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14 Heritage Studies5

The Second World War

atoll ring-shaped coral island or a string of coral islands
atomic bomb bomb made by splitting atoms, causing great destruction
embargo government order that bans all or some trade with another country
island hopping military strategy used in World War II in an effort to move closer to Japan’s main islands
ration booklet book containing tickets for purchasing certain amounts of rationed goods during wartime
Hirohito emperor of Japan
Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist Party in China
Mao Zedong leader of the Communists in China
Dwight Eisenhower leader of the Allied forces in Western Europe
Chester Nimitz commanded the American forces at Midway
Douglas MacArthur led a campaign to free the Philippines and advance on Japan
Winston Churchill prime minister of Britain
Germany country’s aggressive actions pushed the world toward war in the 1930s
Neutrality Acts Congress tried to keep Americans out of the war by passing several bills
George Patton commanded American progress in North Africa, and then continued the fight in Sicily and freed the island
State why the United States declared war on Japan Japan attacked the United States’ naval base at Pearl Harbor. Japan also attacked Thailand, the British colony of Malaya, and the Philippines. After the attack Japan officially declared war on the United States
Holocaust killing of many Jews and others by the Nazis during World War II
Before World War II most European countries were democracies
World War II ended in the Pacific when the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki
Axis Powers Germany, Italy, and Japan
British and the Americans defeated the German army in North Africa
Truman president of the United States when the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan
Explain how Americans at home supported the war. Americans limited the use of foods and other items by rationing them so that the government could send these goods to soldiers and other Allied nations. People bought saving bonds to help the government raise money to fight the war. Women and older men worked in factories to do the jobs of millions of men who were serving in the military. Hollywood produced movies that focused on the war.
What did the United States need to do to get ready after it declared war? grow its military and prepare war materials
What did Roosevelt want Americans to focus on first in the war in Europe? defeating Hitler
Created by: dsaffcls
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