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18 Heritage Studies5

Leaders of the Free World

George H. W. Bush congressman, an ambassador, a Republican leader, and a vice president before being elected the US president in 1988
Americans with Disabilities Act passed by Congress in 1990 and put various measures in place for helping disabled people
Clean Air Act Congress pass this in 1990 in an attempt to decrease pollution from acid rain and motor vehicles
Manuel Noriega corrupt leader in Panama who surrendered to American forces
Boris Yeltsin leader in the USSR who opposed the Communist coup
Saddam Hussein dictator in Iraq
Tiananmen Square where Chinese protestors killed in the city of Beijing
Oil Pollution Act passed by Congress in 1990 in regard to the Exxon Valdez oil spill
Operation Desert Storm name of the short war in the Persian Gulf in the 1990s where the US and other nations freed Kuwait from Iraqi control
NAFTA agreement in the 1990s allowed trade to take place openly between the United States, Canada, and Mexico
Bill Clinton defeated George H. W. Bush and Ross Perot in a presidential election
Newt Gingrich Republican leader who fought Clinton’s ideas and called for a “Contract with America”
Mexico country that Clinton loan twenty billion dollars to in order to keep the country stable
oil drilling Clinton tried to prevent this in order to protect the environment
domestic act of terrorism occurred in Atlanta American terrorist set off a bomb during the Olympic Games
the USS Cole American ship was attacked by international terrorists in Yemen
the World Trade Center complex of tall office buildings in New York City that was targeted by terrorists in 1993
Northern Ireland where Clinton help settle the conflict between the Loyalists and the Nationalists
technology in the 1990s the introduction of cell phones, more easily used worldwide web, explosion of cable television
international trade during Clinton’s presidency Congress passed the North American Free Trade Agreement, Clinton signed a bill normalizing trade with China, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade became the World Trade Organization
What was the economy and crime like during the 1990s? low unemployment and a growing economy; a decrease in crime
What troubles did Clinton face during his second term? donations by the Chinese Embassy supporting Clinton, Clinton lying under oath about an affair, an impeachment trial
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