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APUSH Unit 1

What economic system/product led to the growth of early Native American cultures? Development of agriculture and corn
What service did a joint stock company provide the early colonists? Gave money to fund the colonists' voyage
What led to the demise of the early Native Americans? Mainly disease
What were the Barbados slave codes and what were the specifics of the code? Denied the most fundamental rights to slaves
The Maryland Act of Toleration called for what? toleration for all Christians
What happened during the "starving time" in Jamestown. When did this event occur? People were so hungry they resorted to cannibalism. People were too busy looking for god and didn't gather food. 1609-1610
Henry VIII introduced Protestant beliefs in England when he ______________________________ Broke ties with the Catholic church
Who founded Rhode Island and why Roger williams; complete religious toleration
Who founded NY and Why Dutch West India Company; economic reasons
Who founded GA and why James Oglethorpe: founded for those in debtors prison and was a buffer zone
Who founded MD and why Lord baltimore; refuge for Catholics
What benefit did the "three sister" farming provide? Rich diet which led to population growth
Reasons Europeans wanted to find a shorter route to Asia Break muslim monopoly; reduce price of goods; more profit; less travel time
In the Columbian Exchange, many goods were exchanged between the New World and the Old World. What was the long term benefit of this exchange? Rapid population growth
The defeat of the Spanish Armada resulted in what outcome for the British empire? It ensured England's naval dominance in the North Atlantic
What motives spurred English colonization? Unemployment, adventure, religious freedom, new markets
What was the first English permanent settlement in America and when was it established? Jamestown, 1607
What roles did John Smith and John Rolfe play in Jamestown? Smith saved the colony during the first winter Rolfe helped make them economically successful with tobacco
What colonies had the distinction of being the most democratic? NC and RI
Who was the leader of the Pilgrims? William Bradford
What was the Mayflower Compact and what did it call for? First step to self government and wanted to join the colonists together
What was the purpose of government for the Puritans? To enforce God's law
What group were the Pilgrims apart of? Sepratists
When and where did the Pilgrims land? Plymouth Bay, 1620
What was the name of the Pilgrim's ship? Mayflower
What was the headright system? Whoever paid off their laboring work was granted 50 acres of land
What was the reason and result of bacon's rebellion? reason-Indian attack on the frontier result-planters looked for less troublesome laborers
Compare the difference between indentured servants and slave labor Slaves were a more manageable labor force
What belief did the Quakers hold that made them unpopular in England? Refused to do military services
The largest population group in the colonial south land owning small farmers
The chesapeake colonies largest immigrant group indentured servants
Half way covenant admitted to baptism but not full membership to the unconverted children of members
leading economic system in the colonies agriculture
Economic system in New England fur, fish, lumber
economic system in middle colonies ag, fur, fish, lumber
economic system in southern colonies ag
What similarities did North American colonies share? English lang, protestant in religion, opposition for social mobility, ethnic/religious toleration
What were the preachers of the Great Awakening known for Intense and emotional sermons
What achievements did Ben Franklin provide to the colonies lightning rod; bifocals, stove, author
Created by: auweb921
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