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In the Antebellum era (1800-1840) what happened to the economy the economy grew rapidly
Who invented the cotton gin Eli Whitney
What is the cotton gin MACHINE invented by Eli Whitney that makes it easy to remove the seeds from cotton.
what did the cotton gin do made it easy to refine cotton/ (remove the seeds from cotton)/ it made cotton more profitable
what does King Cotton mean Cotton was the dominant (main) cash crop of the Deep South
who was the Cotton King the deep south
what are the effects of King Cotton * increase in westward expansion * increase in slavery
What led to an Industrial Revolution in the North Eli Whitney's development of interchangeable parts and new textile technologies
what did Samuel Slater do He built the first American Factories using British Industrial designs
Most famous textile mill Lowell Mill located in Boston
Lowell Mill employed young women Lowell girls
Northern Factories mass produced textiles, farm equipment and other finished goods
the growth of factories lead to increase in: American cities (urbanization), jobs, Europeans moving to the U.S
immigrants worked in low paying New England factories or moved west as farmers
rapid immigration led to hostility and prejudice by native born Americans called Nativism
Nativist were worried that immigrants would vote, remain poor and become a social burden and that catholic immigrants would remain loyal to the Pope
the Know Nothing Party formed in the 1850s, to restrict immigration and limit immigrant voting rights
Population growth and land opportunities led to rapid growth of the West
New technologies made Large scale farming in the west possible
The South, North, and West became connected into a National market Economy
Henry Clay Created the American System that helped connect the South, North and West
the American System 1. created a Tariff to promote Northern industry, 2. Second Bank-investments and regulation over U.S bank system 3. National funding for Transportation
Erie Canal *first major link between the East and West * because of increased trade- New York City became the commercial capital of the U.S.
The Second Great Awakening a series of religious revivals
Charles Finney Evangelical minister - used soul shaking sermons to covert people
Joseph Smith created the Mormon church
Temperance one of the first reform movements to get people to stop drinking
Horace Mann- "Father of American Education" helped create teacher training and curriculum programs
Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized women's rights meeting called the Seneca Falls Convention
Declaration of sentiments a list of demands for the rights of women- property rights, right to vote
The North began to see slavery as immoral and wanted to abolish slavery
Abolitionism the desire to emancipate all slaves
abolition was more popular in the North
William Lloyd Garrison Leading Abolitionist founder of American Anti-Slave Society author of The Liberator- newsletter
Frederick Douglas runaway slave popular anti-slavery speaker author of NorthStar news letter
Male Suffrage: by 1840 most states removed voting restrictions ; 90% of common white men could vote
John Adams- election of 1824 did not win the election by majority of electoral vote. Henry Clay help influence win with House of Representatives
Andrew Jackson- election of 1828 won election by 178-83 (majority vote) "Common Man" president he was poor, uneducated and from the west War Hero
Jackson's 2 party system Jackson split the Democratic-Republicans into the Democratic party and the Whigs party
Jacksonian Democracy Jackson and his supporters hoped to return to the Jeffersonian ideas of STATES RIGHTS, protection of liberty and westward expansion
Jackson sought to weaken congress
Jackson helped to expand voting rights to all adult white males
opposition to Jackson led to the formation of the Whig party
the spoils system to give government positions to the loyal supporters or followers of the politician. Jackson supported this system ** over time this led to inefficiency and government corruption
Indian removal act signed by Jackson to force all Indian tribes to relocate/ move west of the Mississippi
Trail of Tears the difficult journey of the Indian tribes when they were forced to move west
Nullify means to Ignore
nullification Crisis When South Carolina threatened to nullify unfair federal taxes
Secede (secession) means to withdraw from
because of unfair tariffs, the south used 'states rights' to argue secession from the union
Jackson thought the U.S. bank was unconstitutional and gave too much power to the elite
Created by: trenicetaylor
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