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100 Americans

Top 100 Significant Americans

Abraham Lincoln President of the US during the American Civil War. Issued the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves. Assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, a southern sympathizer
George Washington Commander of the Continental Army during the Am Revolution. First President of the United States.
Thomas Jefferson Author the the Declaration of Independence, third President of the US; negotiated the Louisiana Purchase.
Franklin D Roosevelt President during the Great Depression and WWII; Famous for New Deal recovery program. Expanded the role of government after Dec. 7, 1941; "day which will live in infamy"
George Bush Jr President of US who took US to war in Afghanistan and Iraq after the 9/11 attack.
Benjamin Franklin Discovers electricity in kite experiment. Most famous statesman. Printed on $100bill
Anthony Fauci Chief medical advisor leading the US during the COVID crisis.
Martin Luther King Leader of] the Civil Rights Movement; preached nonviolent approach and demanded equal rights for African Americans
Thomas Edison Invented the lightbulb and numerous other inventions.
Woodrow Wilson President who set the stage for the US to become involved in the affairs of other nations.
John D Rockefeller Business tycoon, owned Standard Oil Company and 90% of the industry.
Ulysses S Grant Northern General in Civil War who became US President. Work to protect African Americans during Reconstruction.
Harriet Tubman Escaped slave to created a network of of antislavery activists and safe houses; Underground Railroad.
Henry Ford Founder of Ford Motor Company, innovated the auto industry with the assembly line; invented Model T car with an affordable price.
Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt President known for being a trustbuster and an environmental conservationist; established the National Park System. Big-stick policy. Built Panama Canal
Mark Twain Great American author whose novels influenced many. Authored Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn with rich humor and colloquial speech
Steven Spielberg American film director and producer. Famous works include Jaws, ET, Indiana Jones, Schindler's List and many more.
Andrew Jackson Common man military general President who was directly responsible for Indian Removal Act. Fought against arrogant aristocracy
Thomas Paine The defining voice encouraging America to fight for independence. Penned a pamphlet Common Sense.
Andrew Carnegie First self-made American tycoon in steel industry. He was major patron for libraries and learning across the United States.
Harry S Truman As President he ended segregation in the military, proposed a Fair Deal, employment protection bill. Dropped atomic bombs ending WWII with Japan. Convinced Congress to aid countries resisting Communism.
Steven King American author of horror and supernatural fiction and crime stories.
Orville and Wilbur Wright Changed modern transportation forever when they invented flight with the Kitty Hawk airplane.
Alexander Graham Bell Inventor of telephone communication device changing the manner humans communicate from distance.
Dolly Parton Country western musical artist who dedicates herself to literacy through books for children. At her core is a humanitarian with steadfast morals and values.
Walt Disney Founder and influencer of Disney Kingdoms and major media corporation. Undisputed leader of children's dreams for generations. Creator of Mickey Mouse.
Eli Whitney Inventor of the cotton gin which encouraged the continuation and growth of slavery.
Mark Zuckerberg Founder of Facebook. Face of social media.
Cesar Chavez Fought discrimination against migrant workers and Hispanics; Founded the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee Union
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Leader of woman's suffrage movement; fought tirelessly for female rights and to reform traditional gender roles.
Rosa Parks African American civil rights activist; refused to give up her seat on city bus to a white man. Led a boycott.
Albert Einstein Game-changer scientific work in physics. German immigrant whose works earned him the Nobel Peace Prize. Atomic energy thoughts encouraged the nuclear age.
WEB Du Bois Devoted his life to addressing the problem of racism. Black protest leader who helped found NAACP.
Jonas Salk Responsible for ridding society of one of history's most debilitating plagues by founding the polio vaccine.
Jackie Robinson Baseball player, brought an end to racial segregation in Major League Baseball.
William Jennings Bryan 3x Presidential candidate who was a dominate force who claimed to lead the common people. Great orator who wanted focus on working middle class America
JP Morgan Investment banker who was a driving force during industrialization and the Guiled Age. Transformed Wall Street and known as greatest American banker.
