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Quest of a Hemisp 12

John Marshall Minister sent to France to confront French attacks on American cargo ships. Appointed Chief Justice by President John Adams.
James Monroe Negotiated with Napoleon for purchase of Louisiana Territory; 5th President of the Unites States.
Henry Clay In Congress, led the frontier faction called the "War Hawks"; advocated the recognition of the independence of the Spanish American colonies while still in a state of revolution.
Federalists Believed in a strong central government making any laws necessary to "benefit the people". Originally those who depended on manufacturing and commerce for a living.
Democratic-Republicans Stood for states' rights." Independent"; Originally southern planters, small farmers, and "westerners".
Why did Thomas Jefferson purchase Louisianna from France/Napoleon ? To assure passage on the Mississippi to ports in New Orleans; To prevent Napoleon from owning land in N. America: To prevent war with France and Spain.
Sacajawea Daughter of a Shoshone chief who guided Lewis and Clark to the Pacific Ocean
Jean Lafitte Pirate; slave trader in Louisiana Territory
Results of Lewis and Clark Expedition Strengthened claim on Oregon territory where British were establishing fur trading posts; Knowledge of great natural resources beyond the Mississippi
Embargo Act Forbid American vessels to sail for foreign counties; Almost put an end to trade
Alien and Sedition Acts Purpose was to control efforts to stir up ill feelings toward the government in power: Intended to prohibit the publication of untrue charges; Seen as a limitation of freedom of press and speech.
Tecumseh Shawnee chief who organized a confederacy of Indian tribes to halt settlers from occupying their lands
Andrew Jackson Indian fighter from Nashville, Tn; 7th President of the United States
Causes of War of 1812 *Impressment of American sailors. *Continual harassment of American commerce by British warships. *Attacks by Native-Americans on American frontiers believed to be instigated by British troops in Canada.
Results of War of 1812 *Helped US to become an industrial nation *US won freedom of the seas *Great Britain and US have been peaceful allies ever since
The Monroe Doctrine a foreign policy statement set forth in 1823 which created separate spheres of European and American influence. The United States promised to stay out of European business and told the Europeans to stay out of the Western Hemisphere’s business.
Purpose of the Monroe Doctrine to proclaim that the American continents were to no longer be considered for colonization by European
World wide trouble spots in 1789 *Revolutionary ideas spread in Spanish colonies * King Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette forced to grant people a share in government * Plantations in Saint Domingue, West Indies ,were plundered and burned by Negro slaves
Napoleon Bonaparte French military and political leader who rose to prominence during the French Revolution in 1789 who began Emperor in 1804.
Created by: cindywells
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