started the Mexican-American war disagreement over territorial boarders of Texas, the U.S won
Mexican-American war ended with the Treaty of Guadalupe Hildago
Mexican Cession Mexico gave up (ceded ) territory in the southwest
U.S. bought the Gadson Purchase for $10 million to build a southern railroad
when the Mexican - American war started California revolted from Mexico and became an independent nation
California Republic was annexed by the U.S as a part of the Mexican Cession
Gold found in San Francisco led to flood of americans to california
"Forty Niners" came from East, Latin America, Europe, and Asia hoping to get rich
King Cotton transformed the south into a rural region with slavery and little manufacturing and few railroads
the economy in the south based on cash crops: Cotton, tobacco, rice
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin which quickly removed the seeds from the cotton
the Cotton Gin made southern planters rich and increased the demand for slavery
3 large cities in the south Baltimore, New Orleans, Charleston
Slave Codes rules or laws for slaves. **slaves could not own property, could not leave without permission, could not learn to read or write, could not have weapons Slaves were viewed as property
The north region had industrial factories, cities, paid immigrant workers, railroads and large populations
Sectionalism (sectional issues) the differences between the North and South regions
Nullification Crisis Tariffs divided the North and South. South believed the tariffs benefitted only the north.
John C Calhoun of South Carolina attempted nullification and threatened Secession from the union
secession to withdraw from
Nat Turner rebellion a slave who led a rebellion against slavery. he freed slaves and killed 60 whites.
a result of Nat Turners rebellion was slave owners made slave codes more severe (worse)
Wilmont Proviso a law to outlaw all slaves from the Mexican Cession
The Free Soiler party was formed to keep slavery from spreading west
The Great Compromise of 1850 California asked to enter the union as a free state
Popular Sovereignty people could vote to allow or ban slavery
slave trade ended in Washington DC
Fugitive Slave Law law that was created to allow southerners to recapture slaves in the north
Henry Clay author; "the Great Compromiser"
sectionalism increased due to 1. differences in regional economies 2. slavery 3. west expansion and entry of new states 4. growing abolitionism (movement to end slavery)
each time a dispute threatened the nation a compromise was reached
William Lloyd Garrison formed the American Anti-Slavery Society and published the Liberator
Frederick Douglas ex slave, published the North Star
Grimke Sisters revealed that some southerners opposed slavery
The Underground Railroad a network of safe houses to help slaves escape to freedom
Harriet Tubman made 19 trips south to lead 300 slaves to freedom through the underground railroad
Harriet Beecher Stowe Published Uncle Toms Cabin- depicted slavery as evil and inspired many in the North to join the abolitionist cause
Kansas - Nebraska act of 1854 Law by Stephen Douglas that used Popular Sovereignty to give people the right to vote to determine if they want slavery or not **Congress repealed (ended) the Missouri Compromise
Republican Party Northerners formed the republican party and became committed to the free soil movement because of the Kansas-Nebraska act
Bleeding Kansas a war between Kansas and Missouri because of illegal voting to decide on slavery (the illegal vote gave Kansas - slavery)
Election of 1856 first time political parties represented regions. slavery was the most important issue. Republicans lost
Dred Scott Decision of 1857 Slave named Dred Scott sued for his freedom Supreme court ruled Dred Scott had no right to sue because blacks are not citizens
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry Abolitionist who led an unsuccessful raid on a federal armory in an attempt to free slaves Brown was caught and executed
Election of 1860 **Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln **Democrats in the North and south were split over the issue of slavery
Lincoln won the election of 1860 without a single southern vote
December 1860 South Carolina **became the first state to secede from the Union (because they thought slavery would end soon)
1861, more states seceded from the Union (because they thought slavery was ending soon) which resulted in Civil War between the North and South began
Created by: trenicetaylor
Popular U.S. History sets




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