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History Unit 1 Quiz

North Geography Frozen winters; hot humid summer; bays and harbors; rocky soil (farming hard, turned to trade and crafts)
South Geography Mild winters; long, hot, humid summers; swampy coast lines (rice, sugar cane, fishing); inland (tobacco, rice, corn)
North Economy Industrial (big cities, factories, products produced cheapy and quickly)
South Economy Agricultural; make living off land; slavery vital to wealth (western spread of cotton increases need for slaves)
North Transporation Better roads, canals, railroads (fastest transportation)
South Transportation River (Miss.), Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico
North Social Urban; blacks free (not equal); cities next to factories and railroad tracks
South Social Blacks southerners are the small minority free, majority slaves; whites measured wealth with lands/slaves
Economic Causes of War Industrial North vs Agrarian South (free labor vs slave labor); battle over taxes
Tariff Dispute North want fast growing industry against cheap foreign imports; South had almost no industry (wants cheap imports); tariffs looked like north taxing the south
Political Causes of War Representation in Senate; State vs Federal Right
Sectionalism Loyalty to part of a nation, but not the nation as a whole
Anti-Slave Literature (example) Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
First Fugitive Slave Act (1793) Authorized local governments to seize and return escaped slaves to owners
Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 Added further provisions regarding runaways and levied even harsher punishments for interfering in their capture
Missouri Compromise Missouri admitted as slave state; Maine admitted as free state; Divided Louisiana into free/slave territories
Compromise of 1850 New Mexico and Utah slave states; California free state; stricter Fugitive Slave Act; South threatened secession if new Fugitive Slave Act (law not enforced)
Kansas Nebraska Act Created territories of Kansas and Nebraska (new lands for settlement); Repealed Missouri Compromise of 1820 but allowing popular vote to determine if slavery in each territory
Dred Scott Case Dred Scott was slave that moved with master to live in free state Illinois and Wisconsin for 4 years, then returned to Missouri where master died; claimed he should be free for living on free soil for long time
Dred Scott Case Results Justice Roger B Taney declared slaves were not citizens of the US, slaves could not sue in courts
Dred Scott Case Consequences Decision also declared Missouri Compromise unconstitutional (Congress has no authority to prohibit slavery in the territories)
Freeport Doctrine Slavery could be legally barred from territories if legislatures refused to enact the type of police regulations necessary
Who started the raid at Harper's Ferry John Brown
John Brown Northern abolitionist; planed to launch slave revolts throughout south; revolt failed but created fear among southern whites
(Effects of Civil War) Political and Social Changes War ended threats of secession; increased power of federal gov; ended slavery; (1861) establish 1st income tax to pay for war; (1865) 13th amendment
Economic Changes Caused by War National Bank Act of 1863; War helps industry; Gov subsidized the construction of a national railroad system
National Bank Act of 1863 Established federal system of banks; set requirements for loans and called banks to be inspected
War Helps Industry (economic changes) Divided growth of several postwar industries (petroleum, steel, food, processing)
Land/Labor Issues Freedmen wanted land; South needed new labor system; Freedmen's Bureau
Freedmen's Bureau Gov agency that helped (food, clothing) to Freedmen and poor in south; established by O. O. Howard
O. O Howard Established Freedmen's Bureau
President's Plan for Reconstruction Pardons to former confederates who swore loyalty; states required to void secession, abolish slavery, ratify 13th amendment; states could then hold elections and participate in Union
Radical Republican Plan for Reconstruction Wants to prevent leaders of Confederacy from returning to power; wants republican party to become powerful institution in south; help African Americans achieve political equality by getting right to vote
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Granted citizenship and same rights enjoyed by white citizens to all male persons in US without discrimination
14th Amendment Al people born in US are citizens, have same right as citizens; prevented states from depriving any person of life, liberty, property without due process of law
15th Amendment Voting rights for men of all races (required states to allow blacks to vote, states would lose Reps in Congress if didn't)
Black Codes laws aimed at restricting freedoms of blacks and forcing them to work in labor system with little pay
Jim Crow Laws State and local laws enforcing racial segregation in south
Debt Peonage Person's pledge of labor in order to repay debt or other obligation
Nadir Period when racism in the US was worse than any other period after Civil War
Anaconda Plan Plan that called for naval blockade of Southern ports, use of Northern naval power to seize control of Mississippi river and divide confederacy in two
Emancipation Proclamation All slaves in rebellion states would be free
Vicksburg Campaign Campaign by Union forces to take Confederate stronghold of Vicksburg
Result of Vicksburg Campaign Divided confederacy and ensured Union control of Mississippi River
Turning point in the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg
Lincoln Douglas Debates Series of political debates between Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in a campaign for one of Illinois' 2 US Senate seats
Ostend Manifesto Declaration issues from Ostend, Belgium by US ministers to England, France, Spain stating the US would be justified in seizing Cuba if Spain didn't sell it to the US
Ulysses S Grant Commanding general of Union army
Amnesty Official pardon for people who've been convicted of political offenses
Scalawags Southern whites who supported Reconstruction
Carpetbaggers Poor whites who moved to south to take advantage or help freedmen
10% Plan Southern state could be readmitted into Union once 10% of voters swore allegiance to Union
Sharecropping Give share of crops to landowner for use of land
Grandfather Clause Laws that allowed people who could vote at beginning of 1867 and their descendants/relatives to vote without passing a literacy test/paying toll tax
Ways South Kept Blacks from Voting Poll tax, literacy test, grandfather clause
Plessy v Ferguson Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation under "separate but equal" clause
Created by: Mikayla801
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