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Quest of a Hemp 9

Green Mountain Boys patriot militia in the American Revolution which began in Vermont to defend the property rights of local residents
Bon Homme Richard With this ship John Paul Jones' engaged the British frigate Serapis, conveying merchantmen loaded with naval stores. Despite the fact that his ship was sinking , Jones outlasted his adversary and forced a surrender.
Treaty of Amity and Commerce 1778, established formal diplomatic and commercial relations between the United States and France during the American Revolutionary War.
Tories Loyalists, political conservatives supporting the monarchy, King George III
Whigs Their key principles were to defend the people against tyranny and to advance human progress.
letters of marque authorized a private person, known as a privateer or corsair, to attack and capture vessels of a nation at war with the issuer
citadel A stronghold or fortified place; A fortress.
usurpation A wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or privilege belonging to another
prudence the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason
insurrection a violent uprising against an authority
Battle of Lexington April 1775, Began the Revolutionary War. British marched to Concord to seize arms. The colonists intercepted the British and caused them to retreat.
Battle of Bunker Hill also called Battle of Breed's Hill, (June 17, 1775) First major battle of the American Revolution. Despite losing , the battle convinced the inexperienced Americans that dedication could overcome British military might.
Valley Forge Site of winter encampment for patriots under George Washington, 1777-78. First large scale construction of living quarters. Supply issues and disease caused the death of approximately 2,000 of the troops.
Battle of Trenton Washington crossed the icy Delaware on 12/25/1776 to attack Hessian forces here. Caught off guard, most of the Hessians surrendered. This victory boosted morale and attracted new recruits for the Patriots.
Battle of Saratoga October 1777, This American victory helped persuade the French to recognize American Independence and to promote military support.
Battle of Yorktown October 1781, Last major battle of Revolutionary War. Cornwallis surrendered to George Washington. This cemented Washington's reputation as a great leader and eventually his election as 1st president of the United States.
What made the American attack on Quebec a dismal failure? Storms, swamps, freezing weather, sickness, and desertions
Declaration of Independence states that King George... *"interfered with the God-given human rights of man" * "Kicked out" legislative bodies that disagreed with him * Assigned many British leaders to harass the colonists into submission
privateers private vessels, armed and governmentally licensed, with"Letters of Marque."
How did privateers help the war effort? They were extremely effective in capturing British merchant ships, cutting off British supplies and raising insurance rates for shipping. The captains won a share of the value of the captured cargo, the rest went to support the war effort.
What foreign aide was received by the Americans during the Revolutionary War? * Spain gave $70,000 worth of goods and supplies in 1777. * France & Marquis de Lafayette, acquired French aid for the colonists. *Prussia & Fri Von Steuben aided Washington at Valley Forge with clothes, food, and other supplies.
Created by: cindywells
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