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Unit 1: Westward Exp

Unit 1: Westward Expansion

Dawes Act Forced Native Americans to assimilate and farm for 25 years
Homestead Act Gave 160 acres in return for building a house and farming for 5 years
Open Range Herds of cattle grazing on open land and herded by cowboys to be sold. (Ended by barbed wire.)
Fiat Money Currency not backed up by anything
Grange Organization that helped farmers join together for social and educational opportunities. (Lead to the Populist Party)
Cooperatives (Co-ops) Groups of farmers who pooled resources to get better prices, create their own banks, buy grain elevators, and other things
Gold Standard Backing up all US currency in circulation with gold
Reservations Land designated by the US government for Native Americans to live on (usually small and horrible land)
Barbed Wire Used to fence in land and protect railroads from animals (Ended the Open Range system)
William Jennings Bryan Populist Party leader who won the Democratic Party's nomination for President in 1896 by giving The Cross of Gold Speech (Helped the Populist Party join the Democratic Party)
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Banned Chinese people from immigrating to the US and banned Chinese people in the US from becoming citizens
Assimilation A person from a minority culture becoming more like the majority culture, sometimes by force (Native Americans, Immigrants)
Transcontinental Railroad Joined the US together to transport people and goods all over the country
Manifest Destiny The belief that God gave the Western US to white settlers
Cross of Gold Speech William Jennings Bryan advocated for free coinage of silver (bimetallism) in addition to gold (won the Democratic nomination)
Massacre at Wounded Knee Murder of Native American men, women, and children by the US Army (Ended Native American resistance to assimilation)
Ghost Dance Religious ceremony praying for white settlers to go away and buffalo to come back
Colored National Farmer's Alliance Created because the Farmer's Alliance did not allow black members
Bimetallism Backing up currency with silver and gold
Populist Party/People's Party Advocated for farmers, bimetallism, regulation of railroads, direct election of senators, and a graduated income tax
Civil Service Government jobs
Inflation Increase in prices and the amount of money in circulation
Deflation Decrease in prices and the amount of money in circulation
Tenant Farmer Works on land they do not own
Farmers' Alliance Organization that fought for farmers' economic interests (Lead to the Populist Party)
Exodusters Ex-slaves from Tennessee that fled the South for the "Promised Land" in Kansas
Vigilantes People who take the law in their own hands
Spoils System Giving government jobs to the people who help you get elected/members of your political party
Patronage System Giving government jobs to the people who help you get elected/members of your political party
Political Machines Organizations run by bosses that gave out jobs, city contracts, and services in exchange for favors and votes (primarily from immigrants)
William "Boss" Tweed Leader of the Tammany Hall political machine in New York City
Created by: user-1584069
Popular U.S. History sets




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