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13 Heritage Studies5

Rulers with Iron Fists

Adolf Hitler joined the German Workers’ Party, called his private army the Storm Troopers, sent the Gestapo to find enemies of the government, became the dictator of Germany
Joseph Stalin became the dictator of the Soviet Union, chose a name that meant “man of steel”, read revolutionary books that were forbidden by the seminary he attended
censored material Stalin did this when he examined material for the purpose of removing content or ideas that he did not approve of
Communism system in which the government owns all the businesses and property and makes decisions for its people
Benito Mussolini chose the title of Il Duce, leader of the Fascists in Italy
Black Shirts used by Mussolini to lead in squelching any uprising or opposition
Hirohito emperor of Japan
Fascist a dictatorship in which the government controls the economy, keeps opposition in check through terror and censorship, and has a policy of nationalism
atheist a person who does not believe in God, why Stalin restricted religion
collective farm large government-owned farm formed by combining individual smaller farms
writers, artists, and musicians were censored in the Soviet Union so their work supported Stalin’s ideas
concentration camps where Hitler sent enemies of the government and people were kept as prisoners and forced to do heavy labor
Nuremberg Laws laws Hitler passed that took away Jews’ freedoms
Showa title for the emperor of Japan “enlightened peace”
Nazi Party boycotted Jewish shops and other businesses
yellow star of David every Jew required to wear
Explain how nationalism can be unbiblical Nationalism is unbiblical when people of a nation hate the people of another nation or tell lies about them. It is also unbiblical for people to think themselves better than other people who also bear God’s image.
What does the Bible teach concerning the Communist belief that people are morally good? All people are sinners. Sinners must have their hearts changed by God to become good.
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