Susan B Anthony Very active social reformer for women and freed slaves. Suffragist and supported prohibition. Founded Women Suffrage Association.
Al Gore American politician and environmentalist who served as Vice President and a candidate for President. Devoted to solving the climate crisis.
Tom Hanks Actor who is noted for working dramatic roles that retells American history through film. Movies include Forest Gump, Saving Private Ryan.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Her book Uncle Tom's Cabin sparked inspiration for a generation of abolitionist that will encourage the Civil War and freeing slaves.
Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady and appointed delegate to the United Nations; advocate for human rights.
Tupac Shakur Influential American rapper noted for addressing social issues that plagued inner cities; a symbol of activism.
Lyndon B Johnson Texan who became President after assassination of Kennedy; developed Great Society to address health care, civil rights, and urban decay.
Samuel FB Morse Responsible for inventing Morse Code allowing communication across great distance.
Harvey Milk Political activist for gay rights. Discharged from navy for sexual acts with men. Openly gay man elected to public office. Brash, outspoken and animated earning media attention.
Ronald Reagan Conservative President in the 1980s, grew the US economy. Influenced the end of the Cold War and advocated for a strong military to deter the world, anti-abortion and pro-prayer
Robert Oppenheimer Father of the Manhattan Project and the development of the Atomic bomb. Scientist who ushered in the nuclear age.
Maya Angelou Popular African American poet and civil rights activist. Awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Confronted and challenged racism any time she saw injustice.
James K Polk One-term President responsible for adding California, Texas and Am. southwest as permanent parts of our nation following the Mexican War.
Margaret Sanger Nurse who worked to open the door to sexual freedom by championing women's right to birth control.
Upton Sinclair Author of THE JUNGLE which exposed the conditions in the US meat packing industry. Encouraged investigative journalism.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Supreme Court judge introduced the concept of "clear and present danger" as the only basis for limiting the first amendment, freedom of speech.
Bill Gates Developed a small software business in his garage that eventually became Microsoft. Philanthropist for education and health
Nikola Tesla Inventor and electrical engineer, mechanical engineer , physicist and futurist best known for his creation of current electricity supply.
Horace Mann Father of American public education as we know it.
Robert E Lee General of the Confederate forces in the Civil War. Admired American who fought with Virginia not in response to the underlying issue of slavery.
Malcolm X African American leader and figure in the Nation of Islam. Articulated concepts of race pride and black nationalism; often supported violence as a means to force change. Opposed integration.
Marilyn Monroe Actress and model and style icon, sex symbol of 1960s and the sexual revolution.
John F Kennedy President during the 1960's Navigated the US through hostilities with the USSR; assassinated in 1963
Samuel Gompers Founder of the American Federation of Labor and the age of Unions. Focus on the rights and dignity of workers against corrupt industrial bosses.
Helen Keller A blind and deaf woman who championed disability rights. Her teacher Anne Sullivan taught Keller to read and write leading to advocacy.
George Marshall Namesake of the Marshall Plan who rebuilt Europe after WWII with the intention of promoting democracy and stopping the spread of Communism.
Jane Addams Influence in America's social work. Founder of the Hull House, a settlement house supporting single-working women and a safe haven for immigrants to find community.
Henry David Thoreau The "find yourself" author or writing such as Walden. Reflection of simple living and natural surroundings.
Elvis Presley Great musical influence on what is known as rock-and roll. Icon of youth joining the musical tunes of be-bop and jazz/blues.
PT Barnum Inventor of the circus. Changed the face of American entertainment forever thanks to his penchant for spectacle and propaganda. Used "freaks" for monetary gain.
James D Watson Co-discoverer of DNA double helix and revolutionized modern medicine.
Elon Musk Business magnate and investor who founded SpaceX and CEO product architect of Tesla.
