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Covering the Pre-Colonial and Colonial Eras of American History

Who were the first people to establish that the world was a sphere? The ancient Greeks
Columbus thought the world was 18,000 miles around. What is the real circumference? about 25,000 miles
Where did the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec live? Mexico/Central America
Where did the Inca live? Peru
How did the first peoples reach the Americas according to Historians best guess? Walking across the ice bridge between Russia and Alaska
Who were the first Europeans to reach the Americas? Vikings under Leif Ericson
What is the longest river in North America The Mississippi
What is the largest of the Great Lakes? Lake Superior
What river connects the Great Lakes system to the Ocean? St. Lawrence River
What natural barrier keeps boats from travelling from the ocean to the Great Lakes? Niagara Falls
What mountain chain formed a natural western border for the 13 colonies? Appalachian Mountains
What were the colonies that made up New England? Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut
What colonies were part of the Middle Colonies? Pennsylvania, New York, Delaware, New Jersey
Which were Southern Colonies? Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland
What were the first two English settlements that lasted in the New World Jamestown and Plymouth
What was the primary motivation for settling Jamestown? Economic opportunity
What was the primary motivation for settling Plymouth? Religious Freedom
Where did the following Native American tribes primarily live before the arrival of Europeans: Wampanoag, Iroquois, Cherokee, Apache, Pueblo, Aztec, New England coast, southern shore of Lake Ontario, Tennessee/South Carolina, Texas, Southwest, Mexico
When did Columbus make his first voyage to the Americas? Where did he land? Where did he think he had landed? 1492, the Bahamas, islands off the coast of China
Who conquered the Aztecs? Hernan Cortes
Who conquered the Incas? Francisco Pizarro
What captain's ship was the first to circumnavigate the world? Ferdinand Magellan, Spain, 1519
Who was the second captain to circumnavigate the world? Sir Francis Drake, England, 1580
Who was the first European to reach India by Sea? Vasco de Gama, Portugal, 1497
What explorer and mapmaker explored the coast of South America and has the continents of the New World named after him? Amerigo Vespucci, Spain, 1503
Where was the first Thanksgiving? In Plymouth, between the Puritan "Pilgrims" and the Wampanoag tribe to celebrate a good harvest
Who sunk the Spanish Armada? The English under Sir Frances Drake and then a storm, in 1588
What was the significance of the sinking of the Spanish Armada for the New World? Before the Armada sunk, Spain controlled most of the New World, preventing other countries from settling colonies. Once sunk, countries like England and France were able to plant permanent settlements.
What did the treaty of Tordesillas do? Divided the New World between Spain and Portugal
Who re-started the slave trade in Europe (outlawed in Europe since the 1100s)? Portugal
What was the Enlightenment? intellectual/philosophical movement where reason and logic were seen as the best tools for improving the condition of humanity
Who developed the Social Contract theory of Government where people give up certain freedoms in order to gain certain protections from the government? John Locke
Who developed the 3 branches of government model which is the basis for the U.S. system of government? Baron de Montesquieu
What political movement replaced Catholic king James II of England with his protestant daughter Mary and her dutch husband William of Orange? The Glorious Revolution
What document did parliament require William and Mary to sign in order to become King and Queen of England? The English Bill of Rights, 1689
What was the Great Awakening? A Spiritual revival movement in the colonies that led to renewed interest in the gospel and in the word of God
Who were the primary leaders of the Great Awakening? George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards
Created by: dosselaer
Popular U.S. History sets




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