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Native americans

Native American civil rights in the period 1865-1992

Navajo tribe thrived under reservation policy 8,000 - 22,000
Reservation lands change from 1865-1890 150 million acres - 78 million acres
Command over treaty changes given to congress 1871
Great Sioux reservations greatly reduced following fighting 1889
Change in number of natives in the plains 1865-1900 240,000 - 100,000
Dawes Act 1887
Policies that came from the Dawes Act policies of assimilation and allotment
Dawes Act failed to account for Native.. perspective, culture and desires
Curtis Act 1898 (aimed to end self-determination by 1906)
American Indian Movement 1968
Siege of Alcatraz 1969
Mount Rushmore occupation 1971
Reservation policy 1865 - 1887
Number of reservation natives by 1890 133,417
Fort Laramie Treaty 1868
Wounded Knee Massacre 1890
Mandatory boarding schools In order to assimilate future generations
Trail of Broken Treaties Caravan 1972
Occupation of Wounded Knee 1973
Red Power movement 1960s and 1970s
Native American Rights Fund 1970
Change in Native American population 1970-1992 800,000 - 1,700,000
Oneida v Oneida and Madison Counties 1974
Fisher v Montana 1976
United States v The Sioux Nation 1980
Amount awarded to Sioux Nation in 1980 $17,500,000 with 5% interest every year since to make $105,000,000
Charrier v Bell 1986
Native American Graves Protection Act 1990
Nixon Presidency 1969 - 1974
Employment preferences given to Natives in the BIA 1972
Indian education act 1972
Indian self-determination act 1975
Indian Education Assistance act 1975
American Indian Policy Review Commission 1975
Native American Religious Freedom act 1978
Indian Child Welfare Act 1978
Reagan Presidency and Philosophy 1981 - 1989, he believe in self-determination through "Native Capitalism"
Lone Wolf v Hitchcock 1903
Society of American Indians 1911
WW1 1917
Indian Citizenship act 1924
Harrison v Laveen 1948
Meriam report 1928
The Leavitt bill 1926
The New Deal 1933
Indian Re-organization Act 1934
WW2 1941
Number of Natives who left homestead during WW2 100,000
Number of Natives who served in WW2 25,000
Number of Natives who moved to urban areas during WW2 75,000
The National Congress of American Indians 1944
The Indians Claims Commission 1946
Number of Indians living in urban areas between 1930 - 1960 Increase 4 fold
Policy of Termination 1953 - 1968
Indian Vocational Training act 1956
Negative impact of policy of termination Natives had worst literacy rate, disease and unemployment and lived in the poorest accommodation
Number of Natives urbanising by 1960 60,000
Percentage of Urban-dwelling Natives classed as poor by 1960 25%
Unemployment rate amongst Natives in 1960 18%
Percentage of Urbanised Natives which ultimately returned to reservations 40%-70%
National Indian Youth Council 1961
Created by: NotOllie
Popular U.S. History sets




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