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New World Encounters

American Origins in Folsom, New Mexico, George McJunkin found bones on his property during a storm. Jesse Figgins visits George's farm and digs up the bones, finding a huge spear point in ribs of an animal. this is proof that humans hunted in this era 7000 years earlier.
Human Movement people moved from Asia to Alaska, following the herd, because they needed them to live. they crossed an ice corridor which had formed due to global warming, however many species had died.
Archaic Phase people are living off vegetables, small game, and fish. they start having permanent settlements, domesticated dogs (protection/hunt assist) and finer stone tools. cultural life developed as the population grew, leading to more free time.
Plant Cultivation CBS! (corn, maize, beans, squash, and chilies) it was started in Mesoamerica by women. an agricultural revolution occurred; which lead to more stability, food, and trade. although less people were dying, conflicts over land began to stir.
Adena Culture this culture has large ornate cities, huge centers for trade, and cultural advances. (mound builders)
Mississippian Culture this culture has urban development, neat mounds, bountiful crops, pyramids, politics, and a big army. trade occurs here. in their city of Cahokia, there are monks mounds and ceremonial areas. however, women are disrespected.
Caddo Culture this culture is known as Taste of Texas. they have mound builders and abundant resources. (deer, fish, crops) people engage in trade and had tattoos that relayed information. (friend or foe?)
Northeastern Woodland this culture has numerous tribes, villages, failed agriculture, ("the three sisters", corn, beans, squash) hunting/fishing due to bad soil, and long houses full of large families. they often trade their resources for food.
Southeastern Tribes this culture consists of descendants of Mississippian Culture. they have weaker chiefs but more power in council. women obtain larger voice and rights; if women stay, then men will be happy, leading to more families and generations. trade is important.
Great Plains this culture relies on hunting, (by foot, no horses) crops, and trade. they have a nomadic lifestyle and live under women's rule; since the tribe has so little, they give women power so that people stay.
Southwestern Culture this culture has lots of limitations. irrigation only gave few crops and they have adobe housing; trade was extremely vital because they traded the red dye from bugs. no one attacked them, but on some days, people disappear mysteriously.
Crusading European interest grew. the crusades caused backwardness to be recognized and the unification of nation states. the Muslims were more technologically advanced; the Europeans felt left out, so they began to make alliances to get resources.
The Reconquista Spain had strength in unity. Ferdinand and Isabella fought against the Muslims and established a mission system, spreading Christianity. resumption and completion of Reconquista happened in 1492; but Portugal did nothing.
Portuguese Exploration supporting maritime exploration, they opened schools and observatories; full of latest technology and cartography, pushing exploration further.
Marco Polo a 24 year journey to Asia and back. they requested money/loans from banks in return for acquisition of riches from Asia. treasures and mystery of orient.
Prince Henry one of his accomplishments was the Songhay Empire established near Gambia river. the Songhay Empire was a huge African empire, with trade centers, education, and most of all; slavery. they would have raids for slavery use. they also had cinnamon and gold.
New Transatlantic World warfare increases along with the popularity of knives and forks. formal alliances are formed, such as the Iroquois Confederacy. Europeans were welcomed at first, because they were trading partners and political allies.
The Colombian Exchange the interactions among American Indians, Europeans, and Africans. new diseases, plants, and domesticated animals were shared all throughout. there is profound change; there were cash crops, economic and environmental alteration, and more people.
New World this type of world gave away turkeys (animals), corn, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, chili peppers, chocolate, tobacco (crops), and syphilis. (disease)
Old World this type of world gave away horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and rats (animals), wheat, oats, rye, barley, rice, sugarcane (crops), smallpox, chickenpox, measles, malaria, tuberculosis, and alcoholism (diseases).
New World of Africa this area of new world has West African Societies, large trade in slaves, and new centralized states. (millions in the interior captured)
New World of America this area of new world has their social, political, and religious aspects change. since the old people die first to diseases, their leaders are dying off while people are losing information.
New World of Europe this area of new world has a century of religious crisis. Martin Luther posts his 58 theses on the Witter-burg Cathedral door. John Calvin also presented his belief that people had been chosen for salvation. King Henry broke with the Catholic Church.
Spain's Explorer a genoese explorer needed a sponsor to explore, and Ferdinand and Isabella support him. but, he had a problem with Ptolemy. he always believed that he had reached Asia. (Portugal; 2/3 the world) Amerigo Vespucci later reveals that the map was wrong.
Aztec Capital Teotihuacan. it was founded around 1325 C.E. in Northern Mexico.
Teotihuacan the Aztec Capital that was located on a swampy island where no one else wanted to live. they slowly built it up and grew crops.
Significance of Teotihuacan it was built on lake Texaco island. it had a system of canals and causeways that supplied hundreds of thousands of people living there.
Location of Teotihuacan allowed the Aztecs to trade easily with other societies in the region. it also provided excellent protection from any attacks.
Created by: emisnce
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