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Led the expedition west to map and report about the land bought from France and the Louisiana Purchase.
Noah Webster Organized the dictionary defining the American English language.
Sam Walton The man behind the corporate giant Walmart. Starting as owner of local general store and expanding into the giant block-store of goods.
Cyrus McCormick The brains behind the mechanical reaper, an invention that made industrial agriculture possible.
Amelia Earhart Kansas native who was a famous naviator. First to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Lost trying to follow equator around the world.
Babe Ruth Celebrated baseball athlete known as "The Great Bambino". First celebrity athlete.
Frank Lloyd Wright American architect with a creative and modern interpretation of design.
Betty Friedan Advocate for the American housewife and made society think about established gender roles.
John Brown Violent abolitionist who led a raid outside Lawrence, KS and again at Harper's Ferry hoping to start a slave uprising.
Louis Armstrong Black musician who became influential in the jazz movement.
William Randolph Hearst Credited with yellow journalism, sensational and crude exaggeration. Led to Spanish American War.
Margaret Mead Advocate for women's rights, sexual freedom of 1960s revolution and writings about children learning and watching parents.
George Gallup Inventor of the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method to survey public opinion and encouraging change.
Michael Jordan Professional basketball player who became American icon. Many believe the greatest basketball player of all time. Six National NBA Championships.
William F Cody - Buffalo Bill American icon that brought cowboys, Indians, settlers and sharpshooters to the world through traveling entertainment.
Ernest Hemingway American author and journalist with unique style. Adventurer who won notable prizes. Enjoyed portraying soldiers, hunters and people whose courage and honest are set against modern society.
Oprah Winfrey Producer and host of award winning talk show that addressed and advocated for social issues; philanthropist
Steve Jobs Entrepreneur, industrial designer and media proprietor of the Apple corporation.
Norman Rockwell American painter and illustrator with broad popular appeal for paintings portraying America and rural humor and daily life.
John Philip Sousa American composer and conductor of America's most famous military marches and 20th c. band music.
John Marshall Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court and established the principal of judicial review.
John Wayne Actor, nicknamed The Duke who became popular by starring in western and military macho roles.
George Eastman The brilliant mind responsible for Kodak cameras and film and its profound influence on the way we take photos.
Sitting Bull Native leader to led his people during year of resistance against US Government policy of taking native lands and forcing tribes on to reservations and reform schools.
Donald Trump Former President who started a "Make America Great Again" conservative movement.
Al Capone 1920s Chicago mob-boss. Criminal organization that made great wealth boot-legging, gambling, prostitution, and weapons.
Booker T Washington Tireless worker to help Black Americans rise up against slavery by focusing on self-help. Dominant leader in African-American elite.
Richard Nixon Scandalous President that led the nation during the chaos of the Vietnam War. Only President to resign from office after an investigation to his role in the Watergate break-in.
Neil Armstrong NASA Astronaut who is the first man on the moon.
Billy Graham Powerful, evangelical preacher; conducted many religious crusades and counseled many US Presidents
Michael Jackson American singer, songwriter, and dancer; King of Pop. One of the most significant cultural figures in history contributing to music, dance and fashion.
Frank Sinatra One of the most popular entertainers and musical artists. Italian immigrant who was a founding member of the Rat Pack. Career gave him the notoriety of lady's man, friend of gangsters, an actor and general 'cool' guy.
Jospeh McCarthy Senator whom the term "McCarthyism" is named; the far of Communism increased and he accused innocent Americans of treason.
Barak Obama First African American President. Democratic President who attempted to overhaul the Medical system.
Douglas MacArthur Commander of the US Army in the Pacific in WWII
Dwight Eisenhower 34th President who served as commander in WWII, led D-Day; created the interstate highway system. From Abilene, KS
John J Pershing Commander of Am Expeditionary Force in WWI. His troops were instrumental in defeating Germany
Created by: mead.laura
Popular U.S. History sets




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